Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 26.djvu/1727

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1680 INDEX. Page. _ Page. .New Me.vcic0—Continued. New York C'ity—Cont1nued. appropriation for surveyor-general, clerksé62 942 change ofhsite fgr appra.isers’ warehouse, 183 etc . . , authorize ... for contingent expenses 262,942 custom-house to be erected on site sefor incidental expenses, Indian service 1006 lected for appnaisefs warehouise. . . 358 in .. . ... 353, sale of present bui ding authorize 5 for additional justice . 388 proceeds for new building; lease, etc. . . 850 for su.rvey of private land claims . 390 building commission; duties .. 851 deficiency appropriation for agricultural term of circuit court of appeals at ... 827 experiment station ... . . . . . 42 construction of bridge across Hudson for support. etc., Indians in. .542, 549, 549, 879 River at, authorized .. 268 dtlpr surivleying privaltg land claims .. 547 appointment of additional customs offia ition Justice to a pointed ... 226 cers .. . . "11 boimdarytibetwgen, ;n1dl'llerrlas confirmed. 971 consent to cable railway in front of Gov- 0 ‘°°‘ ,,,f.t2’iJ£ titers of {LES!?; f’?‘T’T‘T Se M, Y,,§,'Q"§,‘Z,$§‘,E,$,‘f’,§§S}`;Z,_;;,;,;,,;,; ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ G" €n~1"Y eisrgevrgngyg School land for Gal` 718 deficiency appropriation for additional at wt,} dams; ‘ae,;t¤;m,‘e.;,a;s; 227 New ,,,,;,“*‘,;j,", ·-··-····--·······---··---- “° marSta1sE(31li1isr§i&t§i££6i·.ké3-LQ ePP’°1;g$;;°¤dgg;Dgc}*g, and mmm begw 767 incomnlodlleptimurlztalggullalllzd chinaé -(Q`{,Q, 212 · fo1` P1’8V€14ti¤g, etc., in:juriousdeposit§;402: 979 presented in court of Privaée land for steamers and crews . . 980 claims ______·______ 856 A navial xiegiegv to be held in 1893 .. 63 New Orleans; , , _ me to occupants or nuns or mmm, it ¤PPFoP¤¤*}°nm°I‘ salaries assistant m-*35* Kansas, authorized ... 552 for gig? -···---·--··---··· 225, disuoisl of proceeds ... 552

  • ·················· d by occupants. . , 552

for w ; expenses . 247,928 rsa 8 0 D S Blot Gllmre ior public lellelcésnic plant .. ’ $23 grgzagzrljblxfgzw Ya, d (8% Brooklyn) ormarinelnos iin ... 1 · · ’"· asm - · · for improvemelnt of Missisfppi River at 450 ::;,?0;f.j;?:;?g;€ ’ public bmlding at' _ term of circuit court of appea at .. 827 Newburgh, N K, '````'''''''` -Neiwf?leana Ezpositjozlt, f _ A construcigon of public building at, authore iency appro na on or paying us- me .. 1 trian exhiditors for lost goods . 863 appropriation for . 954 Nenv Orleans, (Jl\htchez and Fort Scott Rail- Aewburyport, Mass., _ way ompany, of ft fh . may construct two bridges across Boeuf N;l·)d)cl‘stll;:;nt(?’uy13zI,1mprov€m€D 0 arbor 427 N R l Rive;] ga. . .. 422 Napproprigion gr consul at 278, 1058 ew wer, . ., ewcorn , _ ary ., appropriation for improvement of ... 404 Pension increased -·--·-·... . . . . . 1264 1}* . or improvement of water way to Newfoundland, _ I N Swansbo11éo¤¥h .. . 441 P¥'0“s;0n3 SOV2E1I11E CNWS Shlpped for cw n, . ., ra e wi 320 wharf conveyed to; no charges to gov- Newhall, Betsey E (widow), N U ernmelnf gressels, etc .. 428 pension. ... 1147 .ew lrech, .. Nh ,El`bethR 'd , ` tunnel under New York Bay authorized, tall ... 1357 New Yorzetween, and Middletown . 748 Neumort, R. L,` ` warmer or apmtma ... qa “‘¥LE°£’5‘.i‘,駒1,r°»€§$‘;££?Y??T‘?T‘?.‘?¥.‘T”TT'E’$’T` ‘ 33 appropriation for fish hatchery .. 964 for torpedo station, Nav . 801 agreement as 150 of Pemxsyl- Newport and Kings’ Valley gaélroad Com- Nm Ymycaxéngenan , ratified. . .. 333 ptggy, ht of h Su _ · g'l’8I1 I1 - ¤ppr0pr:atxon(l`yor Indian agent at .. .337, 991 dlADgR€S6!V':$lq¥)D Orggon dz In 663 ‘”‘?.€t{‘.§i"f...’$4I€’{‘ mm.·m betw Mau ”"””°"ppmp°’“”’ “"‘· ’ llllllols OED. G' D lj f f. . . . . . . . . town and New Utrecht .,, 748 Nehv naW‘;;1appe1·Or 0459 New Yorkpgty, ap tion for mmugbge distribu- _ ¤pN0prm% for salaries, assistant trees- tion . ’ ... 2 08, 1081 t»“'a“;;a,°4k;;‘4sa;: 1::: ::1::: :’£;3S"3 ”°?.‘§‘·€f1€”'r‘£at we

°!'F3g€S; expenses . 248,929 NewtoumCreek and Bay, N

or improvement of harbor 429 appropriation for improvement of . 436 degrlj expenses, anchorage of vessels, etc, 958 Ne; Indian Reservation, Idaho,` clmétéyappmpnmmfm repairs, Barge right of way through, to Spokane and Pa- _¤9 -- , .. : .. 160 louse Railway Company . 104 for emplcyees, assistant trees- 864 Nez Percés dgency, ````°` ... a ‘ {bond of geugd P _ to be on duty Nczppropr1?&x;Y,o:,Ind1an agent at ... 337, 990 every y m. . 186 appropriationfor fulfilling treatywith. .343,996