Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 19.djvu/345

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FORTYFOURTH CONGRESS. SEss. II. Ch. 102, 103. 187 7. 319 For rent of the four iloors of the building occupied by the Department of Justice fourteen thousand dollars OFFICE OF THE SOLTGITOR OF THE TREASURY. For compensation soncitor of the of the Solicitor of the Treasury, four thousand five hundred dollars; Treasury- assistant: solicitor, three thousand dollars; chief clerk, two thousand dollars; three clerks of class four; two clerks of class three; two clerks of class two; two clerks of class one; one messenger; and one laborer; in all, twenty four thousand eight hundred dollars. COURT OF CLAIMS.-For salaries of five judges of the Court of Claims Court of Claims; at four thousand five hundred dollars each ; chief clerk, three thousand ¤¤J=*·Fi°¤» Glcdollars; one assistant clerk, two thousand dollars; bailiff, one thousand tive hundred dollars; and messenger thereof; in all twenty nine thousand eight hundred and forty dollars. For stationery, books, fuel, labor, postage, and other contingent and miscellaneous expenses, two thousand five hundred dollars; for reporting the decisions of the court, clerical hire, labor in preparing and superintending the printing of the twelfth volume of the Reports of the court of Claims to be paid on the order of the court, one thousand dollars in all three thousand five hundred dollars. éEC 2. That the Secretaries respectively of the Departments of State, Rcquisiticns for Treasury, War, Navy, and Interior, and the Attorney General, are d°l"*Q*m""“‘11’°“‘ authorized to make requisions upon the Postmaster General for the “g°`S'”mpS' necessary amount of postage stamps for the use of their Departments not exceeding the amount stated in the estimates submitted to Congress; and upon presentation of proper vouchers therefor at the Treasury,,the amount thereof shall be credited to the appropriation for the service of the Post Office Department for the same fiscal year. Approved, March 3, 1877. · CHAP. 103.-—An act establishing post-roads and for other purposes. Mgyych 3, ]377_ Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United ,;,,p.»,,,,,_ H, lz_ States of America in Congress assembled, That the following be estab- mer, p. zszals. lished as post-roads: hS1;gg¤;1<>¤<l¤ <=¤*=l'—*· a ALABAMA. Alabama. From Ozark, via Daleville, to Geneva. From Scottsborough, via Sublett’s Terry, Pisgah, Moore’s J ordan’s to Valley Head. ‘From Benton to Oolirene, via Gordonsville. From Vernon, via, Cave Springs to Newtonville. From New Paris to Dausmantown. From Elba to Cross Trails. From Birmingham, via Irondale and Cedar Grove, to Cropwell. From Rutledge to Troy. · , From Crossville, Alabama, to Rising Fawn, Georgia. From Tuscaloosa, to Pikesville via Fayette Court House. From Eufaula to Hawkinsville. From Talladega, via Ferryville and Eureka, to Lincoln. From Clayton to Little’s store, via Mount Andrew. From Travellers Rest post office and Morris Ferry, to Verbena. From Paint Rock to Princeton. From Bridgeport to Doran’s Cove. From Blount Springs via Lewis White’s to Village Springs. From Hartsell via Flint Bridge, Cedar Plains Gibson’s Store Bashanis Gap, and Hughes Stand, to Houston. ‘ ARIZONA, Arizona. From Florence to New Camp Grant, via Stoneman, the Final Mount- · ains and San Carlos.