Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 20.djvu/704

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CONVENTION-CANADA. JUNE 8 lim 28, 1875. 679 Balance. I To credit of Canadian Postal Department. I To credit of United States Postal Department.

Doll:. Ou. Dolls. Ot:. Amount of international orders issued in the Amount of international orders issued in the United States . . .. . . I I Dominion of Canada .. ODP-lllllf of one per oent. on account of such I I I Oue-half of one per cent. on account of such ss e .. . i ue .. . .. . .. .- I Alnoxdnt of void orders of Canadian issue, as per . I Amgunt of void orders of United States issue, I table ... . _ . .. as per table .., Amount of international orders repaid m the Amount of international orders repaid in the Dominion of Canada, as per table .. United States, as pe: table Total ... Total .. United States credit to be deducted .. Canadian credit to be deducted . -. .. Balance to credit of Canadian Postal Depart- Balance tz credit of United States Postal De- I . m t . . ., -.. tj . ... . . . ... I Psidmon account by tue Postal Department of Psriidroxgalilceount by the Postal Department of I the United States .. . ... I the Dominion of Canada -- I I I I I I I I Amounts. I I Am°¤¤t°- I I_____. U""; I Dom. I0m.I DM- IW-I · I I ‘ I I I I I I I 1 I I I I, I | I II I I I I I I I . I I ` · Z I · I I I I I ` I II I I I II I I I I I I ‘ I I I I I I I Ii? .__ **'*' ** I Bdan°ar°m“jn[n‘___ ______ ___I________I ____ B8,l&ll00l'ODl8.lD.lDg.--··· ··-·· I··-·····I··-- I