Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 24.djvu/1184

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INDEX. l 157 _ _ _ Pu Pa. . Sain! Domuuos Claurch, D. C., go- I Saint Marko Protestant Episcopal Church, ga S Qajegtctc., remitted .. . .. . .. . . 494 I t Washiington, d av Mme, a s estate 'tt . 411 appropriatiou for consul at . .. 483 ’ Saint?]!:::;? River, Lliglslru e Samt Fran_c•s_Rwer, reirk. and Mo., appropriation for improvement of -. .. 324 eppropriatiou for improvement of 323 l Saint Patriekhs Ch arch, Washington, D. C., Sami Fraac•e_R•vcr, Mo., remission of interest etc., on delinquent Saapgnéipaiation for survey of - .. 333 Sa P taxes, upon payment of principal by. 823 an a c, int au Minn., S qpF¤3>pr1u$l0;_for cgbsul at,. . . . .. 482 appropri’at,iou for public building. ... .. 223 am eorg s wer e. for additi ual ground . . 511 appropriation forjsurvey of. . .. . .. 3532 Saint Paul and, Duluth Railroad Company, Sant Heleuat uuthorizcd to bridge the Saint Louis River saappzomatgn for consul at.. .- . . 113, 484 S P between Minnesota and Wisconsin -. 356 n e eau aria , . . aint aul de Loando proceeds of redemptioufetc., of school-farm appropriation for eommorcial agent at- - . 115, 485 laude] to be invested for use of 552 Saint Paul, Minneapolis and Manitoba Railse oo s in .. . . . . · may Company Saint Ignatius Mission, Montana, right of way to, through Fort Berthold and appropriation for support of Indian pupils Blackfoot Indian Reservations .. 402 at .. - . ... . . . . .. 45, 466 Saint Petersburg, Saint John, New Brunswick, appropriation for consul-general at ..· 111, 481 Sanpprogriatigu folracousul at . . 112, 483 Saint Rose indual}·ial School, Washington, D. C., 579 int o ss s ana appropriation or ... . . Sa:pp'1}opriai§7u for Iélousul at . . 113, 484 Sa. fo; building additional accommodations. 133 nt o n s iver, a., 'nt tephenb, appropriation for improvement of chan- appropriation for consul at .. 113,484 nel at mouth of . ... 321 Saint Thomas, for lighting. .. -.-. 228, 516 appropriation for consul at. . .1 . . 112, 4821 Saint Joh••’s River, Me., Saint Thmnaa, Port Stanley and, Canada, S appgopriagon foigirvey of .. . -... 332 S appropriation for consul at .. . .-. . 483 aint ones ieer ., a aser, Anton, Saappropriation for improvement of . . .. 318 deiicicucy appropriation for reignucbliaf pro- 262 int oeep Mic]. céeds o catt e seize au so . . appropriation for improvement of harbor. 315 Salem, Omg., Saint Joseph, Mo? ru 223 approyiriatiou for support of pupils, etc., app ristion or blie building o udiau sc 00 at . .. . . . . 45 465 ccnsrgsnotiouofbdgge BCIOBSMl!80U!iRlVG! ’ 138 for purcagiaso of latuldé .. . . (Yi- .. ,465 at u rize -- -. .. . --authoriz 0 cons c a wavon an cot terms of c<:1rts?Saint Joseph division, west- bridge across Willamcttz River . 163 ern judicial district to be held at- -- 424 Salmon, Allen, rooms for courts .. .- -- 426 S payn;/ent tgt administrator of . .. . . 766 8a6ntJoss_·phaudBi0 Grand Ba’lro¤dConpany a inc 'ity 0., authorized to brid e thesliiasouri River at, construction of bridge across Missouri Saint Josepg, Mo., ... . . 138 I Rkiver near, authorized . 62 Saint Lou' Sa inc Sur, Ar ·. appropriation for salaries, assay-oillce at .190, 614 appropriation for survey of . . . 330 for contingent expenses. . ...- 190 Salkiehalchfe River, S. C., br labor ... . . .. .. 614 appropriation for improvement of . 320 for salaries, cies of assistant tressurér.188, 611 Salt Lake and Fort Douglas Railway, for repairs to old custom house . 511 granted right of way through Form Douglas deficiency appropriation for paving streets 262 Sal LakR;sei:ations; condirions. . . 477 g d nom house .,.. . . . l e 00 'mllpmly Saint Long: Lggchtautis 1éridgiC¤rnpp¤y appropriatgon for purchase of lands ot] in 4 a th0 ri e ississnppi "a .. . . .. TS Rivereraii . ... . .g.._. . . . 375 Salt River, Ky., terms of courts, eastern divisrog, eastern 424 S approp;xat101;_ for survey of. .. 331 udi 'al district ·to be hel at ... as yer; amen . Saint Loads 3d San Francisco Ballarat; Com- S peuaibn .. -1 .-.. v 865 amp_ cs, Beborn _ time gp go! ippleticn of road through lands payment to .I .. --. . .. 9b? 0fChoetaw and Chickasaw nations, Scmpeon, Thomas, extending two years -.- 76 litosaviug modal bestowed upon. . 146 Saint Louis ••¢IK¤n•¢• City 87•ort-Liukailamy Sams, 4u0n B., Q2 peusxon . -. . .. . ... 1 suthoriga to ’bridge the Missouri River Sams, B. Barmzell, adnaiststmter, _ near Saint Charles, Mo . ... . ·... gg Sapayruerys ofjudgmeut of Court of Claims to. 27.1 n8¢lieC’ M.. . no .•¢iu•, Sola? ing? Btridge Company, _ paémeut ofjudgment ofcourt of Claims to- 275 authorised to luridgetbe Mississippi Rave:- 375 Baa Antenna, Taz., _ 8¤is•tL•et• River appropriation for purchase of site and

 brlw across, between Min- erection of public building at .. 10

nesota and soousin, authorized., 356 for purchase of tract of land near .. 128 Saint Luke T, U. G., tc f hw! deiicieiixcytuulpgtrlvérfrsiation sfo: pavement, 263 Pgggggd. mqamlni . o so - ni -·-.-. .:.- farm lands to bexvlzzsted for use of right of way through military reservation nh.,;.;; ,,,,,, , .,. . ... 5$ grautedtc .----· 372