Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 1.djvu/201

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TITLE xm.—THE J UDICIARY. —C1~1. 11. 129 Sec. 692. An appeal shall be allowed to the Supreme Court from all Am>¢¤|¤ i¤_¢q¤i— tinal decrees of any circuit court, or of any district court acting as a cir-  ;“‘l “dm“`“l*Y cuit court, in cases of equity, and of admiralty and maritime jurisdiction, _ _Q where the matter in dispute, exclusive of costs, exceeds the sum or value 3 Mar., 1803, c. of two thousand dollars, and the Supreme Court is required to receive, 40 ¤-2. V-2.1>·244· hear, and determine such appeals. ,,§°éI‘;‘§°¤‘}8P;- 1II ‘ 310. 16 Feb., 1875, c. 77, s. 3, 1-. 18, p. 316. 1 Mar., 1875, 1-. 114, :1. 5, 1-. 18, p. 337.- U. S. 1-. Brig Union, 4 Cr., 216; The San Pedro, 2 Wh., 132; Conn a-. Penn., 5 Wh., 424; Gordon 1-. Ogden, 3 Pet., 33; Oliver 1-. Alexander, 6 Pet., 143; U. S. 1-. Nourse, 6 Pet., 470; Bank of Alexandria 1-. Hooff, 7 Pet., 168; Owings v. Kinkannon, 7 Pet., 399; U. S. r. Eighty-four Boxes of Sugar, 7 Pet., 453; Stratton 11. Jarvis, 8 Pet., 4; Lee 1:. Lee, 8 Pet., 44; Jackson 1-. Ashton, 8 et., 148; Bank of United States v. Daniel, 12 Pet., 32; Lea 1-. Kelly, 15 Pet., 213; Youngv. Smith, 15 Pet., 287; Parish 1-. Ellis, 16 Pet., 451; Fofday 1-. Conrad, 6 How., 201; erkins 1-. Foumiquet, 6 How., 206; Bayard 11. Lomba , 9 How., 530; Gruner 1-. U. S., 11 How., 163; Spear 1-. Place, 11 How., 522; Southard 1-. Russel, 12 How., 139; Rich 1-. Lambert, 12 l-low., 347; Perkins 1-. Fourniquet, 14 How., 328; Stafford 1-. Union Bank Louisiana, 16 How., 135; Adams 1-. Law, 16 How., 144; Shields 1-. Thomas, 17 How., 3; Udall 1-. Steamship Ohio, 17 How., 17; Verden 1:. Coleman 18 How., 86; Craighead 1-. Wilson, 18 How., 199; Hudgins v. Kemp., 18 How., 530; Beebe 1-. Russel, 19 How., 283; Farrelly 1-. Woodfolk, 19 How., 288; Brown 11. Shannon, 20 How., 58; Mcliiickin 1-. Perin, 20 How., 133; Richmond 1-. Milwaukee, 21 How., 80; Vallance 1:. Forsyth, 21 How., 389; Richmond 1-. Milwaukee, 21 How., 391; U. S. 1-. Fomatt, 21 How., 450; Rogers 1-. Law., 21 How., 526; Nelson 1;. Leland, 22 How., 46; Day 1-. Washburn, 23 How., 309; Clifton 1-. Sheldon, 23 How., 481; Gridley 1-. Westbrook, 23 How., 503; Sampson 1-. Welsh, 24 How., 207; Wabash and Erie Canal 1-. Beers, 1 Bl., 54; Pratt 1-. F itzhugh, 1 Bl., 271; Ship Marcellus, 1 Bl., 414; Cleveland 11. Chamberlain, 1 B1., 419; U. S. 1-. Knight’s Administrator, 1 Bl., 488; Mississippi and Missouri R. R. 1-. 1Vard, 2 Bl., 485; Callan 1-. Mav, 2 Bl., 541; Sturgis 1-. Clough, 1 Wall., 269; Malarin 1-. U. S., 1 Wall., 282; Blossom 1-. 'Railroad Company, 1 Wall.,655; U.S. 1-. Gomez, 1 Wall., 690; Humiston 1-. Stainthorp, 2 Wall., 106; Railroad Company 1-. Soutter, 2 \Vall., 440, 510; Newell 1:. Norton and Ship, 3 Wall., 267; Barrel 1-. Transportation Company, 3 Wall., 424; The Douro, 3 \Vall., 564; Merryam 1-. Haas, 3 Wall.,687; U. S. 1-. Gomez, 3 Wall., 752; Sear-er1-. Bigelows, 5 Wall., 208; Rubber Company 1-. Goodyear-,6 Wall., 153; The Grace Girdler, 6 Wall., 441; Edmonson 1-. Bloomsbire, 7 Vall., 306; Thompson v. Dean, 7 Wall., 342; The Baltimore, 7 Wall., 382; Sheets 1-. Selden, 7 Wall., 416; Ex partc McCardle, 7 Wall., 506; Railroad Company 1-. Bradleys, Wall., 575; Washington County 1-. Durant, 7 Wall., 694; The Lucy, 8 Wall., 307; Morris’s Cotton, 8 Wall., 507; Latham’s Appeal,9 Wall., 145; Steamboat Burns, 9 Wall., 237; Hoe 1-. Wilson, 9 Wall., 501; The Nonesuch, 9 Wall., 504; Herndon 1-. Howard, 9Wall., 664; Ma.-sterson v. Herndon, 10 Wall., 416; Morgan 1-. Thornhill, 11 Wall., 65; The Protector, 11 Wall., 82; French 1-. Shoemaker, 12 Wall., 86; Bigler 1-. Waller, 12 Wall., 142; Germain 1-. Mason, 2 \Vall., 259; Knox 1-. Exchange Bank, 12 Wall., 379; Hall 1-. Allen, 12 \Vall., 352; Mead 1-. Thompson, 15 Wall., 635; Merrill 1-. Petit, 16 Wall., 344; Marin 1-. Lalley, 17 \Vall., 14; Ex parte Warmoutb, 17 Wall., 64; Rodd 1:. Heartt, 17 Wall., 354; Moore 1-. Robbins, 18 Wall., 589; Saint Clair County 1-. Lovingston, 18 \Vall., 628; Terry 1-. Hatch, 93 U. S., 44; Hinckley 1-. Gillman et al., 94 U. S., 467; Supervisors 1-. Kennicott, 94 U. S., 498; Butcher Association 1-. Slaughter-house Company, 1 Woods., 50. Sec. 693. Any final judgment 01- decree, in any civil suit or proceed- _ Review-0idecising before a circuit court which was held, at the time, by_a circuit justipe and a circuit judge or a district judge, or by the circuit judge and a dis- ,,,,,,0,, of 0p,n,0,,_ trict judge, wherein the said judges certify as provided by law, that their .._~>_. opinions were opposed upon any céuestion which occurred on the trial or 1 June, 1872, c. hearing of the said suit or procee ing, may be reviewed and aihi-med or 25gés-},f·l{8§j;g96· reversed or modilied by the Supreme Court, on writ of error or appeal, .,7 [_ ,:,*-7, ,,,5- °- according to the nature of the case, and subject to the provisions of law ’' ` ap licable to other writs of error or appeals in regard to bail and supersed)eas. [Sw S 652-1 _ _ _ S1-;c. 694. Nothing in the act of March three, eighteen hundred and Cases pendmgm seventy-three, relating to the circuit and district courts for the middle sdf5g0E;; and northern districts of Alabama, Shall aifect the jurisdiction of the m,,,.,,",, d,S,m,,s Supreme Court to hear and determine any cause or proceeding Ipending 0; Ajabama_ in said court at the date of said act on Writ of error or appeal trom the °"3"Mg,;, ‘]873’ c_ district courts of either of said distn-1cts. _ 223,s.3,v.17,p. 41:5. Sec. 695. An appeal shall be allowed to the Supreme Court from all Appeals in pnze final decrees of any district court in prize causes, where the matter in 9’AE"?-_ 1 _ -- dis ute, exclusive of costs, exceeds the sum or value of two thousand 17:0 g*9§*’»J8{’,i*·;· dollars; and shall be allowed, without I‘efG-Pence to the value of the mat- 310f’’ ' ter in dis utc, on the certificate of the district judge that the adjudica- :2Mar.,1803,c.40, tion invoiires a question of general importance. And the Supreme Court ¤jg;jIfLp;§g4;_