FIFTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 371. 1889. 823 and Mare Island. California; and per diem to enlisted men employed, under the direction of the Quartermasters’ Department, on the repair of barracks and other public buildings. ten thousand dollars; For alteration and repair of marine barracks at Boston, Massachusetts, five thousand dollars; To complete the erection of marine barracks at Norfolk, Virginia, nfteen thousand dollars. For repairing buildings recently damaged by storm, marine barracks, navy-yard, Brook y, New York, twenty thousand dollars, to be immediately available; For rent of buildings used for manufacture of clothing, storing supplies, and for offices of assistant quartermasters, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and San Francisco, California, one thousand seven hundred and eighty dollars; in all, fifty-one thousand seven hundred and eighty dollars. _ Foiuon, MARINE Conrsa For forage in kind for four horses of the Forage. Quartermasters Department, and the authorized number of oiHcer’s - horses, three thousand five hundred dollars. CONTINGENT, MARINE Cours: For freight, ferriage, tolls, cartage, 0<>¤¢i¤z¤¤t- funeral expenses of marines, stationery, telegraphing, rent of telephones, purchase and repair of type-writers, apprehension of deserters, per diem of enlisted men employed on constant labor for a period of not less than ten days, repair of gas and water fixtures, office and barracks furniture, mess utensils for enlisted men, such as bowls, plates, spoons, knives, forks, packing-boxes, wrapping-paper, oilcloth, crash, rope, twine, camphor and carbolized pa er, carpenter’s tools, tools for police purposes, iron safe, purchase and repair of public wagons, purchase and repair of harness, purchase of public horses, services of veterinary surgeons and medicine for public horses, purchase and repair of hose, repair of nre extinguishers, purchase of fire hand-grenades, purchase and repair of carts and wheelbarrows, purchase and re air of cooking-stoves, ranges, stoves where there are no grates, purchase of ice, towels, and soap for offices, postage-stamps for foreign postage, purchase of newspapers and periodicals, improving parade-grounds, repair of pumps an wharves, laying drain and water pipes, introducing gas, and for gas and oil for marine barracks maintained at the various navy-yards and stations, water at the marine barracks, Boston, Massachusetts; Brooklyn, New York; Annapolis, Maryland; Mare Island, California; also straw for bedding and purchase of mattresses for enlisted men at the various posts, furniture for Government houses and repair of same, and for all emergencies and extraordinary expenses arising at home and abroad, but impossible to anticipate or c assify; in all, twenty-seven thousand five hundred dollars. HIRE OF QUARTERS. MARINE CORPS: For hire of quarters for otii- Hire of qumem. cers serving with troops where there are no public quarters belonging to the Government, and where there are not sufficient quarters possessed by the United States to accommodate them, four thousand five hundred dollars. For hire of quarters for seven enlisted men employed as clerks and messengers in commandant’s, ad jutant’s, and inspector's. aymasters and quartermaster’s offices, Washington, District of Columbia, and assistant quartermastefs offices, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. and San Francisco, California, at twenty-one do lars per month each, one thousand seven hundred and sixty-four dollars. For hire of uarters for three enlisted men employed as above. at ten dollars eacfh per month, three hundred and sixty dollars; in all, six thousand six hundred and twenty-four dollars. INCREASE ()F THE NAVY. Increaseof themxvy. To enable the President to further increase the Naval Establishment of the United States he is hereby authorized to have constructed