Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 1.djvu/928

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856 Trrmu L11.~REGULATION OF STEAM-VESSELS.-—Un. 1. exercise the functions of the office of either inspector, he shall bedeemed guilty of a misdemeanor, punishable by a fine of five hundred dollars, and shall be dismissed from office. Insp ecti on of Sec. 4417. The local ins ectors shall, once in even? year, at least, upon h¤ll¤ application in writing of the master or owner, care u ly inspect the ull Ibid,,s.11,p,443_ of each steam—vessel within their respectiye districts,_and shall satisfy themselves that every such vessel so submitted to their mspection is of a structure suitable for the service in which she is to be employed. has suitable accommodations for passengers and the crew, and is in a condition to warrant the belief that s e may be used in navigation as a steamer, with safety to life, and that all the requirements of law in regard to fires, boats, pumps, hose, life-preservers, iloats, anchors, cables, and other thin s, are faithfully complied with; and if they deem it expedient, they may {direct the vessel to be put in motion, and may adopt any other suitable means to test her sudiiiciency and that of her equipment. I¤¤P¤¤¥i¤¤ of Sec. 4+18. The local inspectors shall also inspect the boilers of all l’°‘l°"· steam-vessels before the same shall be used, and once at least in every Ibid. year thereafter. They shall subject all boilers to the hydrostatic pressure; and shall satisfy themselves by thorough examination that the boilers are well made, of good and suitable material; that the openings for the ssage of water and steam, respectively, and all pipes and tubes exposedplto heat, are of proper dimensions and free from obstruction; that the spaces between and around the flues are sufficient; that the flues are circular in form; that the fire-line of the furnace is at least two inches below the prescribed minimum water-line of the boilers; that the arrangement for delivering the feed-water is such that the boilers cannot he injured thereby; and that such boilers and machinery, and the appurtenances, may be safely employed in the service proposed in the written application, without peril to life. They shall a so satisfy themselves that the safety-valves are of suitable dimensions, sufficient in number, and well arranged; and that the weights of the safety-valves are properly adjusted, so as to allow no greater pressure in the boilers than the amount prescribed by the inspection certificate; that there is a sufficient number of gauge-cocks properly inserted, and, to indicate the pressure of steam, suitable steam-registers that will correctly record each excess of steam carried above the prescribed limit and the highest point attained; and that there are reliable low—water gauges; and that the fusiblc metals are properly inserted so as to fuse by the heat of the furnace, whenever the water in the boilers falls below its prescribed limits: and that adequate and certain revision is made for an ample supply of water to feed the boilers at all) times, whether such vessel is in motion or not, so that in high-pressure boilers the water shall not be less than four inches above the top of the fines; and that means for blowing out are provided, so as to thoroughly remove the mud and sediment from all parts of the boilers, when they are under ressure of steam. ln subjpcting to the hydrostatic tests boilers usually designated and known as igh-pressure boilers, the inspectors shall assume one hundred and ten poum s to the square inch, as the maximum iressnre allowable as a working-power for a new boiler of forty-two indhes in diameter, made in the best manner, of inspected iron plates, one-fourth of an inch thick, and of a quality required by law, and shall rate the workin -power of all high-pressure boilers, whether old or new, according to their stren th, compared with this standard; and in all cases the test ap lied sfliall exceed the workinggpower allowed, in the ratio of one hundred) and sixty· five to one hundre and ten. ln subjecting to the hydrostatic tests boilers usually designated and known as low- ressure boilers, the inspectors shall allow as a workin g-power for each new boiler a pressure of only three-fourths the number of pounds to the square inch, to which it has been subjected by the hydrostatic test, and for which it has been found to be sufficient. Should the inspectors be of the opinion that any boiler, by reason of its construction or material, will not safely allow. so hi h a working pressure as above described, they may, for reasons to be stated specially in their certificate, tix the working-pressure of such