Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 3.djvu/909

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INDEX. 879 capuoz 1mm 0 sm: ana scum www i Im arfgr - ""‘*" ‘ ’ {Mlway Company, " g on Ccbimgigmzilllowed by commissioners 582 0,;,¤,gj;·,;g,g;v¤¤¤*¤ —-—- -- ----------... . ·ws—¢w1 caps, mmm, " '` . J c eimof allowed b commissi " 2t'i¤'%’;§Z”§¥°2i¤‘%2aea‘ea;z; ‘·‘‘ ‘°” °"Z,Gi”'· "°”""“‘· Y om 989 , _ ‘ use, recewe im ot es t ‘ ‘ . noupay unless romstoted .. 86, 87, 345srs YM by commission 656 (7¤1*°'° ];¢;m?f U:) IWW M, cme-, mm,` °° ```` " `````'````` appro _ ions r .. 1. 168, 169, 443 claim of, allowed by commissioners 597 ¤··¤=¤ii¤¤·¤<>¤ of ogrwmont wth, Sw., made Umor, swan, admmimrm, September 13, 1873 .. 36-41 claim of estate of Johnson Carter allowe?1 Guppy John B., _ by commissioners ..--- 656 C claimdof, zglljgvged by($)mm1ssioners ... . 589 Carter, Susan M., aptu .an n , ro claim of ‘ ‘ F appropriation for defendinp;‘i¥its for seizure Carmdge.v,’ allowed by commmmpom -`'`` °` SOG of . . . . . . .. . 206, 376 certain bullets and gunpowdor exported in Garden, Leonard WZ, form ot, to be entitled to dmwbock · claimof, allowed by commissioners 580 bow s.seerte.ine<l . .. 300 Cardwell, William S., jr., - Canada, William H. clciurot, allowed by commissioners ... . 592 claim of, allowed by commissioners .. 650 Carey, Harriet J, * Case, William H claim of, allowed by commissioners 587 claim oi, allowed by commissioners 647 Carey, Henry G., _ _ Coney, Samuel senior poymeutto, for servnces as acting consul at cloim oi, allowed by commissioners 592 Elsmore, Denmark .. . ... 545 Cashier Oargilc, James, , . · in olllce of Treasurer ol United States, solcluim of allowed by commissioners__,, __., 637 _ ary.. .,.. ...,. .. 397 Oargila, Pleasant, Casa, Bonjamtn E., claim of, allowed by commissioners .,.. 637 claim of, allowed by commissioners 650 Carlin, Wesley, Casa, James M., — clcim of, allowed by commissioners ... . 656 claim of, allowed by commissioners 502 Carlzslo, Josc_ph_MZ Caaacla, William, elmm of, allowed by commissioners 640 elcim of, allowed by commissioners.. . . 643 Carlisle, Mary E., adnniniabratrimh Castle, Bmzjaanfn T. claim of estate of Tscbsrncr . De Grotfcn· claim of, allowed by commissioners 637 reid allowed by commissioners.. . 591 Gather, William, Camas, Andrew W, claim of allowed by commissioners 597 claim of, allowed by commissioners.--. 592 Cathay, Jolm, administrator, Oarotkera, James, claim of estate of· Robert F. Cathay o,l· claim of, allowed by commissioners .. .. 650 lowed by commissioners. . ..,,. ,, _,._,, 587 0'arothera, John, Cathay, John W, claim of, allowed by commissioners 650 claim of allowed by commissioners 587 Carfosr, Tlwmas, L, _ _ Cat/roy, Rozbcrt F., _ c mm of, allowed by commissioners 656 cls1m of estate of, allowed by commis- Oarr, Ann . · sioners .. . _ 587 . claim ot], allowed by commissioners 637 Cattaraugw Reservation, Carr, James LL, - ‘ leases of lands in, for railroad purposes ruticlaim of, allowed by commissioners 650 tied cw .. .. 330 Carr, Jesse G. Ocughman William E, ` lj, ahllowed by commissioners. -.. 585 C claim 3a`;,!/gowed by commissioners.. .. 582 Ga/rr, Jo a . quthm o, ' claim of, allowed by commissioners ... . 647 in imitation of internal-revenue stamps, not Carr, Lotitia, to be used on caslgs, &.c., containing, mothor’s pension .. .. . . .. 563 51.0., distilled spirits; penalty. .. 311 Carr, Melvin B., _ Oayuaoa, _ _ _ claim of, allowed by commxssioners.-. .. 637 oppropargotrons for payment of mstelmentasg 443 Carrie, . . ,... . . , . _ . . . - . .. , theschocner, toh¤veAmex-iconrcggisterunder Cedar fcya, Fla., . such name as owners may select. 20 appropriation for improvement of harbor at 459 Carroll, Clemuel C., Cemetery at Salt Lake City, _ _ clsim of, allowed by commissioners 650 p0rtion_of Cumpellbuglus unhtary reserve- Oarroll, Jesse WZ, _ _ I _ tion gran for purposes of u. ... 46 olsuu of, allowed by commrsuouers 643 lot m, to li? grontesxgnio igpregigioinslgengmi Carrollton M K, . IDB OH lll 8 .1 y, W 0 8 3 Seneca lndianvillege oi, to besurveyed, &c. 330 filo proof of organization, &c.-.:.. 47 Carson, Amtiu, two Acres reserved for common burying claim of, allowed by commissioners 587 . ground . . . . .. . .. 47 Carson, Nevada, - C'o·mcte1jz;,_Woodlaum, seo Ncuimm1·Oomctoriaa. oppropriutious for mint at . 97, 134, 229, 356, 406 at Elmrm, N. Y., part of, to be deemed u na- Cwrlayg, Public, tmp;] ggmgtgry, how fm- ____ ___, ,_,, 222 ofxnorohondise in the custody of the Govern- C'cnaus,_ _ ment to be let to lowest bidder, &,c.. 191 provisions for payment of takers of, of 1860 , 239 to be subject to regulations approved by to include mersbals ond ossxstcut mar- Scorotary of the Treasury -~..- .. 191 shols ..-..- _- -.--.--.- _-- ------ - 1-- 230 Cartage, Congressronol Printer to bind manuscript for House, dencioncy appropriation for ~ 403 returns of ilrst and mntli oensuses. .. 524