Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 3.djvu/935

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. INDEX. 905 l 4 Pago. Page. Departwm} eg Wag, eee War Department, 99-100 Deputy Cmgmiseioner of Gamma, · _ _ nppmprm mus or ... . . .. salary 0 . . . .. . .. ... , 397 D . 359462, 37g, 400, 409-411, 415-4H Dcduties of chief clerk bio dcvolveupon. . 398 qmrhnen a 0 men , n t C mm`nwmal . dctailedsmmcmentof expen<litur:esnf moneys giiiéye 0;, ublslishedg. . . . .. .. . it . 6 n¥ptr(;»p;r·iato31 for coualiifigtegxtcoxpenscs 96 Sccretnlry if Treasury be designate u lint 6 o e m. e uunu y on ness. u , o m' sinner snln .. .. agents oi eniployés of, not to be integested Depuly C0:imb¥ig$ a_;'81’0nsi¢;na, ry _ m Imlmn contracts, &c., penalty for. 177 deficiency appropriation for salary of .. 142 Demi-Tenn, 1_b _ 109 Dq»nr;;Con‘K;r1£aaioner·a of Internal Rcvemw, . regu n ·l0Xl0 murs 0 v. on-m ,,,., sn aries ,___, __, ..,.., . .,.,_ _ ___,, _ __,,, 399 runes of postage on public documeutsmuiled duties of chief clerk to dovolve upon one _ liy heads of . . . . . 237 of .. . . . . . , . ,., . 398 Dqvoaztanesnf f és-96 255 40F Dapeiy Cozzptroller of the Gumrqnoy, 398 np mprm. ions or ... .. . , s su ary o . ... . . . , . an- compensation to designated . ; ..1.96, 355 Deputy Cmnptrollcrs, rate per centum allowed .. . . .. 95, 355 unlnries of .. · .. . . . . .. .. 396 previous allowgnces toibc dedn<;tse¢1..L96, 355 Déluzicsucf Shift clerks to devolve upon. . 306 no compensu on w on emo umeu pu are aa a, amount maximum . . ..%,355 payiinent pf, for taking census of 1860. 930 · oompcn52.tion_u.ud egnlclunaeuts not t09S 3 P in Utun Te¥z·itory, appointment and author- 25% ‘ expec maximum owe .. . , 5.; 1 y n ,. .. ..., .. . . .. . maximum of total allowance estab- bond and oath ot .. .. . ... wi · ‘f {asked . . . . . . gg, 1§5 nppoiixguiengi b;md,&nd1>ntl:7tog»e Bled.. orc cc stmt 0 60 · 0 .- . 2"5 mnrshn in e oro cia nc so ' gr spoeinl ugeutés to ezpgniue a.ceouut:é¤&<§9G: 355 muy be joined vgiob nunrslnl unmlésum 253 · asso an we um reasury no o nes in nc mn or mis ousauce, 0.. . iietionugganks feilingto reiaiirn ciruu· 125 umhorizcd mul xéoquired {.0 ariept, Gino., piera -iou .. . ... . ... sons vic u. ing civi an e e ri ts of bzmks failed or gone into liquidation 125 uma .. . . . . E g... 336 Deposit-by Naticmal Banks, _ Depnfy Ifcgislrr of fha Treasury, of bonds to secure circulation, not to be re- sn.!:u·_v of . .. . . 397 duced below $50,000 124 Dalutlicu of clcék to dnvolve upon .. 398 Depooitiona crrc crry i iam . of B1‘.l{»iSl'l snbjelotyhcmimnnt 1::0 l;nucT_witl\1ll3 Dcluinn ef: nllowfd b§00II1!.¤1lB8i0D6l‘8 640 ' imits w ic were su jeo to uw m·z·ic c, drasrua ., of Empergrgf Germany .. 129 Dcluinio:} allowed by commissioners ..-. 592 testimon un ocumcxmu 1-00 e em; ·' utm<ll1ed to . . f.,. . .f .13 .. ...} 129 Doluiiupof, nllxgved by commissioners";. 697 in cases before court o commissioners o awry, eorge . éxlubnmu. claims, penalty for making 246 Dclningof, uplowisd by commissioners 697 n se .. . . .. . vrry 0 m . _ — filed in $5ute Department, muy be read in 249 Dc1uiinLof,_u1i’owed by commissioners 697 evi ence . .. crry cms . may be taken da bono by either party . . 249 cleiin of. elloived by commissioners 656 in contested-election cases, authority of Derry, Philqr _ , Clerk of House to open certain, re· claim of allowed by commissioners., . • 597 peeled .. . ... .., .. .. 338 Dwaryu, Plngliplizf Patna,. _ _ GOO . oaifa e uim o u owe y commissioners Dgi imlaionnl banks, reserve, to be kept on Dcuertqrq, ’ _ _ _ ¤ account of . .. . .. .. . . 123 provisions concerning, m treaty with Peru. 714 ummm; oi] required to be kept by unmioiml in treaty with Salvador. . . . . .-.. 744 banks in '.l‘roasury for redemption of Desert Lands, _ _ circulation ... -.. . . .. . 123 in Lassen C0u¤ty,_Cu»l1fomm, entry of, by m certain s¤.viugs-banks exempt. fmm tux- citizens 1't10lD¤llI1iIl§ by irrigation 497 ation .. . . .. . . .. steps to be taken an proof ot molumn- 497 to ftoresb to be uid on .. . . tion ... -.. .. . . . . Dapvig, iizceih S., P _ _ _<1efiued. r. .: .. . 1.. .. 497, claim of eirs of, allowed by comm1.ss1ou— 640 gua;g;¢a1ei!DDep$s:tanes, seebepomaries. ems .. .. . e uva cwsgi, _ - · Dqmty, Mark H. and Quintina, _ charge of desertion removed, back pny und - claim of, allowed by commissioners . 640 D M bclpggfgllowed 562 D ·· ut Audi!as oinu y lnixualbg u:]_rg§[u;iq; uf,,,, ,,,, ___, ,_,, ,,,, 397 n,pprop:int.ions for improving . . . . . 239, 458 · duties of chief clerks to devolve upon . 398 Dcgtaguw and Halpless People, _ _ _ _ Deputy Collector of Customs, living an or near the Lower Mississippi, may admininbor oath to owner, &:c., of im· Tombigbee, Warrior, Alnimmn,-uml . ported merchandise making entry in Tennessee Rivers, eppmprmcious for absence of invoice . . . . .. 188 purchasing supplies ot food tu; . 230 may question deponent, and require pm- 188 to be iss¤e;1#der dneetwn of mqtsecre- 230 d ti f tte d ers .. . tary 0 au- .. Q. .. for M0il;g<(;1xn<i)ry,0A1a;·: agrpgiaiilzmcnb and 196 no mgnoy to be expended except m cases, 220 su} i f . . . . ... . .. . rs . . . . 2 ,.. . · Dopagy Collggof of Internal Revenue, t of Diinsnic of ratioirignuucl clothing to . . 287 - ctcts m `_ a int- com ensn ion · c ec ian ap rqaccu ·- w 6 muy bgieqiigal to givegoml ; |M1ial101‘: _ of violntioupof internal-revenue laws, appro- I ity of ; responsibility for acts of . 309 priut 1011 fur. . . . .93, 352