Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 21.djvu/924

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894 mnnx. e Pagi, I h Page. Surg<»on·Gem·raZ, Army—Continued. Surveys—Cont1nue<l. _ _ _ _ for printing catalogue of library in office deficiency appropriation for completing Of ____________ _ ____ _ _ _ ____ _ _____ 447 maps and reports of, Wéet of 0110 ‘ for purchase of books for library of. . 113 hnndredth meridian ;_ proviso. ._ . 244 for additional clerks in office of . 68, 403 of Mississippi River, Commission to direct; ( for furniture for office or".. -. . ... 68 powers, duties, etc .. . . . 67 for Contingent expenses of , . . . .227, 403 1 appropriation for expenwl Of, MYUSS Um P0- Surgeon-General, Marine Hospital Service, ninsula of Maryland and Delaware. . 448 act requiring sanitary reports to be made for preservation of worn and dcfaced plats g to, repealed. . .. 9 of .. . 428 Surgeons, Contract, Army, Susquehanna _Rirer, _ appropriation for pay of ._,... . .. 111, 346 appropriation for 1u1pr0V©1H811# of ------—· 190, 481 Surgeoms, Board of Examining, Sutherland, George W., fees prescribed, appropriation for ; PIOVISO .60, 350 i p3»y1I10l1ii to ·--------- - · · · --·· · - - - ··-·-- - - 561 Surgeons, Examining, Sattle, Harrison, pensions, rate of fees prescribed, appropri- paymeht to .---- - -----··--·- · ··-····--—· 614 ation for . . . ,. . . . . . GO, 350 Sutton, Colmore L. , Suryeona’ Necessarées, payment to ·--------- — - -·-- - -- - - ---·- 583 appropriations for, in naval service ... 86, 335 Sutton, John W., Surgical Appliances, payment to .. . ·.· .--. -.-- 568 appropriation for, for disabled soldiers or Sutton, Kale, sailors .. . ... . 270,447 l steam-yacht, of Buffalo, name changed to Surplus Money in the Ii·easury, Loraine, of Oak Orchard .. . . 179 Secretary Treasury to apply, to the purchase Suwannee River, Fla., orredemptil n of United States bonds; appropriation for improvement of . . . .191, 476 proviso .. .. .. . . .. .. 457 , Swaggerly, Abner, Surratt, James, I payment to .. . . .. . .. . 583 payment to . ., .. 561 I Swain, C. W., Smrcyor of Customs, i payment to . . ..-. 583 appointed to reside at Portsmouth, Ohio. . . 283 Swamp Lands, for Chattanooga, Tenn . . - . . . . 373 appropriation for settlement of State claims for Atlanta, Ga .. . l . . . . . 373 for. ... . .. . . 41 for Indianapolis, Ind . . . .,.. . 512 in Palatka military reservation, Florida, Surveyors-Gemer·al, certain, confirmed to settlers on 172 appropriation for salaries in offices of. .23, 233, 410 State of Florida to relinquish claims to 172 . deficiencies in . . .. ... 247,248, 421 authorized to select other lands in lieu = for contingent expenses in offices of 273, 449 of .. .. ... . .. . 172 S1u·z·eyors, l indemnity appropriation for settlement of appropriation for salaries and expenses of, claims lor .. . . . 273, 450 in internal-revenue service.. .23, 27, 220, 395 appropriation for adjusting and settling for deficiency in . . - . . .. 241, 416 claims of the States to .. . .- . 150 Surveys, Swann, John C., of Amazon and Madeira Rivers, appropria- payment to . . . . . . 568 tion for preparing and publishing the. 84 Swanton, Vt., , of public lands, appropriation for . 273, 451 appropriation for improvement of harbor deficiency appropriation for expenses at .,,,. , .,,,. , . .,180, 469 of .. .247, 248, 421,428 Sweat, William, of private lands . . .. .. . ...,... 451 payment to W. J., administ1‘6»t01‘ of .. . 635 of townships in Crawford County, Wis 323 i Swearingen, Elwah, Geological, appropriation for expenses of ; l payment to .. 617 proviso . .. . . . . . .. .274, 451 I Sweeting, J. Volney, ~ . military, of northern and northwestern i payment to . . . - .. 248 lakes, appropriation for . A . .268, 445 , Swift, Eliza A., west of the Mississippi River . ... 268 payment to . . . .. . .. . . . ... 646 appropriation for examination and, of sites Swing, Jacob HZ, for proposed light-houses, etc. .. 263 paymentto .. 568 for Coast and Gcodetic 151, 263, 264, 439, 440 Swine, . of Pacific coast, western division, appro- appropriation for investigation of diseases priation for . .. . .. 264,439 of . ..,.. . . . . . .. 30, 384 rivers and harbors, appropriation for. 193, 4ts2 [ Swink, W. L., South Pass, Mississippi River, examination [ payment to . . . . . . . . .. 635 of, authorized . . . .189,479 [ Swtnson, John, of Mexican coast in the Pacific, appropria- I payment to ,.,.,,,,,,_... , ,,_,,,,,,,_ 646 tion for preparing and publishing the. 84 Sydenstricker, Mrs. M., of Missouri River, from its mouth to Sioux I payment to ____ , ___,__,___,,,, _ ____ , _____ (514 City, Iowa .. .. .. ,-. . . 191 Sydney, New South Wales, above Sioux City, appropriation for . 479 { appropriation for expenses of United States for completion of, of the reservoir system { at exhibition _,_, _ _,__ __ ____ _ ______ 49 on the headwaters of the Mississippi i Sykes, Catharine, River, (-3110 .. . . - . .. .. . , _ . 197 . payment to __________ _ _ _ _ ______ _ _ ________ 634 Secretary of War authorized, in his discrc- i Sykes, George, late Mx4m--General, UOII, to make 6XH.miD2LLi011s and, of ¤ removal of remains of __,_ _ ___________ ____ 534 certain public improvements, appro- 2 Sykes, Henry O., priation for .. . . . . . 193, 197, 482, 484 , payment to .. 645 certain, of lands in Virginia military land Sykes, James, deceased, district in Ohio declared legal and j payment to W. H, Hagen and W. H. Sykes, valid ·—-· - -·—- · ----·- · -----·-·----- 143administrators of ,___ , _,,,_ __,_ , 635