Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 25.djvu/1557

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INDEX. 152] De G"“·U·"'”"“dv M R» _ _Delaware River, Pa. cmd1W JZ, Page. payment to executor of admmmtrator of. 1226 appropriation for improvement of ... 409 De LUOE. Ed}HNIO(l S., Delaware Rjlver ' payment of judgment of C rt fC1t 929 ‘’ ‘ ‘ nig;;;; George w.. °“ ° ““”*’ ° um “"§°§£;"L`f32¥.'*..f£?.$.1€L‘??‘3§·.;ema;a:.1;.m2‘”’ETS I. . ..' . . Delegate8fr(y”lth’eTeTr,it0rie8 Dmsaussurc. Mana; (...· · _ '. , Depgyénentgf ju;lgr£`ent of Court of Claimsto 590 l D;g£;zg;mg32i£?r pay and mlleage of 259’ *08 ‘ n, uu·e>x .. ’ -. - . payment of judgment of Court Ot. Claims to 592 D£;5nj1;3£g;d§ment of Court ofCl3l1’.DSt0 095 De lV1fl, Ilunnuh C., pagrnent to H 1239 pension . 1027 ``````````````````'``` ° `'``` Dead Leiter OMR. D(;':legécJgit'gZ:rv?ges on bond 1305 appropriation for superintendent, clerks, D l . '`````'°`` etc .. 291, 741 “""’?/= ·’°““" . . . Deaf mul Dumb, Columbia Institution for, released fmm lmbmtms On bond °f James Dgqnumpriation for support of 527, 961 D8mm_mX_LV‘ Dcmbv ········‘ · ············ 1305 fl nvxs. 3 , H increase of pension rate for .. 449 °*pFr°pmm°I{ f°r consul at ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘· 250* ,100 Dean, D, J1__ Or clerk hire ..., 254, .04 payment to . 1236 D“"'°i2[°"·*· .*41*1*% bud T b. bee Dean. Annoy (uée Grgyin), G011S rléqtion 0 ge across v om 1g_ www to . 1239 m· =*¤**¤<>¤¤€d bm Mm Pm Det!',' Hrillidln R., D ll J?g0kSOIl’3Dd. .. ...

 ·········· · ············ 1198 mymnt tglgéeutors of  1320

Dcolnymeutof judgment of Courtof Claims to 25 D¢'”'i$0”· (5*10*96 S·· 63 Iamtion, paymen 0 .. · ... as to intent of convention for protecting D€mm”‘k»_ _ _ _ submume cables _________________ 1424 appropr1ation for mmmter .. 248, 697 Decoration Day. Deime?/· James Rn _ n to be a legal holiday in the District of C0- P¤·Y!¥¤°¤t W administrator of -—-·-—--··-- 12~6 numbsa ... ssa Dems. James H-. _ Deer Island. Mass., payment of ]udgmentofCo1u·to£C1a.1mst;o 931 appropriation for light-house md fog- 508 Deoggtnnenggigiidgment of Court of Claims` to 25 signal cicncy Appropriations, D87W6T, (`f11Q-» _ _ , pan te ______________ 4, 565, 905 appropmahon for galames mmt at . .275, 724 D?;; Emereignmmrgrzggrg 5 .4, 666 gg 5;: ¤;1¤£¢;,b0l;]p(§{Lr;§en:) ... forTreasuryDe ent .. , 7, , _ _ __ » -··-·---·. , rm District or éolumbia a, 50, sm, 912 for Ewldmesy mqwqry ¥<>s¢- · ui- uma- 584 for War Department .. 7,51,573, 914 d85cm9c)' ¤PPT0P¤¤m0¤ 0i' Pu 0 · for Navy Dewnment ____________ 10, 53, 57;`j_ 9]7 mg . ... _ .. 47 for Interior De artment . 13, 54, 578. 920 * Pluck?-*‘1'$°f lands Y0? mlhhoad OSEUPM-\· for P0st—OfHce Ilgepartmernz ... 14, 56, gg?, gigéxggigaf en er them 3 wme" 439 gf. ggggrrggggiogf Demrcr SZSUR1`0 Grande Railroad Camf Se te ... . .. 1. , 5 , T . . · _ fg; Ho-lssé or Representatives . 17, 53, 587, 927 grautc;1 Bight_ nar throngli Fon cmw- 85 for public printing and binding ... 18, 57, 585, I ‘·”`_ fm l SUV 19S€""`·'_ mn ··-· · ····· 638, 926 Denver .Pdl."UlC Razlzmy and fl clegraph C0m— · · pany. for a°;?§:md?magH ml l&e;;:taée_ 595 purchasers of lands frmn. near Denver for paying judgments Court of Claims. . .22. 58, may 9**** af h°m'*$t*`“d mtes ---··· 439 590, 929 Department of .{_r¢sfX·;2£( G6 1 bon · ’ b t' ifi . 26. 62, rimsi m or nney- neracfm. claims allowed y accom mg 0 CHS596, 932 appmgtoréeneral. assistants. clerké, etcggg. Tg for the Library of Comzress . 589 for contingent expenses ... . ,. L. , 2 . for salaries of postmasters readjuste-d 606 _ for transportation ; postage . ._ 295, 443 for contingent expenses, House of Repro- 687 for (Eire ofcourt-house, W ashlngton, Dégg _43 mt. .. ..- ... • ... . ... i. 4 for oln:)rI:·in;;v§cSlipse of the eun . 638, 920 for Solicitor of the Treasury, assmmuikgg *43 claim of Florida to be exammed 939 clerks, etc . . ._ _ ~ . o Dvgnan. John, 166 got boolfis andfsgtionefyW.. . . .. .D294, 743 payment to . or war en 0 e gm , ashm , .94 F43 Deig. Judith, .. 2 . 4_

1154 for civil expenses under .. 543. 9.6
 Breakuater. Del., _ for repairs to building, etc. .    _ . .513, 976

a proprintion for improvement of . . ._ 403 for repairs, etc., court-house, ashmgg43 W6 Dclgwurc Brecakwater Quqrqntme Station, _ ton, D. . . ._ ., . . . , 533 apinropriation for establishing ... 3-*:6 for pengtentmry, Boxse City, ldabo. . . gm or maintenance. etc . . 954 for addnpons to Utah pemtermery . .. , l Delaware Indians, for repaus. etc., Wyoming intentxary 543 appropriation for interest, lgeneral fund. . 237 for trqvellung expenses, Eska cour;44 9,7 payment to, inCherokeo ation 609 officers . . ... ,. 4 STAT L—-VOL XXV——96