Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 21.djvu/12

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xii LIST OF PUBLIC ACTS AN D RESOLUTIONS. 1’•:¤ Public u,d1»erti.~iing, Dmrict of Columbia. An act to regulnze the ttwurd of and compensation for I _ public aulvertising in the District of (ioluunlue. Ju.n_un.ry 21, 1881 ... _. .. .: .. .. . . . _ $17 Inspector of Plumbing, liistricz qi Columbia. An net authorizing the employment of an inspector oi _ plumbing in and for the District of Columbia., 311(I. for other purposes. JSJIUDJ) Zo, 1881-. . .518 Military Academy appropriations. An not making appropriations for the support of the hlilitatry Academy for the liscnl your ending June thiriieth, eighteen hundred end eighty-two, and ioi A ) other purposes Junu¤u·y27. 1881 -... . . .. I. . - ...- HM--#.1 Reniscd Statutes, section £'»£'>Zi, D. C., a-mended. All not to nmend section five hundred and tlfty-three of Iho Revised Statttutcs teluiiug to tho DiSfl‘i<‘i of 00h1I11b1a- J¤jmm}`Y 28; 1881 ·----- · -·•-- 321 Ifr¢m<·t Jlqjor-Gcncial Edward O. G. Ord. An act for the relief of Brigadier-General and Brevet hlllj()]'-GOIl\>Yill Edward O. U. Oral, United Status Afllly-_ J=A}111¤·!`y 188]- _ ---—- --—- V———· _ -- 32} Dejicieuqq appropriation, Dislrict of Columbia. An not to provide for :1, dehcieucyin the n,ppr0pr1u.— tion Ihr interest on the three-sixty-five Ionu of the District of Columbian, for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, eighteen Iuimlrul und eighty-one, and for other purposes. January gz`; 31, Hm . .,.. . .. . ... .  :· Assa_:;·qUice, Saint Louis. An act to establish mn atssa.y—offiee in the city of Saint Louis, Missouri. l·`el»runry 1, 1881 ... .. .. . . _ - .-.. Z 322 Ifeuisal Statutes, Yule 34, amended. An not to amend the law relative to the seizure and forfeiture of vussols for breach of the revenue laws. February 8, 1881 ... . .. . 322 Soldiemf llomcu, public documents. An net to provide for the furnishing of certain public documents to Sol¢liors’ Homes. February 8, 1881 . -.. . . . . . . .. . . . - .. .. . . . . ... . , 322 Benutngting butllc;/`u·Id. An not rcla.tivo to the Revolutionary bottle-field of Bennington. Februury ,1881 .. . ... . . -.. . ... .-.-..-. .. . 323 City of Council Iilitv, gran! of luke to. An net to grunt to the corporate authorities of the city of Council Bluiis, in the Suite of lown., for public uses, n. C8I'iS3.ll1 luke known as Curr Luke, situatted uenr snid city. l·`ebrunry U, 1881 .. .. . ... . . 323 Crawford Uountp, Wisconsin, survey of lands i n. An act authorizing the survey of paris of certain townships in Lrnwibrd County,Wiseousin, und ninkin g sm appropriation therefor. February 2 *, 1881 323 Right of way through Riclnnmnl County, New York. An act to grant the right of way for railroad pu1·]>os;as1gé1;>u1g1i curtain lends of the United States in Richmond County, New York. Februmw , .. .. .. .. . , ..,.__ ___ 324 National Museum, jl001··ing. An set marking uu appropriation for the flooring of the National Mu- SCIHII. Fobr1m,ry *1, 18dl .,.,., . , . ,... . ,.,.,., ,,, ,,,_ _ ,_,________ _ ____ _ _______ ____ ____ 324 Danrillc Vi·rgi·niu, courts. An not to ehnngo the time for holding circuit mid district courts of the Fsgiteil Stutes for the western district of Virginia, hold at Danville, Virginia. February 14,

· ·-----.-----.-----------... . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 324

S<rm.en~illc Nicholson. An act for the relief of Somerville Nieholsou. February 15, 1881 .. .-.-325 librl Reading; and Port Cook military reservation. An not to restore the lands included in the Fort. Reading und Fort Crook nnlitziry reservations, in the State of Cnlilomia, to the public domniu, mul {br officr pnwposvs. ldebruary 15, 1881. , . _ ,.., , ,, , .._, _ __ _ ,,.. _ ,. _ _____,, , ,___ , 325 Itariwd »Statut4:s, uectionu 2517 and 518, amended. An act to amend und re—eneet sections twenty-five hundred mul seventeen cud twenty-five hundred end eighteen of the Revised Statutes end changing the boundaries of u. customs district in the State of Maine. February 17 1881 325 Territorial land grants _;m· university purposes. An act to grunt land to Dakota Montana.; Arizona Idaho, mid Wyoming for university purposes. February 18, 1881 . . .’. .. .. .. ’ 326 input, uwstem district, courts. An act to hx the times for holding the district and circuit courts. tyho United States for the Western district of Texas. February 18 1881 . . . 326 b‘i·mlman’u outings and Ihwt Company. An net amending the charter of the lsreeduious und Trust Company, stud for other purposes. February 21 1881. . g32G——328 wzmoi Association of Leadvillc, otwmaa, donation of me io. AA set I1b}{mai{g `¤QrtJ1L` {sA21S in Luke County, State of Colorado, to the Veteran Union Association of Leedville for hos- . wml uuid burmd purposes, F¢5br;m,ry 23, 188],, ,,,_____,_. , ,,__________ _ _ , _ __ ’ 325 Iindge, I ’o1omae River, Georgetown, D. C. An act to authorize the construction vof id — the Potomac River et or neer Georgetown in the District of Columbia. and for other ur- PuE,,,,_ February 23, 1331 __________ __ ____________ _ ______ __ _ ____ _ ____ P *328.330 Union railroad depot, situ of Washington. _ An act to authorize the Commissioners- of Columbia to recommend 0.`proper site for a Union railroad depot in the ci y of Washington _ und for other purposes. Lebrunry 23, 1881 . . . 7 T30 Umhd States courfu, New Hampshire. An not to provide for tho removal { Stntes circuit end district courts now held et Exeter, for and within the district oi' New Guy HI2;;m};s‘h1rez ic; city of (ioncorrh February 23, 1881 . . .. . 310 , , 2 rw 0 cum za. neat orenla.r' '. .1. sooo ‘ U ` Appm aued records of the 1§strict of lgoluudbrid. th?el?;dgryI;i§, . of the 331 w or1uwa mjvwe. uect me 'ng u ro rictions for the nevnl eri

;r;giug8.1u1i•·»   eighteen hundred) argl eighty-twp, and for otsherpdrtggsegé HFgb:;31 :9

C0)L3u]g,r and djplgmaljg a rg yjafjgng: I -5,- i-' i I l ll t · · ·'- · N · I I :‘ _ -·-· . v nl'-- *5. uintie service of thgjgcfyerunient for the veer OI51`lI1Ié'pB9l{):;a1;;dl;:ll{T(d: tfiulitzigillllir am 1p10i (5 - . A ighty two, end for other pm poses. February 24. 1881 .. . . uu amE>,39-·;4_, ""'°’$'23f".1'.:‘&{;’.',f,‘.}f.€1t·,,,:‘;’;,;*$,';*;r;~};;;gg¤;1¤;;;g,>;,5»=_;t1»»(; fe»»]y·;» ¤·t»i»m or the A...,,. t,, ,1,., ,,,,,,1 iumy 24, 1881.---U l l , I, g an eng ty-two, and ior oiher purposes. Feb;46_ 0 Pdildonappropriabimw. An act, mnki;] r-;-.i·(;j;·1;;,(;i'-In -V-l _..- Z-l-iz-'. I l--'U ·_'--· an--; 2;:, sions of the United States for tts figgel Iyenr ggdiii; .ib‘ueptl5iii·xtdbth)ieiuh&t;‘(1 slid other pouoighty-two, and lor detieiencies end ior other purposes Februar {{881 lm uudmd "L5 Boundary lines batuzecn New York and éomrccticut. An eco concernin settl ’ t Z I ‘ between New York and Connecticut. February 26, 1881 0 mmdmiy hues 351 ·