Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 28.djvu/333

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304 FIFTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 290. 1894. ¤¤¤f·¤‘¤i¤- California: For general incidental expenses of the Indian service, including traveling expenses of agents in California and support and civilization of Indians at the Bound`Valley, Hoopa Valley, and Tule River agencies, fourteen thousand dollars; and pay of employees, including one carpenter (for Hoopa Valley Agency), at same agencies, nine thousand dollars; in all, twenty-three thousand dollars. _ ctimas. Colorado: For general incidental expenses of the Indian service, including traveling expenses of agents, one thousand five hundred dollars. rmt num North Dakota: For general incidental expenses of the Indian service, including traveling expenses of agents at three agencies in North Dakota, one thousand five hundred dollars. _ · smh Dum South Dakota: For general incidental expenses of the Indian service, including traveling expenses of agents at even agencies in South Dakota, two thousand five hundred dollars, _ mam Idaho: For general incidental expenses of the Indian service in Idaho, including traveling expenses of agents, eight hundred dollars. Mmmm Montana: For general incidental expenses of the Indian service, including traveling expenses of agents, three thousand dollars. rms; Nevada: For general incidental expenses of the Indian service, . including traveling expenses of agents in Nevada and support and civilization of Indians located on the Piute, Walker River, and Pyramid Lake reservations and Piutes on the Western Shoshone Reservation, fourteen thousand dollars; and pay of employees at same agencies, five thousand dollars; in all, nineteen thousand dollars. 1¥¤v¤¤*•·•— New Mexico: For general incidental expenses of the Indian service, including traveling expenses of agents in New Mexico and support - and civilization of Indians at Pueblo Agency, three thousand five hundred dollars, and pay of employees at said agency, one thousand two hundred dollars; in all, four thousand seven hundred dollars. 0r•s¤¤· Oregon: For general incidental expenses of the Indian service, including traveling expenses of agents in Oregon and support and civilization of Indians at Grand Ronde and Siletz agencies, ten thousand dollars, and pay of employees at the same agencies, five thousand dollars; in all, fifteen thousand dollars. ma. Utah: For general incidental expenses of the Indian service, including traveling expenses of agents in Utah, support and civilization of Indians at Uintah Valley and Ouray agencies, three thousand dollars, and pay of employees at said agencies, five thousand dollars, at least one-half of this amount shall be expended for Indian employees; in _ all, eight thousand dollars. ‘ ‘ W¤N¤s¤>¤- Washington: For general incidental expenses of the Indian service, including traveling expenses of agents at seven agencies and the support and civilization of Indians at Colville and Puyallup agencies, and pay of employees, sixteen thousand dollars. · wpmstg. Wyoming: For general incidental expenses of the Indian service, including traveling expenses of agents, one thousand dollars. ‘ Mi·¢¤¤1¤¤·¤~¤¤· MISCELLANEOUS. Axim Plme =‘-¤¤¤¤>‘- For operating and repairing the flour mill at Pima Agency, Arizona ` one thousand five hundred dollars. ’ Mgntbend Agency. For pay of employees at substation, and saw and flour mills at the ‘ Flathead Agency, Montana, and for purchase of machinery and neces. muq sari2y repairs, three tnousand five hundred dollars. Sl1·¤¤h¤¤•¤ or t ie erection 0 a ilour and saw mill at Shoshone A enc W o- , "“°”°"‘”"` ming, and to purchase machinery therefor, five thousand dillarzt y g}j**£;*jg;8_ To enable the President to cause, under the provisions of the Act of February eighth, eighteen hundred and eighty-seven, entitled "An Act to provide for the allotment of lands in severalty to Indians " such Indian reservations as in his judgment are advantageous for agricultural and grazing purposes to be surveyed, or resurveyed, for the