Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 20.djvu/11

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LIST OF PUBLIC ACTS AN D RESOLUTIONS} Xi Page. Naval Ojficcrs and Surveyors. An act to amend section twenty-three of the act approved J uno twenty- sooond, eighteen hundred and sovent y-four, entitled "An act to amend Gl1Bt0ll]S—l.`CV(‘11ll(5 laws and to repeal inoi<*fios." I`cl>ruary 26, 1?79 . , , ..,,. , ,.__, _ ._,, _ ___, _ ____, __,_ ____ _ _____ 322 National Road. An act relating to the (jumborland road in the State of Ohio, and to authorize the same io become il. fruc rozul. l"(‘l)l'llill‘)' :3.S, 1>79. .. . . . ... . . . .. . .. 322 Stcani-Eipgirzecrirzg. An act to promote a knowledge of steam-engineering and iron-ship building among the students of scicntiiic schools or colleges in the United States. February 26, 1879-- 322 Binding. An act to amend an act entitled "An not making appropriations for sundry civil expenses of the government for the iiscal your ending June thirtiotli, eighteen hundred and seventy- nine, and for ot hcr purposes," approved J uno twentieth, eighteen hundred and seventy-eigl1t. 1·`ebruau·y 26, 1879 ..--...-----.-.-.-..-------.-- . -.------ . .-.-..----. . -.----..---.. 323 Polar Expedition,. An act authorizing the Secretary of the Navy to accept, for the purposes of a voy- age of exploration by way of l$chring’s Straits, the ship Jeannette, tendered byJa.mes Gordon Bennett for that purpose. February 27, 1879 -----.-.----------.--.-. . ----. . - . . . . . . 323 District of Columbia. An act to provide for the settlement of tax-lien certificates erroneously issued by the late authorities of the District of Columbia. February 27, 18791 .-.-..--.-.-- _. . ...--- 323 Port of New York. An act extending the limits of the port of New York. February 28, 1879 --..--. 324 Edwin J?. Clarke. An act for the relief of Edwin R. Clarke. March 1, 1879 --.-.. . ----. . --... . ..-.. 324 Mm: Mexico Mounted Volunteers. An act for the relief of the officers and privates of the New Mexico Mounted Volunteers. March 1, 1879 -------...-.-. . .--.. . ---.. . - . .-.-- . .--.. . -.-.. 324 Colchester lllonument Association. An not donating condemned cannon and cannon-balls to the Colchester Monument Association, of Colchester, Connecticut, for monumental purposes. March 1 1879 .--... . --... . -..-. . - . -..--..--..-.--. . ..-. . .---.- . .---. . ----- -... . --..- . .- 325 Ledyarrl Monument Association. An act donating condemned cannon and camion-balls to Ledyard Monument Association, of Ledyard, Connecticut, for monumental purposes. March 1, 1879.- 325 Grand Army of the Republic. All act donating acondcmned cannon and cannon-balls to Post Number One IgI)uudred and Forty-five, Grand Amny of the Republic, district of Massachusetts. March 1 187 ---. . ----- . .--.- . ...-. . . . .---. . -..-. - - . .-..--.-.-- .-..-. . - . ..-. . -. . 325 Bayard lost. A11 act donating condemned cannon to Bayard Post for purposes therein mentioned. March 1, 1879 ..----.-----. . ---.. . .-... . .--. . ----- . .-... . .--.. . ...-. . ---.--. . ----. 325 Boston Monumeml. An act donating condemned cannon to the city of Boston for monumental purposes. March 1, 1879 . - .- .--.-.-. .--. ...-.. . .-... . . .. -... . .-...-.- 325 Jllontgomcry Cenwtcry, Alabama. An aut releasing title to a certain cemetery lot to the city of Montgomery, Alabama. March 1, 1879 . .---. . --.-. .--. --.--. . ----..-.-.. . -.--. . - . --.-. .-.. . 326 Lewis Layman. An act to place Lewis Lcifman, ordnance-sergeant United States Army, on the retired list. March 1, 1879 --.-.-..--.- ..-. --.-.. . --.-. . --.-- ---. - ----. . -..-. . -... .. 326 Fort Mackinac Reservation. An act to authorize the Secretary of War to convey to Jacob A. T. Wendell, Henry Van Allen, and John R. Bailey, a part of the military reservation of Fort Mackimac. March 1, 1879 ---. --.- .-.. ------ . ----. . --... . . . . .. -. --.- 326 Soldiers in Civil Service. An act relating to soldiers while in the civil service of the United States. March 1, 1879 .--.-- . ---.. . --.-- -... .-... -----.. ...-... ...-.. -- ---. 327 Internal Revenue. An act to amend the laws relating to internal revenue. March 1, 1879 ---... 327 Scttlcrs’ D its. A11 act to amend section twenty-four hundred and three of the Revised Statutes of thelghgited States, in relation to deposits for surveys. March 3, 1879 -.-. . . . --.-- 352 Land Grant to Minnesota. An act granting lands to the State of Minnesota in lieu of certain lands heretofore granted to said State. March 3, 1879 . --.-. . ..-.. . -...-.. 352 Holmead gemctcry. An act to protect Holmead Cemetery, in the District of Columbia. March 3, 353 187 ..-- . .-... . ..---.--.--.- . ..-.. _ ..-..- . . . . . -.--. . --.-. . - . . -... . -..--.-..-.. Trusses. An act to amend the act entitled “Au act to provide for furnishing trusses to disabled soldiers," approved May twenty-eighth, eighteen hundred and seventy-two. March 3, 1879 .. 353 District of Columbia. A11 act to validate and confirm certain acknowledgments of deeds and other instruments of writing under seal made in a foreign country for lands lying in the District of Columbia, and the records thereof. March 3, 1879 .---..----.-.--.---... . ..-. . . --.. 353 Philqz IK Stanhope. A11 act for the relief of Philip W. Stanhope. March 3, 1879 .. . .-.-..--... 354 Appellate Criminal Jurisdiction. An act to give circuit courts appellate jurisdiction in certain criminal cases. March 3, 1879-. ..- .--. . ..----.--..----.--. . . . .-.--.- .-.-.- 354 Courts in Kansas. An act to provide for the holding of terms of the district aud circuit courts of the United States at Fort Scott, Kansas. March 3, 1879 --.----..-. . ..-.-..-.-. 355 Memorial Addresses. An act providing for the cngaving and printing of portraits to accompany memorial addresses on the late Representatives Leonard, Quinn, \Velch, \Villiams, Douglas, Hartridge, and Schlcicher. March 3, 1879 -.----.-.-- . ----. . . . - ..-. 355 Sutton 111011 ument. An act donating four condemned cannon to the town of Sutton, in the State of Massachusetts. March 3, 1679 .. . . . . . . . . . . -. .. 355 Postal Service Appropriations. An act making appropriations for the service of the Post-Oiiice Department for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and eighty, and for other purposes. March 3, 1879. . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . .. .. .. 355 River and Harbor A jywopria tions. A11 act making appropriations for the construction, repair, preservagion, gud completion of certain works 011 rivers and harbors, and for other purposes. March 363 ,187 ..-.. .. . ... . . .-.. ..-. . . -... ---- .-.. Civil Expense Appropriatabns. All act making appropriations for sundréyt civil expenses of the g0vern— mont for the liscal year ending Juno thirtieth, eighteen hun ed and eighty, and for other purposes. March 3, 1879 .. . . .. . . . . 377 Dqlcicucy Appropriations. A11 act making appropriatiousto supply deficiencies in the app riations for the iiscal year ending June thirtioth, eighteen hundred and seventy-nine, audugor prior years, and for those heretofore treated as pornimimit, and for other purposes. March 3, 1879. 4I0 Peat-Routes. An act to establish post-routes. March 3, 1879 .. . . .. .. .. . . . . 427