Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 20.djvu/12

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X11 LIST Ob` PUBLIC ACTS AND RESOLUTION S. Page. Forti/icaliona Appropriations. An act making appropriations for fortiications and other works of do- _ fensc, and for the armament thereof, for the tiscal year ending June thrrtieth, eighteen hundred and eirxlity, and for otlxcr purposes. March 3, 1879-. ._ . . ... ..- . 467 Eduealion of l/oo Bliml. An act to promote the education of t11c blind. March 3, 1879 .--. ...-.. 467 Arrcars of Pensions. An act making fl])[)1`()1\1‘l2ltlOl.lS for the payment of the arrears of pensions granted by act of Congress approved January twenty-nfth, eighteen hundred and seventy- nine, and for other purposes, March 3, 1879 .. ... -. .. .. .. .. 469 T]|0m,a.g B, _Hunl, All :1,01; for the relief of Tl10X1I3S B. Fillllli. hlIlI`Cil 3, 1879 ---- ·· - · ---- - ·------- - -· 470 Reserved Lands in Florida. An act to authorize the Secretary of the Navy to transfer to the Secretary of the Interior, for entry and sale, all lands in the State of Florida. not needed for naval purposes. March 3, 1879 . .. . ... ..-.,--. -.-- .-.., . 470 Otoe and Missouria. lloscrvralion. An act to amend an act to provide for the sale of :1. portion of the reservation of the Confederated Otoe and Missouria and the Sac and Fox of the Missouri tribes of Indians in the States of Kansas and Nebraska. March 3, 1879 . .. .. 471 Homestead Entries in Land-Grants. An act to grant additional rights to homestead settlers on public lands within railroad limits. March 3, 1879 .. -.. .. . . . . . . . .. 472 Homestead and Pre-empfion Entries. An act to provide additional regulations for homestead and proomption entries of public lands. March 3, 1¤79 . . . . . . . . . . . 472 Fm·ry—bouL Genera. An act granting American registry to the Canadian steam ferry-boat Geneva. March 3, 1879 . . . . . ... . . -. . . . . .. . . 473 Courts in Dakota. An act providing for an additional associate justice of the supreme court of the '1‘¢·rritory of Dakota. Marcli 3, 1879 . ... . . . . .. . . . . .. . . 473 Tenth Conwy. An act to provide for taking the tenth and subsequent censuses. March 3, 1879 . 473 Maryland and Virginia lloundary. An act giving the consent of Congress to an agreement or compact entered into between the States of Virginia and Maryland respecting the boundary between said States. March 3, 1879. . . ... . . . . . . . . . . .. . . 481 Schooner Don Pedro. An act granting jurisdiction and authority to the Court of Claims in the case of the schooner Don Pedro. March 3, 1879 . . . -. .. .. . .. 463 Penaions_forI.0es of Log at Ilip-joint. An act for the relief of certain pensioners. March 3, 1879 . 483 Monongahcla Cemetery. An act donating four condemned cannon and sixteen cannon-balls to “M0- nongahela ()emetery," to be placed in a lot held as a. hee hurial-ground for ex-soldiers, sailors, and marines, and for other purposes. March 3, 1879 .. -- ... .. .. 483 Pensions _/or Total Bliruhwsa. An act for the relief of soldiers and sailors becoming totally blind in the service of the country. March 3, 1879 - ... .. . . . ... 484 Joaeple B. Collins. A11 act for the relief of Joseph B. Collins. March 3, 1879 .. . . . . 484 National Board of Health. An act to prevent the introduction of infectious or contagious diseases into the United States, and to establish a National Board of Health. March 3, 1879 .-.. 484 RESOLUTIONS. Revised Statutes. Joint resolution providing for the distribution of the Revised Statutes of the United States to the Post-Oftiee Department. December 21, 1878 - - . . ..., .. ..._,,., 487 Epidemic Discrmcs. Joint resolution making an appropriation for the purpose of paying the necessary expenses incurred in investigating the origin and causes of epidemic diseases in the United States. December 21, 1878 .. . . . . ,. .. .. . .-. . ... . .., .- . . 467 Transfer of Indian Bureau. Joint resolution extending time for Joint Committee on transfer of Indian Bureau to report. December 21, 1878 . . . , ,,,_ . ____ 487 Naval Examining Board. Joint resolution for the relief of Bushrod B. Taylor and other naval officers. ]:`ebrua.ry 5, 1879 .,.. . . - . . . , .., . . - . . . ..,,.. . . . . 487 Capitol Grounds Appropriation. Joint resolution making an appropriation for filling up, draiuin , and placing in wood sanitary condition the grounds south of the Capitol along the line of the old canal, auditor other purposes. February 10, 1879. . . . ,_.. .,,,_. _,_, ,____, , ____ , 488 Post-Office Cféiognnati. Joint resolution authorizing sale of publio property in Cincinnati. February.., 7 .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 488 Black Bob Shawnee Indians. Joint resolution instructing the Attorney-General of the United States to bring suit in the name of the United States to quiet and settle the titles to lands of the Black Bob band of Shawnee Indians, Mare]; 3, 1879 _,.,,. . ,._..,,,. -. ,,.,,,. _ ,_,, , ,,_..., 488 Senate and House vnzployés. Joint resolution in relation to committee clerks, pages, and other employes of the Senate and House of Representatives. 1\[m•ch 3, 1879 ,. . _,__ , . ,,,,, ____ 489 Glranvi Ie (). Holler. Joint resolution requiring the assembling of a court of inquiry in the case of Major Granville 0. Haller, late of the Seventh Infantry United States Army. March 3, 1879. 489 Release of Lands to Michigan. Joint resolution releasing the reversionary claim and interest of the United States in and to certain lands in the State of Michigan. March 3, 1879 .. .. .. 490 Soldiera’ and Sail0rs’ Reunion at Cambridge. Joint resolution authorizing the Secretary of War to send artillery and camp equipage to the soldiors’ reimion at Cambridge, Ohio. March 3, 1879- 490