Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 28.djvu/1376

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1354 INDEX. - ~ p98B_ I e I _ Page.

 River-Contmued. Mzssvurz River-—C0ntmued. _

appropriation for reservoirs at head coustructnon of budge authorszed across, waters _______________ _ ___________ 357 at JOESTSOH City, M0 ...-..------- 80 damatG-u11Lako,Minn.;1audstaken, Lexington, M0 .. .. 120 etc ___________ _ ___________________ 357 Sioux City, Iowa .. r -- 45, 681

hanne1a.t Quincy, 111 __... 357 construction changed of bridge, Jefersurveyected between Quincy and SOD CKY, M0 --..------·--»» · ----- 601

Wgrggw, etc _____________________ 357 dam across, authorized in -._- -- 91 for improving, St. Paulto Minneapolis- 357 owner of bridge acrosq, at Swux City, from head of passes to mouth of IGWS. may P1`€S¤1’\b0 Wu ---------- 221 0150 _______________________ 357, 404, 947 time extended for bridge across, between from mouth of the Ohio to mouth of Kansas City and Sibley, Mo ... 45 the Missouri _... 404, 947 Sioux Cnty, Iowa .. 44 momma james ______________,_... 947 - Yankton, S. Dak - . , . 78 from mozth of the Missouri to Minb)4 947 Missouri gammzsswn, tc _ nga__________________,_____ , appropnn on or expenses, 0 ., 1m rov- Wusggv to Quincy _______._________ 947 ing Missouri River .. 358, 404, 947 Flint Crook to Iowa River .. 947 for improving Gasconade and Osage Bay City, Wis ..._..,.., 947 rivers 358 construction of bridge across, authorized Missouri River Power Company, . at Dubuque, Iowa ,.,,,.,. 119 may construct dam across Missouri River, Hastings, Minn ... . ... 97 Mont .. - . 91 Red Wing, Minn ,..____,,_..._,,__,___ 76 Missouria Indians, exmninatiou of, at Walnut Bend, Ark., to appropriation for fulfilling treaty with- - 294 prevent cutting through .. 582 purchase of lands from, etc .. 902 construction of dam, etc., author- Mitchell, John H., ized in Hsmc County, Ill _.. 38 paymentof Court of Claims judgment to- 472 gis main authorized across. at Minneapo- Mitchell, P. W, lis, Minn . 101 payment to, from Eastern Cherokee funds 1015 light vessel, South Pass, authorized .. 375 Mobelc, Ala.,

 examination of, at Baton apgmopriation for Hghtsiu ship channel- 375, 917

Rouge, La.,t0 be made 365 crunproveuwntof harbor .- 404,947 atQuincyBay,1]1 _ 365 of logs,ctc M3 time extended for constructing bridge remov of shosls, Mobile and Tombigscrum, at Burlington, Iowa ... 93 boo rivers 843 New Orleans, La .. 595 _ ¤urvoydi:oetod£m·widnningcbanno1,¤t¢:- 342 Mmhdmi Rwer Commission, Models of Inventions, ctc., appropriation for expenses, etc., improv- on free list _. 542 ing Mississippi River 357, 404, 947 Modoc Indians, for preventing cut into Saint Francis 1 appropriation for support, etc., of Kla- River, Ark ... 853 math Agency ... 302, 892 for ixlnxprovements at Greenville, Miss- - 357 Indian Territory -..-----.-------__ 303, 892 at ew Madrid, Mo .-..--.-- - 357 Modus Wvendi, atNewOr16ans,Ls ..-.-. 857 agreement with Russia for, concerning at Natchez and Vidalia --..-..--.-.. 357 fur·seal fisheries .-...--.------,--- 1202 at Memphis, Tenn ---.--..-.--,---.- 357 Moietien, at Hickman, Ky .-.. 357 appropriation for compensation in lieu at head of the Atcbafnlaia, La. ---... 857 of ..---...------.-----_-__-_ 390, 981 at mouth of Red River, a. ...--...- 857 deficiency appropriation for compensation to report on separating junction of Mis- in lieu of -.-.-----__,,_-__,_ _ _____ 17 I s1ssi§pi;1.'n;¢i‘7 nve§sii·Q2},};t .---. 858 Mokelumne Rivert, Cal., usiasi pi ou z · icia' appro riation or im r0vmg` ; drainage' additional counties attached to -.-- I -.-- 114 Ioanal to be (:1089;%, _____,___________ 359 eastern district established --.------ 114 Molasaee, terms, jurisdiction, etc ...-... 115 duty on coucroted and concentrated _____ 521 Missouri, ; from countries paying bounty .------. 521 dependent-pension law extended to State testing above 40°, lariscope ...--.--. 521 M_ qzki provisional mrlitm ...-..- V70 I M3l1;lf?:11ist, low gmdgo __________________ 542 uaourz wer, I iam, appropriation for lighting ...--------- 377, 918 g appr0priationforfu1fil11'ngtrea with- 293, 883 For improving from mouth to Sioux , Moller, Christian H1, ty City, Iowa . 358, 404, 947 { payment of Court of Claims judgment gg_ 431 Bf OEDRIQB, Nebr .. - . 358 { MUHCtGTy Confcrence, International, at Atphxsou, Kaus .. 358 Q delegates authorized for, on gold and at Sami: gooscpég, ctcblpgm § , silver, en; ----_-_,__________ _ _____ 962 upper, a ve IOHX . . . . " 9 appropriation or expgpggg ______________ 992 at Sioux City, Iowa -. 358,948 i Money, at Pierre, S.Dak ... 338 E use of gold and silver gg standard, de. Bt B1B¤1¤1’¢k -..»,-----.---.-·.-- 308 . 613196 to be the policy of the United between Great Falls and Stubbs , States __________ _ _________________ 4 Ferry, Mont . . 358 Q Money-Order System, for removing snags, etc ... 404 appropriation for gupm-jntgudmt, C19;-ks, preliminary examination of, to be made q eto_ ____ _ ___________________ _ ___ 199,801 opposite Sioux City, Iowa- - . .. 366 g for rent ___________ _ ________________ 20], 393 construction of bridge authorized across, Y Money Orders, Postal Service, at De Witt, M0 ... 573 { fees for issuing redmgd ____________ _ ____ 31