Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 20.djvu/36

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FORTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. O1!. 3. 1877. 1] To certain clerks of committees under resolution of the House of Clerks to com- Mareh third, eighteen hundred and seventy-seven, four thousand three “"“*‘°“· hundred and eighty dollars; To pay to twenty-one clerks of committees (who shall be designated Dlfiercnce of by the Committee on Accounts of the House) the difference of pay due Pill"- them under resolution of the House of March third, eighteen hundred and seventy-seven, one thousand eight hundred and sixty dollars; To pay the clerk of the Committee on Elections not exceeding the Clerk to comsum of one thousand and five hundred dollars, for preparation of digest rnittec on Hlccof contested-election cases, and indexing the same, under resolution of *'°“*‘- the House of March second, eighteen hundred and seventy-seven; To pay James Morrow for services rendered under the Doorkeeper of James Morrow. the House, under resolution of March second, eighteen hundred and seventy-seven, three hundred and fifty dollars; To pay William Tudge for services in the House post-office, under William Tudgs. resolution of March third, eighteen hundred and seventy-seven, three hundred dollars; To pay the clerk to Committee on Accounts for services rendered Clerk to comdnriug the recess of Congress, under resolution of March third, eighteen mibme 0** ·*-¤· hundred and seventy-seven, one hundred and eighty dollars; °°"“t“‘ To pay the pages employed by the House for the month of March, Pezés- eighteen hundred and seventy-seven, under resolution of February twenty-eighth, eighteen hundred and seventy-seven, one thousand eight hundred and ninety dollars; To pay fifteen pages of the House for the month of March, eighteen Pages. hundred and seventy-seven, under resolution of March third, eighteen hundred and seventy-seven, nine hundred and five dollars and fifty-eight cents; Said snmsin all amounting to eleven thousand three hundred and When amvuw lv sixty-five dollars and fifty-eight cents, to be paid only after supervision b"!'“"'· of the same by, and upon the order of, the Committee on Accounts. To pay the clerk of the Committee on Invalid Pensions, from July Clerk to Cmpiirst, eighteen hundred and seventyseven, to June thirtieth, eighteen g‘f“?° °“ I'“"‘1'd hundred and seventyeight, two thousand dollars. °°°°`°°S' SUPREME COURT OF THE UNITED STATES. For printing for the use of the Supreme Court of the United States, Printing. to be done at the Government Printing Office, fifteen thousand dollars. To pay the salary of Edward G. Loring as a retired judge of the Edward G. Lor- Court of Claims, from the iirst day of January to the thirtieth day of me- June, eighteen hundred and seventy-eight, inclusive, two thousand two hundred and fifty dollars. WAR DEPARTMENT. COLLECTION AND PAYMENT OF BoUN1‘Y, PRIZE-MONEY, AND OTHER C<>U*¤°'¤i°¤ 0* Gurus on Cotonnn Sormnns AND SAILORS.-—-FOP salaries of agents °:m_°°’°'“d and clerks; rent of office, fuel, lights, stationery, and similar necessa· ’ ries; office furniture and repairs; mileage and transportation of olhcers 1**78. ch- 359, and agents; telegraphin g and postage, being a deficiency for the service P""’· 222- of the fiscal year eighteen hundred and seventy-eight, twenty thousand dollars; which is appropriated to close up and finish the collection and payment of bounty, prize money, and other claims of colored soldiers and sailors; and if the work of collecting and paying said bounty and other claims shall not be finished before Jan nary first, eighteen hundred and seventyrine, said bureau shall be closed, and all papers connected Jzurwu to be therewith shall be turned over to the department having charge of the closed. payment of bounties due to white soldiers. That the Secretary of War is authorized to rent offices required for p,,,,; of b,,;;,;;,,,,, the construction of the State, War, and Navy Department building, and umm-i.zi—d. public buildings and grounds, at an aggregate rental not to exceed two