Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 21.djvu/13

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LIST OF PUBLIC ACTS AND RESOLUTIONS. X111 , _ P e. Rmmpgpntgngpl banks. An act deiining the verification of retruns of national banks. Febru- ug Pggprgutgg, Ap 3,(;1; to establish pggtqouteg, February 28, 1881 ________ _ _________ ___ ____ ___ ____ Chattanooga a port of delivery. An act making the city of Chattanooga, in the State of Tennessee 3, port of ({ghvp]·y_ Fgb]·ug_I·y 28, ______ _ _____ _ __________ _ ________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ _ _ _ _ ____ , Atlantgaa of delivery. An act to constitute Atlanta, Georgia, a port of delivery. February 373 First National Bank, |}’estMe1·•den, Conn. An act changing the name of the First National Bank, of , ,West Meriden, rn the county of New Haven, an S ate of Connecticut. March 1, 1881. 373 Additional policemen, District of Columbia. An act to authorize the Commissioners of the District of Columbia to appoint additional policemen for temporary service in the District, and for otherpurpoges, March], 1881 ,,,,,_,___.. __,, ,__,,,, __ ____. . ,___ ,_--____ ,,,.,._ .___ ____ 374 Revised Statutes, section 3524, amcmied. An act to amend section thirty-five hundred and twenty-four of the Revised Statutes, so as to authorize a charge for melting or refining bullion when at orabovestandard. March 1, 1881 . .. .. 374 _ Post-Office Department appropriations. An act making appropriations for the service of the Post- Oiiilee Department for the Escal year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and eighty- two, and for other purposes, March 1, 1881 . .., .. .. , ... .374-377 Absentee Shawnee lands in Kansas. An act for the relief of settlers upon the absentee Shawnee lands in Kansas, and for other purposes. March 1, 1381 . . ...,.. . , ...,,, _ __ , _,,_._,___ 371 Vessels, change of name of. An act to authorize the Secretary of the Treasury to change the name of vessels under certain circumstances. March 2, 1881 . . .,,,.,... , , ,, ..,,_,_, 377 Penitentiary, Dakota. An act appropriating money for the erection of a penitentiary in the Territory of Dakota. March 2, 1881 . ,... . . . . . ..-. 378 Sale of property of United States in District of Columbia. An act to rovide for the sale of certain property owned by the United States in the District of Columlhia. March 2, 1881 .. -.-. 378 Battle on Groton Heights. An act appro riating money toward the expense incurred in the centennial celebration of the battle on groton Heights, and for other purposes. March 2 1881 378 Life-saving station, Louisville, Kentucky. An act establishing a life-saving station at Louisville, Kentucky. March 2, 1881 .. . . . . . . ... -. 379 Public building, Jackson, Mississippi. An act to provide for the construction of a public building at Jackson, in the State of Mississiggn. March 2, 1881 .., . ..., .. 379 Otoc and Missouria Indian Reservation. n act to provide for the sale of the remainder of the reservation of the confederated Otoe and Missouria tribes of Indians, in the States of Nebraska and Kansas, and for other purposes. March 3 1881 . ... . . .., . .. . . . 380 Agricultural Department appropriations. An act making appropriations for the Agricultural Department of the government for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and eighty-two, and or other purposes. March 3, 1881 . . .. .. ... .. 381-385 Legislative, executive, and judicial appropriations. An act makin a propriations for the legislative, executive, and judicial expenses of tho rovornment for the Escal year ending June t irtieth, eighteen hundred and eighty-two, and far other purposes. March 3, 1881 . 385-413 Capitol, North 0 Street and Son Washington Railway Company. An act to amend the act incorporating the Capitol, North O Street and South Washirigton Railway Company. March 3, 1881. 414 Dqncioncy appropriations. An act making appropriations to supply denciencies in the appropriations for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, eighteen undred and eighty-one, and for prior years, and for those certified as clue by the accounting officers of the Treasury in accordance with section tour of the act of June fourteenth, eighteen hundred and seventy- eight, heretotore paid from permanent appropriations, and for other purposes. March 3, 1881.414—434 Sundry civil appropriations. An act making appropriations for sundry civil expenses of the government for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and eighty-two, and for other purposes. March 3, 1881 .. . ... .. .. . . . .. . . .435-458 Diet/riot of Colnmbiaapp1·0priatio*ns. An act making appropriations to provide for the expenses of the government; of the I)istrict of Columbia or the fiscal year ending Jnme thirtieth, eighteen hundred and eighty-two, and for other purposes. March 3, 1881 .. . . . _ .. .458-468 Appropriations for foTt12fi0dt'i0’I|8 and defenses. An act making appropriations for fortifications and other works of defense, and for the armament thereof, or the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and eighty-two, and for other purposes. March 3, 1881 . . . . 468 River and harbor appropriations. An act making appropriations for the construction, completion, repair, and preservation of certain work on rivers and harbors, and for other purposes. Marsh 3, 1881 .. . . . ...,. . ...,. . . . . . . ... -., .. - . 468-485 Indian appropriations. An act making appropriations for the current and contingent expenses of the Indian Department, and for fulfilling treaty stipulations with various Indian tribes, for the year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and eighty-two, and for other purposes. March 3, 1881 .. . . . ...- . ... . 485-502 Trade-omwks. An act to authorize the registration of trade-marks, and protect the same. March 3, 1g3i_ _____ _ ___________ _ _____ _ ____ __ __ _ ,_,,,. _ ,,.,... , ,,... . . . ... 502-504 Choctaw Nation. An act for the aseertainrneut of the amount due the Choctaw Nation. March 3, 504 1681 .. ... ..-. ...- · .-·--·-----·-- Rcvisrd Statutes, section 2326, amended. An act to amend section twenty-three hundred and twenty- six of the Revised Statutes, relating to suits at law affecting the trtle to nnnrng clarms. MQPCII3, 1881 .. .--. .. . .. .-..-... .--. . ..-.:. 505 Public marine schools. An act to amend the act entitled "An act to encourage the establrshment of public marine schools," approved June twentieth, eighteen hundred_ and seventy-four, so as _ to extend it to the ports of Wilmington, Charleston, avanuah, Mobile, New Orleans, Baton Rouge, Galveston, and in Narragansett Bay. March 3, 1881 .. . ... . - ... . 505 Salt of I 7 nilcd Sta res real estate, Vincennes, Indiana. An act to authorize the Seoretaryof the Treasury to sell certain real estate belonging to the United States, and vesturg the title to certam other lands in the city of Vincennes, in the State of Indiana, and for other purposes. March 505 3.1881 ____ _ _____ __ ________,___,____ ,_. _,_, ,,-- .. . ...· ...·