FIFTY-SECOND CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 18. 1892. 9 Government Hospital for the Insane, current expenses: For support, mG;;¤L¤¤¤¤¤*= Umiincluding clothing and treatment in the hospital, of the diiferent classe cmeuizgiieuses. who under the law are entitled to admission and care, twenty-two thousand dollars. Telegraphing and purchase of Indian supplies: To pay the expense {;£_¤;;¤;¤S¤r1•1i¤¤- of purchasing goods and supplies for the Indian service, including rent ”°"'g' °t°' of warehouse and pay of necessary employees; advertising, at rates not exceeding regular commercial rates; inspection, and all other expenses connected therewith, including telegraphing, five thousand dollars. TREASURY DEPARTMENT. m£;==¤¤ry 1>¤1>¤r¢· Paper for checks and drafts, Independent Treasury: For paper for etf¤P°* M ¤l¤<¤¤k¤· interest, transfer, redemption, pension, and other checks and drafts for ` the use of the Treasurer of the United States, assistant treasurers, pension agents, disbursing officers, and others, seven thousand dollars. ronmc nunmmcs. Public b¤¤¤i¤z·· For custom—house and post-office at Eastport, Maine: For comple- Mmm Mntion of the building, nine thousand nine hundred and seventy-one dollars and seventy cents. Wnsrrnmroiv Cnr Posrr·0r·1¤1cE: For equipments, ilxtures, fur- W¤¤*=i¤z¤>¤ my- niture, and other articles necessary and convenient for the transaction E¤r¤¤¤¤¤t;°•;;¤-. wmof the business of the Washington, District of Columbia, post·office, for www °°' expenses of moving the Washington, District of Columbia, post-office from the present quarters to the new (temporary) structnue on G street between Sixth and Seventh streets northwest, in the city of Washington, District of Columbia, and for expenses of moving to said lastmentioned building any other branch or branches of the postal service or of the Post-Oiiice Department, and for equipments, fixtures, furniture, and other articles necessary and convenient for the transaction of the business thereof, the sum of ten thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be required. msrmor or commnm .,.£‘“"‘°‘ °‘ °°‘“”" Expenses of assessing real property, District of Columbia: For m%“°•¤*¤K¤*¤lP*°P- books, stationery, and other necessary expenses including labor and ` clerical services, from December first, eighteen hundred and ninety- one, required in the assessment of real property in the District of Columbia as provided for in the acts of March third, eighteen hundred Ig}- Q- P· and eighty-three, and March third, eighteen hundred and ninety-one,’P' ' six thousand dollars. Health Department: For the collection and removal of garbage six- §;$§,Q*P¤;*g}am;· teen thousand dollars, of which sum not more than eight thousand, dol- g g 8 ' lars shall be expended in payment of expenses heretofore incurred, and the balance shall be expended for said work during the remainder of _ the nscal year; and legal proceedings shall forthwith be instituted and mm;?;; °*` '*“*· fully prosecuted against the old contractor and his bondsmen under the ' contract for said work. For the Police Court: For one judge, three thousand dollars; one P¤1i¤¤•=¤¤r¤- deputy clerk, one thousand five hundred dollars; one bailih, at three dollars per day, nine hundred and forty-two dollars; one deputy marshal, at three dollars per day until and including March thirty-flrst next, and after said date all compensation for said deputy marshal Shall be paid from fees received by the marshal; compensation of jury, eight thousand dollars; witness fees, four thousand dollars; in all eighteen thousand and seventy dollars, one-half of the foregoing sums for the District of Columbia shall be paid from the revenue of the District of Columbia and one—half from any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated.