Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 21.djvu/11

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LIST OF PUBLIC ACTS AN D RESOLUTLON S. xi . 1’·:¤- Quclone, Macon, Mus. Joint resolution authorizing the Secretary of War to send rations to the _ suiierers from the recent cyclone at Macon, Mississippi, May 4, 1330 ____ ______ ____ ____ ____ 306 Publ/w documents. Joint resolution authorizing the Public Printer to print additional copies of bills and other public documents, May 8, 1880 .._. , . .. .. ,,,. , , ,__,,, , , - . .,,,_ , _,,_ . ,,,., . , 306 Senatescontigngenlg/Ifunilzj 1.§gi)nt resolution making appropriation for the contingent fund of the cna e. ay , .. ... . . . .. 306 . International sanitary conference. Joint resolution authorizing the President of the United States . 1; ca1lis%§(1j1ternationa1 sanitary conference to meet at Washington, District of Columbia. ey 7 ·-- · ----· - ----·-------·- ~·· ··-· · ··-·-- - ···--· —··-·-· --·· - -···~ ..a ... 306 General Daniel Morgan, bronze statue. 'Joint resolution to furnish a bronze statue of General Daniel Morgan to the Cowpens centennial committee of Spartanburg, South Carolina. May 26, 1880. 506 Pay of Government employes at Washington, D. G. Joint resolution touching the pay of employes of ` the government in the city of Washington. May 31, 1880 ,.,_ , ,,,_____,___,_,____ _ _ ________ 307 _ Report of Commissioner of Fish and Fisheries. Joint reso ution to rint extra co ies of the Report of ghe Cpuirésfioner of Fish and Fisheries for the year eiéiteen hundreld and seventymine.

  • 1116 , ---- -»-- ----,» --·- --·-- . ·~--. . ...· . . . .. .. . 307

Revised Statutes, supplement to. Joint resolution to provide for the publication and distribution of a supplement to the Revised Statutes. June 7, 1880 ... . .,. . .,,__ _ ,____ _ ___ ____ :108 Taxes, District of Columbia, payment of Joint resolution extending the provisions of the lirst section of an act entitled "An act fixing the rate of interest upon arrearages of general taxes and assessments for special improvements now due to the District of Columbia, and for a revision of assessments for special improvements, and for other urposes," approved June twenty-seventh, eighteen hundred and seventy-nine. June 7, l8r2d) .. . . . ... 308 Tobacco, exportation of. Joim resoluriou u-qucsting the l’residenr to open negotiations with certain foreigg governments relative to the importation of tobacco into their dominions. June 308 9,18 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .-.. Reports of Commissioner of Education, printing of. Joint resolution providing for the printing of the Reports of the Commissioner of Education for the years eighteen hundred and seventy-eight and eighteen hundred and seventy-nine. June 11, 1880 .. -... . ... .. .. z 309 Hoops, cnt, punched, gc., duties ou. Joint resolution for the relief of certain persons in respect of duties demam ed of them upon the import of certain articles named therein. June 15, 1880. 309 Committee-clerks, ytc., of Senate and House. Joint resolution in relation to committee-clerks, pages, and other employees of the Senate and House of Representatives. June 16, 1880 ... 310 Por! Huron and Northwestern Railway Company. Joint resolution to authorize the Secretary of War to sell or lease to the Port Huron and Northwestern Railway Company all of the Port Graf tiot military reserve, and to authorize the city of Port Huron to grant to said railway company the right of way through Pine Grove Park. June 16, 1880 .. . .. _ . --.. 310 School lands, Kansas. Joint resolution authorizing the Secretary of the Interior to certify school lands to the State of Kansas. June 16, 1880 .. .. .. . ... . ... 310 STATUTE HI.-1880-781. Fort Dodge Military; Reservation. An act authorizing sale of portion of the Fort Dodge Military Reservation. December 15, 1880 .. . ,.. . . . . . . .. . ,.,... 311 Revised {Statutes, section 2*238, amended. An act to amend section twenty-two hundred and thirty- e1gh`tof1;he{8lg(evised Statutes concerning fees for final certincates in donation cases. Decem er , . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . 311 " Stephen D. Barnes," yacht. An act to change the name of the yacht “Stepheu D. Bames," of Philadelphia. December 23, 1880 . . .. - . .. 311 · Admiral Farragut, pedestal for monument to. An act to provide a suitable pedestal to the monument to Admiral Farragut, in the city of Washington. December 23, 1880 ,- . .. . . 312 " Netti¥,” sclzolzgncrégéacdgéo An act to change the name of the schooner-yacht “Nettie" to “N0k0mis." ecem er , . . ,... ...-. .. . . 312 Revised Statutes, section 1852. An act amending section eighteen hundred and fifty-two of the Revised Statutes of the United States. December 23, 1880 .. . . . .. 312 Natnmal Fair Grounds Association. An act to amend an act entitled "An act to incorporate the National Fair Ground Association." December 23, 1880 .. . . . -. . . .. 312 %orgc Washington, statue to. An act granting permission to the Chamber of Commerce, of New §;>rl:é8t)0 erect a statue on the Sub-Treasury building in the city of New York· December 51 , .. . . . . .. ... ..-. . . . .. . . ... . ... ‘ 3 Saint Mary’s River bridge. An act to authorize the construction of a iixed bridge over the Saint Mary’s River, and for other purposes. December 23, 1880 .. . - . . . . . .. 313 San Antonio Arsenal. An act to enable the Secretary of War to purchase land to enlarge and to protect the San Antonio Arsenal. January 7, 1881 . . . . . . . . . . . Memphis umd Vicksburg Railroad Company, right of way. An act granting) the right of way to the county of Warren, in the State of Mississippi,and to the Vicks urg Railroad Company, tlérough the United States cemetery tract of land near Vicksburg, Mississippi. January 21 1.,1881 .. . . . . . . . . . . - . · 4 Blue Hill National Bank. An act authorizing the Blue Hill National Bank, of Dorchester, Massachusetts, to change its location and name. January 13, 1881 . . . 3M Settlcrsy on restorfg lands. An act for the relief of certain settlers on restored railroad lands. 51 anuary , 1 . . . .. .. . . . .. . ... -. .. ‘ 5 Winnebago Indians. An act for relief of Winneba o Indians in Wisconsin, to aid them to subsistence, and to promote their civilization. Jganuary 18, 1881 . . . . . . . . .. 315-317 Professors of Mathematics, Navy. An act relating to the appointment of professors of mathematics iu the Navy. January 20, 1881 .. . ... .. ... -... 317