194 FOBTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. C11. 375. 1882. Norfolk Harbor. Improving harbor at Norfolk, Virginia : Continuing im provement of the harbor and its approaches, seventyfive thousand dollars. Charleston Har- Improving harbor at Charleston (including Sullivan’s Island), South Mr, vw- Carolina: Continuing improvement, three hundred thousnnd dollars. hljrunswiek Hai- Improvinghharbor as lgrunswick, Georgia: Continuing 1mprovement, - twen ive thousand dollars. Cumberla n d Imtgroving Cumberland Sound, Georgia and Florida: Continumg &>¤¤d· improvement, fifty thousand dollars. _ _ _ Savannah Hm- Improving harbor at Savannah, Georgia: Continuing improvement ¥¤¤· of the harbor and river, two hundred thousand dollars. _ Ap•1¤.ebieo1¤ Improving Apalaohieola Bay, Florida: Continuing improvement, Bw- twenty-tive thousand dollars. _ _ - Pensacola Hu- Improving harbor at Pensacola, Florida: Continuing 1mprovement, NL ‘ fifty thousand dollars. Tampa Buy. Improving Tampa Bay, Florida: Continuing improvement, twenty thousand ollars. Mobile Harbor Improving harbor and river of Mobile, Alabama: Continuing imp1·0ve— · md Ki'¤f· ment, one hundred and twenty-five thousand dollars. Aransas Pass Improving Aransas Pass and Bay, Texas: Continuing improvement °“d BW- up to Rockport and Corpus Christi, one hundred thousand dollars. Braus Santiago Improving harbor at Brazos Santiago, Texas: Continuing improve- H*“"’°’· ment of the bar and harbor, sixty thousand dollars. cmveswn Hu- Improving harbor at Galveston, Texas; Continuing operations at
- ’°’- outer bar, three hundred thousand dollars.
Paso Cavallc In- Improving Passo Gavallo, Texas: Improving Pusso Gavallo Inlet into . ict. Matagorda Bay, sixty thousand dollars. . Sabine Pass. Improving Sabine Pass, Texas: Continuing improvement at Sabine Pass and Blue Buck Bar, one hundred and fifty thousand dollars. Ashtabula Hm-. Improving harbor at Ashtabula, Ohio: Continuing operations to se- ¥•<¤· cure a sixteen-foot channel, to enty thousand dollars. Bnekkimuu- Improving harbor at Black River, Ohio: Qontinuing improvement, W- seven thousand dollars. ‘. Clnvelnnd Har- Improving harbor at Cleveland, Ohio: Continuing improvement, one "°'· hundred and seventy-five thousand dollars. Harborofrefuge Harbor of refuge near Cincinnati, Ohio: Continuing operations, six- ¤¤¤‘ Ci¤¤¤¤¤•¤- teen thousand dollars. · hgairport H a r- Ixaqéroving harbor at Fairport, Ohio: Continuing operations, ten thou- - an ollnrs. Huron Harbor. Impimvilng harbos at Huron, Ohio: Continuing operations two thousand ve undred ollars. _1¤e 1»•r1pr,1¢¤»- lee harbor at mouth of Muskingum River Ohio: Continuin opera- 1¤¤z¤¤ BML tions, forty thousand dollars.’ g · Pon clinton 'Improving harbor at Port Clinton, Ohio: Continuing improvement, H=¤!»¤s·· six thousand dollars. -
city tmI¤:1p;o‘;Lu1gl at Sandusky City, Ohio: Continuing improvement
Toledo Harbor. theling>1;o(¥i51(gbl1r:;rmr at Toledo, Ohio, Continuing improvement, fifty _ Veimiilnon Hu. Improving harbor at Vermillion, Ohio: Continuing improvement thmc Mr- thousand dollars. — ’ Michigan City lmproving harbor at Michigan City, Indiana: Continuing operations i Harbor. ai inner harbor, twenty thousand dollars; continuing operations at outside harbor, sixty thousand dollars. Calumet Hai- · improving harbor at Calumet, Illinois: Continuing improvement, boi-. _ thirty-five thousand dollars: Provided, That with n view to the improve- I """'°· ment of the Calumet River, in the State of Illinois, from its mouth to . the Fork nt Calumet Lake, the Secretary of War shall appoint a Board of engineers who shall examine said river and report upon the pmcti onbihty and the best method of perfecting and maintaining a channel for through navigation to said Fork nb Lake Calumet, adopted to the pznssn ge 'ot'_tl1e_lu rgest vessels navigating the Northern and Northwestern Lakes, lummting and locating the lines of channel to be improved by the