Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 1.djvu/856

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784 Trrn: xLvu.—F()REIGN RELATIONS. 9 30;§priL1790, c. prince or state, authorized and received as such by the President, or any- ·S· ~°· ‘· I- P- 1l7· omestic or domestic servant of any such minister, is arrested or iinpris. _?. I C b oned, or his goods or chattels are distrained, seized, or attached, such I writ or process sl1all be deemed V01d. [See S 687-] U. S. n. Benner, Bald., 234; U. S. v. Lafoutaine, 4 Cr. C. C., 173. Peuullyforsuing Sec. 4064. Whenever any writ or process is sued out in violation of the

"fm:_‘§“*‘“€ preceding section, every person by whom the same is obtained or prose-

1 . -.-. . _ . . U.-- cuted, whether as party or as attorney or solicitor, and every officer con- Il>¤<l·- S- 26- cergiedi in esipcuting] it, sinpll be deemed a violator of the laws of nations, an a istur er of the pu J ic repose, and shall be imprisoned for not more “ h than three y·erf1;, and fined gt the discretion of the court. ' en 1>F¤¤¢¤¤ Jac. 4065. e two prece ing sections shall not apply to any case where fg;gm:’;’m;S?n‘;‘ig the person against whom the process is issued is a citizen or inhabitant service of mini, of the United States, in the service of a public minister, and the process ters. IS founded upon a debt contracted before he entered u on such service; ‘ii;{d;`*_, S_ 2y_ ncilr shaiilthe preceding sectign app(l1y to any case where the person against w om » e process IS issue is a omestic servant of a public minister unless the_name of the servant has, before the issuing thereof, heed rggptered in pie Depsilrtfnent plf State, and transmitted by the Secretary o `tate to the mars a of the District of Columbia. who shall u on _ receipt thereof post the same in some public place in his office. P l_ Public access tg _ Sec. 4066. A l persons shall have resort to the list of names so posted ':?ni;:€r;1‘;;"r$“mt‘;- in the marshal’s office, and may take copies without fee. Wlbid. Rerpovalofalicn Sec. 4067. Whenever there is a declared war between the United igiimjii- M_____ States and any foreign nation or government, or any invasion or reda- 6 July, 1798, c. tory incursion is per etrated, attempted, or threatened against the ter- 6_@_¤·L V- l»P·577- ritogy of the Unite States, by any foreign nation or government, and Brown.-, U_S_,8 the resident makes public proclamation of the event, all natives, citi- 0r.,110;Passenger zens, denizens, or subjects 0 the hostile nation or government, being €':)”g“&g£I°:6·31i9 maies of the age of fourteen years and upward, who shall be within the Smith, Pg C_ CJ lUn1§;dl States, ang not actgallydnaturalized, shall be liable to be appre- 466, en restraine , secure an removed as alien enemies. The resident is authorized, in any,such event, by his proclamation thereof, or other (public act, to direct the conduct to be observed, on the part of the Unite States, toward the aliens who become so liable; the manner and degree of the restraint to which_they shall be subject, and in what cases, _ an upon what security their residence shall he permitted, and to provide for_tne removal of those who, not being perm1tted to reside within the United States, reiuse or neglect to depart therefrom; and to establish gnytcgther Iipgulgions which are found necessary in the premises and or e pu IC sa ety. jiiueiorremoval. Sec. 4068. Vthen an alien who becomes liable as an enemy, in the Ibid_ manner prescribed in the preceding section, is_not chargeable with 133 Jugy, 1%;%,q, apltualdhcgstilgy, or other grime ggainst the public safetv, he shall he iv- i P- - a owe or e recoverv, isposa and removal of his ods and effects. and £orhist:epa_rtm·e, thje fu l time ywhich is or shall hg stipulated by any rea v en in orce etween the lnited States and the hostile nation or government of which he is a native citizen, denizen, or subject; and where no such treaty exists, or is in force. the President may ascertain anid éieclaige such Seasonabllsi time as may he consistent with the public sa e y, an accor ing to the ictates of humanity and national ospitality. Jurisdiction of Sec. 4069. After any such proclamation has been made, the several g)3;€s€°Lv;*;£;s courts of the United States, having criminal jurisdiction, and the several enemies_ jugicgzs bjudlges gif she courts of the United States, are authorized.

i an 1 s a c icir u y, upon comp aint against any alien enemv resimrg‘:€ ·1} sgié`; dentand at large within such jurisdiction orzdistrict, to the dangeriof the

public peace or safety, and contrary to the tenor or intent of such p1‘o<·· amation, or other regulations which the President may have established, to cause such alien to be duly apprehended and conveyed before