Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 25.djvu/1494

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TREATY—-PERU. AUeUsr 31, 1887. 1455 or supercargo may think proper. maestre 6 sobrecargo. Y a nin Vesseisinblvclwied Norshall any vessel of either party gun buque de una ii otra parte, p°"S' that may have €llt€1'€Ll into such que hubiere entrado en un puerto port or place before the same was 6 lugar antes de que fuese sitiado, actually besieged, blockaded, or bloqueado 6 atacado por la otra, invested by the other, be re- se le impedira que salga con su strained from leaving it with her cargamento, ni, si se encontrase cargo, nor, if found therein be- alli antes 6 despues de la reducfore or after the reduction or sur- cion y entrega, estara sujeto el render, shall such vessel or her tal buque 6 su cargamento a cargo be liable to seizure, con- aparesaniiento, confiscacion 6 deiiscation, or any demand on the manda alguna por causa de redenscore of redemption or restitution, cion 6 restitucion, sino que se but the owners thereof shall re- dejara a sus duenos en tranquila main in the undisturbed osses— posesion de su propiedad. Y si sion of their property. Ancl)if any algun buque que hubiere entrado d T;ki¤s cert? 8**;* vessel having thus entered the en el puerto antes de tener lugar Mig. me ° bbc ` port before the blockade took el bloqueo tomase carga a bordo, A, place shall take on board a cargo despues de establecido el bloqueo, after the blockade be established 6 intentase salir, se le podra inand attem it to depart, she may timarporlasfuerzas bloqueadoras be warned by the blockadin ue vuelva al puerto bloqueado y forces to return to the blockaded discargue su cargamento; y si port and discharge the said cargo; despues de recibir la dicha intiand if, after receiving such warn- macion, insistiere el buque en salir ing, the vessel shall persist in go- con el cargamento, estara sujeto ing out with the cargo, she shall a las mismas consecuencias a que be liable to the same consequences lo estaria una embarcacion que as in the case of a vessel attempt- intentase entrar en un puerto ing to enter a blockaded port after bloqueado despues de ser intnnada having been warned off by the por las fuerzas bloqueadoras. blockading forces. Aaricmc XXII. Aizricrro XXII. To prevent disorder and irreg- Para impedir todo_ género de boigdgjgcgégsrgsw f• ularity in visiting and examining des6rden é irregularidad en la g ` the vessels and cargoes of both the visita y examen de buques y car contracting parties on the high gamentos de las dos partes con seas, they have agreed mutually tratantes en alta mar, han conthat whenever a vessel of war, venido mutuamente, que cuando public or private, shall meet with un buque de guerra, piblico 6 a neutral of the other party, the particu ar, encontrare un nenformer shall remain at the great- tral de la otra parte contratante, est distance compatible with the el primero permanecera a la possibility and safety of making mayor distancia que sea compathe visit, under the circumstan- tible con la postibilidad y segurices of wind and sea, and the de- dad de hacer la visita, aten idas gree of suspicion attending the las circunstancias del viento y de vessel to be visited, and shall la mar, y el grade de sospecha send one of her small boats with que inspire e bagel que a de no more men than may be neces- ser visitado, y~env1ara uno de sary to execute the said exaxnina- sus botes pequenos, sin masgente tion of the pa xers concerning the que la necesaria para tripularlo, ownership and cargo of the ves- con el obgeto de ejecutar el presel, without causing the least ex- dicho'exa1nen_de los papeles relatortion, violence, or ill-treatment, tivos ala pipplotlftd y Cargamento in respect of which the com- del buque, sin causar la menor ezimanders of said armed vessels torsion, violencia 6 maltratamishall be responsible with their ento; respecto a lo cual los comanpersons and property; for which dantes de los susodichos bnques purpose the commanders of said armados seran responsables con