Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 20.djvu/411

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386 FORTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 182. 1879. C- H- L01‘d- To reimburse expenses incurred and paid by C. Lord, United States depositary at Tucson, Arizona, under Treasury Department instructions, three hundred and thirty-four dollars and eighty-seven cents. Frauds on ous- That the Secretary of the Treasury be, and he is hereby, authorized to wm ’°V°¤“°- expend, out of the appropriation for denaying the expenses of collecting the revenue from customs, such amount as he may deem necessary, not exceeding one hundred thousand dollars per annum, for the detection and prevention of frauds upon the customs revenue. Protection ofseal To enable the Secretary of the Treasury to use revenue-steamers for i¤I¤¤d¤· the protection of the interests of the government on the seal islands, the the sea-otter hunting-grounds, and the enforcement of the provisions of law in Alaska, twenty thousand dollars. UNDER THE WAR DEPARTMENT SIGNAL SERVICE Observation and Observation and report of storms: For the expenses of the observation

  • '°P°** °f ¤*°¤¤¤· and report of storms by telegraph and signal for the benefit of commerce

and agriculture throughout the United States; for manufacture, purchase, and repair of meteorological and other necessary instruments; for telegraphing reports; for expenses of storm signals announcing the probable approach and force of storms; for continuing the establishment and connection of stations at life saving stations and light houses; for instrument shelters; for hire, furniture, and expenses of offices maintained for public use in cities or ports receiving reports; for river reports; for maps and bulletins to be displayed in chambers of commerce and boards of trade rooms, and for distribution; for books, periodicals, newspapers, and stationery; and for incidental expenses not otherwise provided for, three hundred and seventy five thousand dollars. Military tele- Construction, maintenance, and repair of military telegraph lines: giephs, For the construction and continuing the construction, maintenance, and use of military telegraph lines on the Indian and Mexican frontiers and in the northwest, for the connection of military posts and stations and for the better protection of immigration and the irontier settlements from depredations, especially in the State of Texas and the Territories of New Mexico, Arizona, Dakota, Montana, Idaho, and \Vyoming, and the Indian Territory, fifty thousand dollars, under the provisions of the act approved March third, eighteen hundred and seventy five. For extension of the military telegraph lines from Fort Buford by way of the new post on the Milk River, Fort Benton and Fort Shaw to Helena, Dakota Territory, twenty thousand dollars. ' For the extension of the military telegraph lines from Fort Elliott, Texas, westward, twenty thousand dollars. ABMORIEES AND ARSENAQLS. Springfield arse- For repairs and preservation of grounds, buildings, and machinery, ““‘· not used for manufacturing purposes, of the arsenal at Springfield, Massachusetts, fifteen thousand dollars. Rock Island an- Rock Island arsenal: For shop G, an iron working and finishing shop ¤°¤¤·l· for the arsenal, one hundred thousand dollars. For shop H, an iron finishing shop for the armory, fifty thousand dollars. For shop I, a wood working and leather working shop for the arsenal, fifty thousand dollars. For re-coverin g Fort Armstrong avenue and the cause-way to the Rock Island wagon bridge with macadam, and for putting a new floor on the Bock Island wagon bridge, six thousand dollars. For care and preservation of the Rock Island bridge, and expense of maintaining and operating the draw nine thousand dollars. For general care, preservation, and improvement; building new roads;