Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 1.djvu/940

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868 Trru; 1,11. —REGULATION UF STEANI-VESSELS.—Ch. 2_ Rirer·st.eamers 5;.;; 4-L8]', On any stcami-'b1‘s Davigitlhg l‘i\’€l‘S only, Wl10D, from dark- '9 "° ?'}."l’£""f’ mss, fog, or other cause, the pilot or watch shall be of opinion that the

I;;_,;?Jdl)gal1(JI1]s navigatpm unpgfe, l?1'}fI'0II} uccidillgihtg Offiijlmngeqlcnlélplftthle maelpn-

——+- __ ery of the oat 0 c 19 en 1DOOI' S G 0 80 l11I0n e urt 6; _ll’ji;·E·_`{2·l’;"""1 navigation of the vessel is iinsafe, the vessel shallbc brought to anchor, Brownufiagerzt or moored as soon as it can prudently be done: li/'vwided, That if the

    • l··l “'°°*l’» *01- person in command shall, after being so udmonished by either of such

oflicers, elect to pursue such voyage, he may do the same; but in such ease both he and the owners of suc steamer shall be answerable for all damages which shall arise to the person of any passenger, or his baggage, from such causes in so pursuing the voyage, and no degree of care or diligence shall in such case be eld to justify or excuse the person in command or the owners. Lifs-bvm, &<‘» Size. +188. Every steamer navi ating the ocean, or any lake, bay, or "" °"“‘F‘#l"k°·‘j‘“d sound of the Ynited States, shalFbe provided with such numbers of muud mmlei life-boats, floats. rafts, lifepreservers, and drags, as will best secure the Il¤id·»¤-52»P·*·55· safety of all persons on_ hoard such vessel in ease of disaster; and eye;-y sea-going vessel carrying passengers, and every; such vessel navigating any of the northern or northwestern lakes, s all have the life-boats required by law, provided with suitable boatdisengaging apparatus, so arranged as to allow such bouts to be safely launched while such vessels are under speed or otherwise, and so as to allow such disen gingappamtus to be operated by one person, disengaging both endgsa of the boat siunultaneouslv from the tackles by which it may be lowered to the water. And the hoard of supervising inspectors shall tix and determine, by their rules and re ulatious, the kind of life-boats, iioats, rafts, life-preservers, and drags that shall be used on such vessels, and also the kind and capacity of pumps or other appliances for freeing the steamer from water in case of heavy leakage, the capacity of such pumps or appliances being suited to the navigation in which the steamer is employe . Penalty im fail- Sue. 4489. The owner of any such steamer who neglects or refuses pzgttiiprgwielelife- to qpoyidg gugh ]ifg-l;p3tii)H03L9,-rafts, dl`3gS, pllmpd, 03 ,-jI_`___ __ a ianees, as arc, un er e rovisionso e preee ing sec ion., require ibm. hiipthe board of supervisingrinspectors, and approved by the Secretary of the Treasurr, shall be fined one thousand dollars. \\'mqr.(`igh{b“lk- Size. 1-194). Every sea-going steamer, and every steamer navigating the heads in lalgv- great northern or northwestern lakes, [curry] [Carrying] passengers, U18

§;2;$;N”"P"“Y building of whi}cl1 slialll be céompleted after €lllilt\;B¥li)'-Big lth df? of HX11-

- mj- rust. eigiteen unc rec an seventy-one, s a ave not esst unt ree lbi·l;,¤=.53.__ {water-tiglit cross-bulk-l1ea(ls, such lnulk-heads to 1‘01l0l1 to {l1é llitllll-d60k M2; ff,""; FQ}," "‘ in siu,<;l•·»<leckcd vessels. otherwise to the deck next below the main-deck; ""1""` to lie made of iron plates. sustained upon suitable frame-work; and to he propc rl y secured to the hull of the vessel. The position of such·hulk— heads and the strengtli of material of which the same shall be constructed shall lrc determined by the general rules of the board of supervisin r inspectors. he of instru- Sui:. 4491. No kind of instrument, machine, or equipment, for the bet- ¤¤¤<·{¤\¤ fer Sevufity ter security of life, provided for by this Title shall be used on any steam- "f;l:f‘;?j;1.T vessel which shall not first be approved by the board of supervising in· 105; F- ';;;·\l.8{6; 1;: speetors, and also by the Secretary of the Treasury. -l-ls. Bw20S ·‘¤¤‘FYi¤z Sec. 4492. Every barge carryingpassengers,while in tow ofany steamer, §{"§'fA`,i_ _ shall he subject to the provisions of this Title relatin to fire-buckets, lbi<l.,s.46,p.453. axes, life-preservers, and yawls, to such extent as shallie prescribed by the hoard of supervising inspectors: and for any violation of this section the p;:-nallty siliall be two hundred dollars, recoverable one-half for the use o thein ormer. Liahilityof mas- Snr. 4493. \\'henever damage is sustained hy any passenger or his bug-

 gage. frpm eiplosiop, fire,ti·<>llis§o(u, or othsrheause, thelpiasaeiiankd th;

W _ owner o suc resse , or ei ier o iem, an e vesse s a e ia e L :,idjgj3_‘ each and every person so injured, to the full amount of damage if it hapsh,q.jO(.{{g{;,i{ pens through any neglect or failure to comply with the provisions of thlS nl1(i)gg,ad¤ii.,93U. itle, or through known defects or imper ections of the steaming-8pp¢\·