Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 2c.djvu/573

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566 'PUBLIC TREATIES. N I O A R A G U A . NICARAGUA, 1867. · AV GATION, WITH NICARA· i‘1@—8.L·T%’€tE‘éD‘i%€r¥6E§DEi·‘§i§§3’¤lE*i‘Si‘r‘5lPiD*é7 , ‘D.nD·iDADDN ADVISED BY SENATE JANUARY 20, 1868; RATIFIED BY PRESIDENT FEBRUARY 1, 1868; RATIFICATIONS EXCHANGED AT CITY OF GRANADA JUNE 20, 1868; PROCLAIMED AUGUST 13, 1868. Treaty of friendship, commerce, and navigation, between the United States . of America and the Republic of Nicaragua. Contracting pu- The United States of America and the Republic of Nicarngnandesir- Nw- ing to maintain and to improve the good understanding and the friendly relations which now happily exist between them, to promote the commerce of their citizens, and to make some mutual arrangement with respect to a communication between the Atlantic and Pacilic Oceans by the river San J nan and either or both the lakes of Nicaragua and Managua, or by any other route through the Territories of Nicaragua, have agreed, for this purpose, to conclude a treaty of friendship, commerce, and navigation, and have accordingly named as their respective Plenipotcutiaries, that is to say.: ‘ _ p.,g,,t;,;,,,, The President of the United States, Andrew B. Dickinson, Mimster ‘ Resident and Extraordinary to Nicaragua; and His Excellency the President of the Republic of Nicaragua, Seiior Liceuciado Don Tomas Ayon, Minister of Foreign Relations: Who, after communicating to each other their full powers, found in due and proper form, have agreed upon the following articles: Anrxotm I. Fmvsnd friwd- There shall be perpetual amity between the United States and their 'h‘P· citizens on the one part, and the Government of the Republic of Nicaragua and its citizens of the other. Airrromn H. Freedom or com- There shall be between all the territories of the United States andthe ¤¤¤¤=¤· territories of the Republic of Nicaragua a reciprocal freedom of commerce. The subjects and citizens of the two countries, respectively, shall have full liberty freely and securely to come with their ships and cargoes to all places, ports, and rivers in the territories aforesaid, to which other foreigners are or may be permitted to come, to enter into the same, and to remain and reside in any part thereof, respectively; also to hire and occupy houses and warehouses for the purposes of their commerce; and generally the merchants and traders of each nation, respectively, shall enjoy the most complete protection and security for their commerce, subject always to the laws and statutes of the two Ships of wm- and countries, respectively. In like manner the respective ships of war and 1¤>¤¤-¤¤¥<=¤ p=wk¤=¤· post-oiiilce packets of the two countries shall have liberty freely and securely to come to all harbors, rivers, and places to which other foreign ships of war and packets are or may be permitted to come. to enter the same, to anchor, and to remain there and reliit, subject always to the laws and statutes of the two countries, respectively. C¤=~¤ti¤a t¤¢d¤· By the right of entering places, ports, and rivers, mentioned in this article, the privilege of carrying on the coasting trade is not understood;