Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 2c.djvu/710

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sum, mov. 703 choring in the river, there was danger of an explosion and injury to the citizens here. Therefore the Senabodee have ordered me to write to all the Consnls and ask that the custom be changed from January 1st, 1868. We ask to take out the powder of the vessels at Paknam, but the guns can be letl: in the vessels and need not be taken ont. If you are also of the same opinion, you will please inform masters of vessels and others under your protection to this eifect. When the vessel comes to Paknam let them take out all the powder, but if they refuse to let the powder be taken ont., and it remains in the vessel, and there arises any diihcnlty from that fact, we lbeg to] claim indemnity according to the treaty. Given Tuesday, ber 17th, 1867.