Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 21.djvu/925

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INDEX. 895 Page- . Syww, Wm Taylor, Thomas deems P"g° , payment to . . .. .. 583 payment to Iéobcccn. ., oxccutrix of ,,,.. 635 Syphw, J- Hale. Taybr, William, m1mm.m·¤m of 1w8m, P¤·Ym°¤$ W ·----··--·· · ---·-- · ··-·· · . 457 pa»yme~nt to ,,,, ,, ,, ____ __ ________ 584 _ owes In on zlistilled spirits in case of loss, leakage, ~ pta., not to be remitted in excess of Tabequachc Utah Indiam, . D. :’¥";“}“(‘;°1°""I“*f*}‘°t V“1“° ·-·- 59 appropriations for blacksmith foL 127 497 m is mc ·o o umbw., mntemst on summ- _ Tabgqmwhe U", I,nd_wm gg0F 0 a;edo{11pt1o u of Froporty sold appropriaijou for installment ctc., to 127,497 chu h°r* Pu t 1°‘m°“ g!§‘zg ° or ····· E'?

  • ¤¤¤¤¤1¤¤¤yf¤r¤¤Pv¤¤¤* ----·-----—-- 422 mil {BFE81E E?;??-,5 in l§£Ze;;;,‘.;z ‘‘‘‘ 33

T‘;j’j;'j‘l;j"f;“’T M’ 635 pai? 01:1: 110 be rcfundegdé. . . . 23

 `'``````   '`°`°°````````°`° UGG , <{0!I1II1iSSi0I1G1‘ 0 eiicaicucy appro-

Taéggrgeiitilgci _____ ______ 584 prmtion for cognémmsataiou and ox- Talbott, George E., administrator of Samuel E., m0ga ]¥;nz:h:££ég°`G;géi 43* de0w88d’ tion for rcfulld of l . .. . . . . 428 q·,}2{E»'£$’§t $?m;y;;,; 5 ‘``'’'°‘'’‘’°‘’’“‘ 621 TM-Mw Gwwcalwl polmcai dimbmtieg removed 542 £g?trict of Columbia, rudumption of 36 Tallahassee Mission School Bzuildbng MD. 6:;. t fc I b. d ti f destroyed by Exc, appropriation for rebuild- m elfy Lid"}? ‘“’· ’° "”‘P °“ ° P’°P' 36 mg ---- · ---·----- · · -----------·-··- 501 {[0;,, · ````'` ````` ````````` Tau M hw Bw", Mem efuncte .R¢ ve¢·, La apgrxgdation fzmr implovcmout of 186, 476 T0z£Ig(2);£2tb&28§°r 1G“P’°""““°“* °f ‘‘‘‘ ‘ ‘·‘‘ 481 Talley, Wmmm E; “d"'VW;$t"at°": approprialaion fo;- improvement of .. .. . 481

£;g;D%2; 1;%   . ... . . . . 568 Tw (@,;;%,2      

apprvpriétivu ?<>r i¤¤l>¤>v¤¤¤<¤¤¢ of-- ----—· 191»4'70 11?outs lff {@1294 38;; ports of entry; privilege of immediate trams- Toqfwd, ,],,,,1,;, gn ’ portsmou of dutiublo goods to, au- aymguh to _______ _ ____ _____ _ __________ 635 thorized . . . . -. . ,... . ... 174 T,l{,gm,m - T4·¤9i¢*‘ UQ}"; when may be sont by railway companies .. 31 appropuatnou for expenses of . 345 Tcz,,g,·aph, T¤M9iP¤h0¢ RWM', Lan to connect. Capitol with the departments, appropriation for improvement of .. . . 191, 476 gpprgprigfion {OL ____ _ _____ __ _ _ _ 26,3, 444 TMWF and ASW", · lines, military, appropriation for construe MX Nfl1I1d6d to ------ - ---·- ·--·-· - -·-· 545 tion, maintenance, and repair of 267, 446 T¢m"W'»_Z; L-; _ Telegraph Companies, P<*Ym\¤¤i°¤ g1V°¤» to ¤·°°°Pt P1`°¤°¤P ----·-· 604 to make report to Superintendent of Census T¢m8u» JOM T, and MM!} A""; M8 WW, Iorfmcall year nearest to Juno 1, 1880 7.5 payment to . . . . . .. . .. . 584 Tclegraphjc game 1`arplcy, Edward, deemed, to be laid to Block Island, 11.1. ... 60 payment to J. D. and J. A- Tmvploy, 0x801I- Tglgphone,

   M130g ---- · ---·- - ---·---—- - ---·---- 584 appropriation for rent of, for tho govern

ar 'ver . - mem; .. .- . . 279 9»PPI9P;’i¤;*¤i0¤ foi' imP¥'0V°m°¤*’ of --···—·· 185,475 for dciicicncy, in Government Printing T“‘“·"“"€‘z’a 559 R ‘3“§°“an¤sas‘ w;"a"s2;1"‘s" 2** paymcu ...--..- - -·-----··-------- evise m u es , is ric 0 o um ia, Tate Gill and Able, amended by adding tha word . . 321 ta.;: refunded to . . ·· · --·--·--·---- 587 Temple, Fra.nkl·in, , Tate, James W, payment to ..-- .. 425 payment to .. . ..--· · ----· - ·-·- · -----· 559 Temple, Joseph, Tahzqllj Johrg E. 549 payment to . . . . .. 584 political d1saE;li lvm0V6d ---- · ---·- -- · Templeton, John H., Taunton River ass. credit in account .. .. . a.ppropria,ti:m for improvement of .. .. 190, 473 1;.,,,,},0,-,,,y gk,-kg, Taylor, Abraham, 568 appmpriation for salaries ot; m Interior payment +0 .. -. .- - ·---· - --·-- Department .. . . . . . . . U ‘ 7 1uyu»,1>..L, surviving mmmraw q/’JoIm Tmpowry M¤¢10<»¤#r·w¢¤, 11 11 Noe, deceased, when may be made .. . . . .,.,. payment to _,.,,,,. . . . . . ..- - · 633 Tg7W?`; George 0-7 624 mz"-, mm .1., 1>¤·s·m<>¤¢ *0 -—--·---·-- - ;· ------ -· -——---—— Payment to ___,_, , ,... --. .. .. 47 -Te"'/'w88ecs _ _ _ _ ,9 Ta?/lon Jmmthml, poqt-routes 0stal]0l1sl1c<1 lg . : 1€i, 39,é03, 209, .50. payment to ____ __ ___ _ _____ ____ _______ ___ 584 United Stattcs c1rcu1t an IS mc wu s cs» Tm lor Nancy Jam gabhghed :;,1; Chattanooga -.. 1w gayémnb to ____ ’ _______ ____ ______ _ _____ 619 Grundy County tl`3iDSfoI’I‘8(I from middle Ta, lm. Richard P to czmstcrll dxstrmb . . -.·· I7·> ‘ 5/emiou to " ____ ____ 606 germs Of, to be held at Qllattapooga. 175

 Q     eastern district of, to be d1v1d.c¢1 mto m>r1;h-
y; kg]% ;2   ’ ‘ ____ ___ _ ____ _,, , 584 cm and southern divipicus  :.  175

Tp gy ,g » ;,,· j ·QQ]“§ ``'` clerks and marshals to appomt deputncs for ?c;E01?:‘,0:;b zvidolvv ofMBj0I Francis Tay- gif 00; 9b €hatb&H00g& ··-- · ---·· - - - - lor . _ _ _____ 545 suits, 0W 1*10, G .. ..·- ··-····—-·--···g··