Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 20.djvu/10

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X LIST OF PUBLIC ACTS AN D RESOLUTIONS. Page. Dtyicicncy Appropriations. An act making appropriations to enable the Secretary of the Treasury to carry out the provisions of section two hundred and fifty-four of the Revised Statutes, and to appropriate forty thousand dollars for the miscellaneous expenses of the House of Representatives, and for other purposes. January 29, 1879 . .. . . ...· . -.-.·- z- - - -»-- --- - --·· 275 Army Cooks. An act to repeal section twelve hundred and thirty-three of the Revised Statutes relating to company cooks in the Army. January 29, 1879 .. 1- .--. 276 Janius L. 1'ou·cll. An act authorizin the appointment of Dr. Junius L. Powell an assistant surgeon in the United States Army. finuary 29, 1879 .. . .. . . ._ ..-- _ - .---·- . ·--.- --.. 276 Fort Wayne Reservation. An act subjecting the Fort YVayne military reservation in the State of Arkansas to entry as other public lands in said State. January 30, 1879 . .. .. . .. 276 National Itoad. An act relating to the National Road in the State of Maryland, and to give consent of the United States to a. certain act of the general assembly of Maryland in relation to said road, January 30, 1879 --. .--. . . . . ... . . ... 277 District of Columbia. An act to amend section nine hundred and ninety-three of the Revised Statutes of the United States lor the District of Columbia, so as to make the twenty-second day of February a holiday within said District. January 31, 1879 -... . . . . . . 277 Lost Records. An act to amend the Revised Statutes of the United States relating to the records and iles of district and circuit courts of the United States lost or destroye . January 31, 1879. .. . . . . . . . . . . . ... . 277 Testimony in Private Claims. An act to provide for taking testimony, to be used before Congress, in cases of private claims against the United States. February 3, 1879 . -.. .. . 278 Jcsuit1·'atlicrs of New Mexico. An act to disapprove and annul an act of the legislative assembly of the Territory of N cw Mexico, passed on the eighteenth of January, eighteen hundred and seventy-eight, by a two-thirds vote of both houses over the veto of the governor of said Ter- -» ritory. February 3, 1879 . . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . - 280 Embezzlement. An act to amend section five thousand four hundred and ninety-seven of the Revised Statutes relating to embezzlement by officers of the United States. February 3, 1879 ... 280 Courts in Florida. An act to extend the jurisdiction of the district and circuit courts of the United States for the southern district of Florida. February 3, 1879. . . . . . . . . . . 280 Headstones. An act authorizing the Secretary of War to erect headstones over the graves of Union soldiers who have been interred in private, village, or city cemeteries. February 3, 1879 281 Postmastcrd Accounts. An act to amend section thirty-eight hundred and thirty-tivo of the Revised Statutes of the United States relating to deficiency in postmasters’ accounts. February 4, 281 1879. . . . . . . . .. - .- .. ... . .. . El Pano Military Post. An act making an appropriation for the purchase of a site and for the erection thereon of a military post at El Paso, Texas. February 4, 1879 . . . . - -.. . 281 Education of 1’ottau·atomie Indians. An act {or the relief of the Domestic and Indian Missions and Sunday School Board of the Southern Baptist Convention. February 4, 1879 .. - ... 282 Land-District in Idaho. An act to create an additional land-district in the Territory of Idaho. February 4, 1879 .. . . . . . . . . . . . . 282 District of Columbia. An act declaratory of the law relating to descents and inheritance in the District of Columbia in certain cases. February 6, 1879 .. . . . . ..- . - 282 District o{8C'glumbia. An act relating to tax-sales and taxes in the District of Columbia. February 83 6 7 . . . . . . . . . ... . . - 2 Wirdlaain National Bank. An act authorizing the Windham National Bank to change its location. February 10, 1879 .. . . . . . . .. . . - 283 Naval Service Appropriations. An act making appropriations for the naval service for the year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and eighty, and ior other purposes. February 14, 1879 284 Supt mic 6*0;; of the United States. An act to relieve certain legal disabilities of women. February 15 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 292 Courts iii Colorado. A An act to provide for holding term of the circuit and district courts in the district of Colorado. February 15, 1879 . . .. . . ... .-.. . . .. .. 292 Volunteer Navy. An act to abolish the Volunteer Navy of the United States. February 15, 1879 294 Indian Service Appropriations. An act making appropriations for the current and contingent expenses of the Indian Department, and for fuliilljng treaty stipulations with various Indian tribes, for the year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and eighty, and for other purposes. February 17, 1879 .. . .. .. . . . . .. . . 295 Mevican ll 'ar. An act for the payment to the officers and soldiers of the Mexican war of the three months’ extra. pay provided for by the act of July nineteenth, eighteen hundred and forty- eight. February 19, 1879 . ... . . .. . 316 Francis O. Wyse. An act for the relief of Francis O. Wyse. February 19, 1879 . . ... . .. 316 Letter-Carriers. An act to tix the pay of letter-carriers. February 21, 1879. . ...,.,..,,.,.,,_,_, 317 Arapahoe County, Colorado. An act donating to the board of education of school district number one, Arapahoe County, Colorado, block munbered one hundred and forty-throc, in the east division of the city of Denver, Colorado, for common-school purposes. February 24, 1879 ,,__,_______ 317 Courts in Jraras. An act to create the northern judicial district of the State of Texas, and to change the eastern and western judicial districts of said State, and to fix the time and places of holding courts in said districts. February 24, 1879 .. . . . . . .. 318 District of Columbia. An act to create an additional associate justice of the supreme court of the gistricg; of Columbia, and for the better administration of justice in said District. February ' 187 . . , .,.., _ ,,___ _ _,___ _ _________________ 320 Michael C’Brien. An act to authorize the restoration of Michael 0’Brien to the rank of first lieutenant in the Army. February 25, 1879 ,. ,,., ,... . -. . , , .,,,,,,,,,..,.,... 321 Camp Chase Cenietmy An act directing the Secretary of War to purchase a lot of ground, situated uga; the city of Columbus, Ohio, now used by the United States as a cemetery. February 25, l 7 .. . . . . . . - . . . , _,..,,..,,..,..,,,,,, 321 Public Debt. An act to authorize the issue of certificates of deposit in aid of the refunding of the public debt, lbbrugiry 26, `[rj7S) _______________ _ _ _ _,____,________________________,____ , _ _ , _ _ 32]