Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 26.djvu/1805

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1758 INDEX. Page. _ Pace. Washington, D. C , Watws, Charles C., _ ap}>ropriat1<>n for gun and mortar batteries 767 payment of Judgment of Court of Clzums or p0st·0Hice building. . .` ... . . 952 _ . ... . .. 534, 535 Washiriglon City, 1). 0.. Post-Ojfice, with uiterest . 535 acquisition of site authorized .. . . . . 174 Waters, Mmeral, condemnation proceeding if price be ex- duty on ... . .. 590 ceesive ... . . 413 on bottles, etc . ... 590 building to be fireproof; height . 414 Waters, Robert, _ _ appropriation for build.i% .. . . . . . 925 payment to a,dm1u1stra,trix .. . . . 1455 W¤¤5:iny¢qr•_H¤¢;·pi¢¤1fvr wmdiivys. watmmm Ammz, Mm.,

X:OPH3•tIOH O? : . . . .·. . . :. . . . . . . . . . .308,     for machines, atc_, manu-

W mmm. Judwwi Dw¢¢·w¢· mmm of gun cmmges ... was circuit and district courts to be held at for testing machines ____ _ ___________ 395,975 Same times and places, <>¤¤ ivry f¤r for mmm, ew . . .. 305 Wt]}.: 45 Ar8enal,N K,(Sec four d1v1810ns established .,.. 45 Gun Factor-y)_ b°u¤da-Ties · · · --··-··---·-----~- - ··-· 45 appropriation for improving 395 975 suits to be brought in division where de- Watki H ’ fendauts reside . . . ; 45 des @8* George t. f . 886 appointment of clerk and deputies ... 45 Wvatsclcujylzppmpna Km or Servlces '’'‘' terms at S kane Falls ,..,., 45 °Y‘• · ·* . . Walla {sua 45 deiicieuvcy approgiahoz for, Fox and . '`°`‘‘‘'‘‘‘‘''''‘‘‘ isconsiu 'vers cmmissiou . 538 ggttgia ... 355 Watsqn, John, Washington éii; '‘°‘'‘'‘'‘' "W%$u;i;>uMd;étb;‘ . 1169 ap priatiou orcareaud mainteuauce.397,976 * · . . . }:)r1$)II\iB0€H3»!160U.S expenses . . ...,. 976 paymmlt Qt .F|"°I:;h ;p°h“t'°” °l“"·g"tg99 90 for expenses, cables for elevator, etc. . . 976 W t W"". aw}- ° ·‘·‘‘‘*‘•·•·‘ * * 5 wasnmgum, 1m 0., “S""! t ti) W"' ·» 1 ap opriation for survey of harbor ... 462 Paymeu '‘‘‘‘‘‘'‘‘‘'‘‘‘ ‘ ‘'‘‘ = ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ 456

 Pbst Company, Wattle8’   h had I .

dciicieucyllgtppropriation for advertising paymena 9 . *`°§;_ 0€P° °” ° *0 904 ta.:... 512 . '°‘‘‘‘'‘···•······ wmmngum sound, Wm., Waukegan _- aggmpmucu mr uguuug ... L .278, 950 ¤p1>r<>1>¤¤¤¤¤ for mrpmvement of harbor. 483 W ingtem (Territory) Volunteers, Wax, deficiency appropriation for pay, etc ____ W, 894 du? OH {D3¤\1f8.0t\11‘Sl‘S of . . . l ... 601 Waste, on ree hst, vegetables and mmeral .. 610 duty on wooleu . .., . ... 595 W"?} L€”€"’; 011, not specially provided for ,________ 602 3Pp1‘0p}'18·¢10¤ fo1‘ . . ,... . . .208, 1081 on free mt, cotton . . ... cos Wm Indwwq, W Super stock . . 008 ¤vpr<>1}¤¤g;>¤ for pzymezt of _ trust 1003 ac axes, c., a up percap1_;su1 0 cz ns... duty on . ... 582 mimng leasee ratxied .. . . .. 1003 Watch Hill Cove, R. L, for trust·fuud mterest ... . . 360, 1014 appmggiiatiou for survey of ,. 463 _ fog school fund . 360, 1014 Watch 'nt, N K, W earking .{1p€xn·e1,etc.}_ appropriation for light station ...,..,,,,, 954 on ree is .in use o persons arriving in Watciwa, United States, proviso . . . . 611 duty on ... . ... 582 Weather Bureau (sec also Si al Service Water Dqpaytment, D. Q., appropriation for chief, sgexitific . appmpmuon for $@131*188,.8tC ... 309 ants, clerks, etc . . ... 1051 or revenue and mspectmn branch . 1077 for fue]. lights, and repairs . . 1051 for dxstrjbutxon branch 1077 for contin thexpenses ... 1052 ig ggngtmgeut expenses . 3103, for generalieegpeuses .. 1052 €!P€1f|B$ .. , A f division ¤§¤¤¤t or new mam 310 civimlg Tgdsgsgt 2§>rps £6`dé§é>i¤}é 989 for interest. etc., water stock bonds. .310, 1078 upon . 653 inqreaee of water supply .. 310, 1078 duties of chief .. . .. 653 . for frmd, increase of water su? 1078 force of bureau .. . .. 653 _ _ .. . ... . 10, d tail fr ... .. . . 48 m. 14th street mains to be paid for trassfer otméignalgervice men · gg? d 5 _ m 25 annual installments I . 1078 preference to skilled observemi . 654 e cmucy approprmtiou for contingent to be appropriated for with Department Water Igzrpglscs . ... 515, 871 of Agriculture. . ... 654 . · board to rt tr f connection of, 2010B Rio Grade between etcrélw. . . fl?. . 654 §§Iagle Pass, '1{ex., and Portirio Diaz, Weaver, Eliza (mother), Wamw agtlgmzed . ,., .. , 502 Wpebgmgi .. . .. 1427 _ _ , . ., H appro ngmon for improvement of; draw Ea ’ judgment ofC0urt¤to for §>u1;$§;¤df ~-··--. . . . ... gg Webggsaac N, 0 889 .. . .. waiters, Wuggment tl§>H'. l' ... 1456 uty on . . ... . . 590 payment of judgment of Court ot Claims to 536