522 FORTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 121. 1883. Free list, sun- must be verified by the certificate of a consul or minister of the United d¤i°¤» °°¤*i¤¤°d· States indorsed upon the written declaration of the artist; paintings, statuary fountains, and other works of art imported expressly for the presentation to national institutions, or to airy State, or to any municipal corporation, or religious corporation or society. Yams. - Zatfer. $,,,,0,,; ,,,,,1,- Sec. 2504.——Whenever any vessel laden with merchandise in whole or tionasto merchan- in part subject to duty has been sunk in any river, harbor, bay, or wadiw ¤¤¤k °°d ters subject to thejnrisdiction of the United States, and within its limits, ‘b““d°'*°d‘ for the period of two years and is abandoned by the owner thereof any 7 _ _ 7 persoin who may mrgise such vessel shall be permitted totpring any merchan ise recove there om into the port nearest to· e p ace w ere such vessel was so raised, free from the payment of any duty thereupon, and without being obliged to enter the same at the custom-house; but under uch regulations as the Secretary of the greasury may prescribe. L mba: nom Sec. 2505.-The produce of the forests of the tate of Maine upon the Sain: Jehu Kiwr- Saint John River and its tributaries, owned by American citizens, and sawed or hewed in the Province of New Brunswick by American citizens, the same being unmanufactured in whole or in part, which is now admitted into the ports of the United States free of duty, shall continue to be so admitted under such regulations as the Secretary of the Treasury shall from time to time prescribe. L umber from Sec. 2506.-The produce of the forests of the State of Maine upon the B¤i¤t Urvir River- Saint Croix River and its tributaries, owned by American citizens, and sawed in the Province of New Brunswick by American citizens the same being unmlpnufactured in whole or in part, and having paid the same taxes as other American lumber on that river shall be admitted into thec ports of the United States {Le: of duty, unddr such regulations as the cretary of the Treasury sh from time to time prescribe. y,,,;,i,,,,,·y gm. Sec. 2507.-Machinery for repair may be imported into the United ported for repair. States without payment of duty, under bond, to be given in double the appraised value thereof, to be withdrawn and exported after said machinery shall have been repaired; and the Secretary of the Treasuryis authorized and directed to prescribe such rules and regulations as may be necessary to protect the revenue against fraud, and secure the iden- _ _ sity and character of all such importations when again withdrawn and exported, resitricting and limiting the export and withdrawal to the same port o entry where imported and also_ limiting all bonds to a period of time of not more than six months from the date of the importation. Certain paint- Sec. 2508.-—All paintings, statuary, and photographic pictures imi¤gs.¤t¤tr}=•ry,·>t•=.. ported_ into the United States for exhibition by any association duly ,*;‘;i£,‘g‘“"*°“’*°° authorized under the laws of the United States, or `of any State, for the ' promotion and encouragement of science, art, or industry, and not intengledgor sale, shpllllie admitted fzeelof duty, bind? such regulations as e ecretary o ‘ e reasury s a prescri . ut bonds shall be given forbthp payment to the Ufliitaéd Stztes oflsuch duties as may be imposed y aw upon any an a o suc artic es as shall not be re- _ exported within six months after such importation. Works of art, Sec. 2509.-All works of art, collections in illustration of the progress vw-, importer! ¢'¤r of the arts, science, or manufactures, photographs, works in terra-cotta, °Xh‘b‘°!°” °“lY· °° Parian, pottery or porcelain and artistic co ies of anti uities in metal be admitted free of ·.’ .7 . p . q . m,,,._ or other material, hereafter imported in good faith for permanent exhibition at a fixeél tplgce bys any society orinstitution pstablished for tho encouragemen o e ar or science an not intent ed for sale nor lor an y other purpose than is hereinbefore expressed, and all such articles, uuportcd as atbresaid, now in bond, and all like articles imported in good iaith by any society or association for the purpose of erecting a public monument, and not for sale, shall be admitted free of duty, under Provho. such regulations as the Secretary of the Treasury may prescribe: Provided, That the parties importing articles as aforesaid shall be required