Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 28.djvu/1166

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1142 UNIVERSAL POSTAL CONVENTION-VIENNA. JULY 4, 1891. parvenir, le cas échéant, a 1’Ad- to the creditor Administration an ministration créditrice, une recon- acknowledgment of the sum due, 'naissance de la somme due, pour to be entered in the next table. etre portée au prochain tableau. XXXVII. XXXVII. Languc. Language. mma mguuge m 1.-Les feuilles d’avis, tableaux, 1.-The Letter-Bills, Tables, "° ““°d· relcvés et autres formules a Pusage Statements, and other Forms used des Administrations de l’Union by theAdministrationsotthe Union pour leurs relations réciproques in their reciprocal relations must, doivent, en regle générale, étre as a general rule, be drawn up in redigés cn languefraucaise,amoins _ the French language, unless the que les Administrations intéressées Administrations interested arrange n’en disposent autrement par une otherwise by direct agreement. entente directe. 2.-En ce qui concerne la cor- 2.-As regards official correrespondance de service, l’état de spondence, the present state of choses actuel est maintenu, sauf things is maintained, unless anantre arrangement a intervenir other arrangement should subseultérieurement et d’un oommun ac- quently be agreed upon by common cord entre les Administrations in- consent between the Administratéressées. tions interested. XXXVIII. XXXVIII. Ressort de l’Union. Jurisdiction of the Union. Jpnsaicmn or as Sont considérés comme appar- The following are considered as U‘“°“· temant a l’Union postale univer- belonging to the Universal Postal sel e: Union: icfgassitlcation or or- 1** les bureaux de poste alle- 1st. The German post offices es- _ ‘ mands établ1s Ia Apia (iles Samoa) tablished atApia (Samoan Islands) et a Shang-Hai (Chine) comme re- and at Shanghai (China) as suborlevattgt ((12 l{Administration des dinate to the Postal Administrapos s _ emagne· tion of Germany- 2f la prnncipaute de Liechten· 2nd. The prineipality of Liechstem, comme relevant de l’Admi- tenstein, as subordinate to the mstration des postes d’Autriche; Postal Administration of Austria; 3° l’Islande et les iles Féroe, 3d. Iceland and the Faroe comme faisant partie du Dane- Islands, as forming part of Denmar ; mark. 4** les possessions espagnoles de 4th. The Sh ` la cote septentrionale d’Airique, the North Cogggdi l£`(;ic?;?;ls)f1srm{ comme faisant partiegde l’Espagne; ing part of Spain; the Republic of la Repubhque du \· al d’Andorre, Andorra and the postal establishles établissements de poste de l’Es- ments of Spain on the West Coast pagne sur la cote occidentale du of Morocco, as subordinate to the Maroc, comme relevant de 1’Ad- Postal Administration of Spain ministrationdes postes espagnoles; ° _ 5** l’Algér1e, comme faisant par- 5th. Algeria, as forming part of tre de la France; la principauté de France; theprincipalityof Monaco Monaco et les bureaux de poste and the French post oillces estab; francais établxs a Tanger (Maroc), lished at Tangier (Morocco), ShangaShang-Hai(Ch1ne)etaZanz1bar, hai (China), and at Zanzibar as comme relevant de l’Administra subordinate to the Postal Admintion des postes de France; le Cam- istration of France; Cambodia Anbodge, l’Annam et le Tonkin, nam, and Tonquin, as assimilated comme assimiles, quant an service so far as regards the postal seri postal, a la colonic irancaise de vice, to the French Colon of Cochnichine. Cochinchina. Y