Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 20.djvu/703

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678 CONVENTl0N—GANADA. JUNE 8 AND 23, 1875. Account of the exchange of money-errders between the Dominion of Canada and the United Slafea, during the quarter ended ·-—-——;—-·——.

Orders issued in the Dominion of Canada. I Orders issued in the United States.

,,-:5 Total amount. :.:3 Total amount g E Numbers of tlae in- from enc}? I 2 g Numbers of tn? in- from cool? E V . - s. . - @2 emma by the ex-; ‘°'"““"" " °" °f.i‘;‘}'g§{’d{{ I EE emma by the ex- '"““"°““ °’ B' °§‘§,'§‘§‘g’5,i’.If El g change oilioe at- 1 . Ei gg change office at- I

  • ,*5 I ""‘······t——- if E ¤

•-· I - . I EEE I From- | Slo- Dolls. |Cts I 5; I From- I To- I Dolls. Cts. · · 1 . I . I ‘ n gt. ,M ‘ I I · I no ,u - I Bggtozx Msss .. I 1 Bos]1§Jl:1!;MI;s ... . Buthlo, N. Y .. g I 3.,5510, N_ Y ______, I I Detr0i¤.Mjoh ...,, Detroit. Mich .. · ‘ , New York, N. Y . . NewYork, N. Y I Ogd0nsburgh,N.Y 0gdenslmrgh,N. Y. I Portland. Oregon . Portland, Oregon . . I Smnt Pnul, Mmm, . Suin1:Poul, Minn. .. , ‘ I I 1 I E I V I ’ I I l . I I 1 ·· I ` I .1 I I I I I


II Y 1 I ` 1 E I I . I I I » . I I I I I I . I 1 ' I I I . I I I I I ‘ I I I I I \ I 1 I I 1 I I . I I I I 1 I I I I . I I 1 I .___ _ : I . I Total -.·.------ --.-.----· I. .·--- ·.--I I Total ,...,._ [______ ____ ·_ ________ I`-

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