FORTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Snzss. I. Ou. 433. 1882. 311 punters, txdal observers, watchmen,messcngcrs, laborers, and all other gmployccs pcccsqury to C3.!'!'}' on the work in the office and in the field m coufbrmwy with the regulations adopted by the Secretary of the Trausqry, and the purchase of mutcxials necessary therefor, two hundred and nmcty thousand dollars. , For furnishing points for Statasurveys, sixteen thousand dollars. Points for Sum 6 For transcontiucutal gcodetic work, thirty thousand dollars. sm yn. For survey of the Pacilic coasts, Western division: For every pm- Sm-v¤yo£P¤¤i1i¤ pose and object necessary for and incident to the continuation of the °°¤¤*¤- survey of the Pacific coasts of the United States, the Columbia and other rivers, to tho head of either tidal iuiiueuco or of shipfnavigation; deep-sea souudings temperatures, currents., and drcdgiugs along and also in the Japan Stream flowing off these coasts; the preparation and publication of charts, tho Coast Pilot, tho magnetic map of Western North America, and other results of the work, with the purchase of materials therefor, including compensation of clerks watchman, mcsscngcrs, and laborers, and of civilians employe-M in the work, one hundred and seventy thousand dollars. For repairs of vessels for the Coast and Gcodctic Survey: For the R¤p¤ir¤ of vwrepairs aud maintenance of the complement of vessels uscd in the Coast '°1“· and Gcodctic Survey, thirty thousand dollars. For publishing observations of the Coast and Gcodetic Survey: For Publishing cbccntiuuing the publication of observations, and their discussions, made ¤°"**”°¤°· in the progress of the Coast and Goodctic Survey, including compensation of civilians engaged in the work, tlwpublicatiou to be made at the _ Government Printing 0E¤p· & thousand dollars. . For general expenses at tim Coast and Goodotic Survey: For mnt of General exbuildings for chczs, workmoms, and workshops in Washington, ten 1>¤¤¤¤¤· thousand five hundred dollars. For mnt of irc-proof building, numbered two hundred and 670 New Rau: or me- Jersey avenue south, including moms for standard weights and meas- Pm0f ¥•¤ildi¤:· ums, for the safe-keeping and preservation of the original astronomical, _ magnetic, hydrographic, and other records; the original topographical and hydmgmphic maps and charts ; instruments, mgmved plates, and otlxer valuable articles of the Coast and Gcsodctic Survey, pix thousand dollars. For fuel for all tho ciiiccs and buildings, two thousand dollars. _ V Fuel. For transporlation of instruments, maps, and charts; the purchase _ of new instruments, books, maps, and charts; gas and other miscellaneous expenses, thirteen thousand four hundred dollars. And the Secretary of the Treasury is hereby directed to organize the Orgnintiun, form for which this appropriation is to be expended, and fix the sam- ¤*¤· ries and compensation to be paid to the members thereof; and to make his estimate for the iiscal year commencing July first, eighteen hundred and eighty-three, in detail, in reference to the fprcc to be employed, with its grades and compensation to the ycspcctxvc grades, and spamfying the branches of work in whnch nt should be employed, and the amount to be expended upon each branch : Promqega That tip Pmviso. Secretary of the 'Prcasury bc, and he is hereby, autbornz to crcdxt Thad Butler, lately in the employment of the Interior Departmgrgi T1mdB¤tler._ with the sum of two hundred and iiftocn dollars, the same being stop against him because it was expended in payment of salary from tlgs contingent fimd, this being the only fund or money furmshcd or nvm]- ablc in the Interior Department for the purpose above named. IIBCELLANEOUS ommcws UNDE12 mm TREASURY Dmvmimnr. For freight on bullion and coin: For freight on bullion and coin bo- mash pn bn11- twean tho mints and assay-nillccs, thirty-thousand dollars. iw •¤ •=¤1¤- For dies, paper and stamps, five humlreel thousand dollars; the pi", 1,,,,;-, engraving and prgnting to be done in the Bureau of Engmving and ¤t¤mP¤-