Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 3.djvu/1055

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INDEX. 1025 P Wahpetzm Sieu<c—Continued. ago- War Depar·tn1cnt-Continued. hasngreement made with, under act of June 7, retention of enlisted men and clisolmrged 1872, continued .. . . . 107 soldiers . . . . . ... 101 Walker, Andrew J, . men so retained to be placed. ou civil list ¤1¤i¤-\ Of, 8HOW6d by commissioners 585 and entitled to promotion ---- ... 101 Wal/cer, Mrs. Daley, additional compensutwn to employes proclaim cf, allowed by commissioners ...- 648 hibiterl . . . . . . .. . 101 Walker, James G., _ details, &c., in the oityof Washington, re- _ clmm of, allowed by commissioners . .. . 655 strictions on .. `. . . ... _101· Walker, John P., _ _ exceptions respecting certain 0Hlcers 101 Wclntxm gfknlfwod by commissioners 655 retentgn of employés m 01Hoe of Aclyutnnt- 101 a er o n . enem . ... s .. .. clnhn of, alloyved by commissioners 591 no new enlistments to be made in general Walker, Richard, service .. . l . . . .,... ..-. . 101 Wclaim of, allowed by commissioners 591 reducgion of gemppruy clgks, .. 101 trans er 0 ·reec men s cspi cm to ' Wclszirn <;§;;ll0rved by commissioners .-.. 655 W of gown? of the Interior.. .. 3.. . 223 a er z wm; ar t c ion _ - psmyrneutz to, for salary as vicemommercinl appropriations for publication of omcial youll at Gaboll . 578 records of . . . ; . .. . . 222, 390 Walker, illiam R., _ Ward, Andrew, claim of, allowed by commissioners . ... 585 claun of, allowed by commissioners 591 Walker, Wllllam R. Ward, Cyrus, Wg? 01§”4;llg;:¢g~ by commissioners 646 Wolaéim1;f,,::’ll;>xved by commissioners . 646 ar an 4:’of allowed by commissioners 595 olsiln of, nllonrcd by commissioners. . .. 639 Wallace, Hugh, _ Warden of Jail, Wpgnsronl .. . -, .. . .. 623 in District of élolumbiu, appropriations fofog 369 a acc acksem ‘ su. aryo .. ,,of, allowed by commissioners 642 Ware, Charles A., Wallace, James M., guardian, _ ~ olsum of, allowed by commissioners · 600 claim of John P. Wallace allowed by com- Ware, Cluzrlu A., _ _ W H ?1?',8l.('$101‘S .. .. .. ... . . 646 (&l&1H10Jf, and of William B. Lucy allowed 6,39 a are 0 n . y comxnxssioners . .. . Wcl,cim’o§ allovzred by commissioners 646 W31rc,Jan;ea, csdmininrxlgr, B H cd b· ance i; mmccsntco ner ainnow y. Wclninnog, laqllghwed by commissioners .-.. 655 W J Iconnénlssioners .- . . .. 655 a acc lop are, 0 n . · olnim’of, nllovlred by commissioners 600 claim of, allowed by commissioners .. .. 601 Wallar Wallaa, Wareham, lllqac., · _ _ n·pp1‘0pria.tions for payment of installments appropriations for improving harbor st.. .241, 460 W }o .. ,, . 169,443 Wwclguw, M h 2 1875 b t t . allen esac goo s e. in crc . no su jec o Wclnirncofh alllowed. by commissioners 644 W dutiost I .. 340 a ter 0 72 uma 0011 e . Wclnirn ofhsillolxgled by commissioners 655 Wolaixn cg', nllgwod by commissioners 659 althour, bra m arncr, ar _ _ claim of, allowed, by commissioners 644 claim of, ullowlvcd by commissioners .. .. 644 Walton, Tvmolhy, amior, Warner, Theresa, _ _ Wclairpwoig allowed by commissioners 655 Wolmmtof, allowed' by comxmssronors 655 amp , amuc ewran v ·_ _ _ Woleim of, nllevéed by commissioners . ... 600 nppropégtxon) for wF&tT’1¤g, &o., for Post- 342 ar 06 0 UC 011 .-.. ···- .·-- ------ mntuul rights of residents, in ense of, in Warren County, Mza., _ treamy with Peru - . . 711 proclamation of the Ifresidenhto turbulent in treaty with Salvador .. . . 137, 747 persons m, to disperse .. . -.. 854 Wdeclnruétigns of, in treaty with Peru 717 Wa{·rgm, Qhgrleqcf allowed bv mmm_ mm 656 a · 1 c mm 0 mrs _ ms rs. |1;)`;{.0P1'lB%i0DS for pensions to soldiers of.115, 337 Warren, Charles _ _ F War-Claims, _ clenm of, allowe by commxssuoneis .. .. 6o9 approlbrintions for extra clerical services igos 403 Wafrgm, gvnzcg, wed by commmiomm 642 'tt . .. . . , cu1m0.a, o ·... WarDepa1?;e.;¢;, G0 Ou _ Warren, William, _ _ appropriation for compensation of Secrc· clanm of, allowed by commissioners .. .. 648 wry, and for clerks, &,c., in 0E0e of. . 99, 359 Warrior River, _ for cliices and Bureaus in the 99-102, 360, 361 approprmtron for the purclrase of supplies ' for officio,] postage, ,,,... ,, _,_,,,,.. .. ,100, 359 of food for destmlute, &,c.,.persons 011. 230 for sgverintendence a.ndrentof)>L1ii)?di(r1gs;;61 362 Army rgiicéns s.ln;ol8¥g1;g01¥ngy°ge xssued to 287 ‘ 0 - ---• · ···· - - -·--·---··· · s o _ In _ 1 I 7 · · ···* * · * * for printing and binding for .. , . 204; 371 Wumor and Qbmbegbeg Rwerc, chief clerk of, may be authorized to sign npproplriuntiou for 1m)%cvemen,t cf, below reiqéxisitrons onégreasury in absence 19 W I a M6 scaloosu. and emopchs . . 461 o etnryo nr -.. . asn - , _ to ennblefrto participate in International chief of Shoshonees, payment of installment 166 Exhibition .. . .. -... 400 to .. 1. .. .. .. . deficiency appropriations for . . . . . 137, Waapbum, Cornelm A., r 139, 409-411,415-417 w1dow’s pcnsncn .. . .. . ,.. .; .. . . 5.¤9 Vol. 18, pt. 3-65