Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 28.djvu/90

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FIFTYTHIRD CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 61. 1894. 6] DEFENSE IN INDIAN DEP1tE1>AT10N CLAIMS! For salaries and ,Ir·*i=¤¤ ·1¤v¤>·*¤¢i¤¤ expenses in defense of the Indian depredation claims, nine thousand ciititnyiéum. dollars. EXPENSES UNITED STATES COURTS. wQr¤;;_*¤·* S==·¤¢¤ FEES OF MAESHALS: For fees and expenses of marshals, United M¤¤¤*=¤¤¤`f—*¤¤— States courts, three hundred and fifty thousand dollars. FEES on Jnnoizsz For fees of jurors, United States courts, fifty J¤*°*¤` fm thousand dollars. FEES OF WITNESSES: For fees of witnesses, United States courts, Wi¤»·>¤¤·>¤’f¤·>¤- two hundred thousand dollars. DISTRICT ATTORNEYS! For tees of United States district attorney , Dimict ¤¤¤¤-¤s¤- one hundred and one thousand dollars. For special compensation to United States district attorneys, ten ,,,§}f°°*“‘ °°'“P°"”· thousand dollars. For regular assistants to United States district attorneys, twenty-one Regular mamma. thousand dollars. For special assistants to United States district attorneys, forty thou- Special =¤==¤i¤¤¤*¤· sand three hundred and forty dollars, ten thousand three hundred and forty dollars of which amount hall be available for deficiencies for the years eighteen hundred and ninety-two and eighteen hundred and ninety-three. · FEES OF GLEBKS: For fees of clerks, United States courts, one canes rm. hundred and sixteen thousand dollars. FEES OF COMMISSIONERS! For fees of commissioners, United States commissioners-ras. courts, one hundred and eightyseven thousand two hundred dollars. RENT OF COURT 1100MS: For rent of court rooms, United States nm. courts, forty-two thousand dollars. SUPPORT OF PRISONEBS: For support of United States prisoners, sappm-ttzprsstw-E including necessary clothing and medical aid and transportation to place of conviction, and including support of prisoners becoming insane duringimprisonment and continuing insane after expiration of sentence, who have no friends to whom they can be sent, two hundred and seventy-tive thousand dollars. PRINTING AND BINDING. mgrluting and bind- For printing and binding, including materials therefor, to be executed at the Government Printing Office, as follows: For the Department of State, five thousand dollars. sms nspsmusut. For the Department of the Treasury, sixty-one thousand dollars. ",QE,‘{"“" D'""' For the Department of Justice, one thousand dollars. _1>¤v¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ ··* ·'¤•· For the Supreme Court of the United State , two thousand dollars. °"§{;,,m..., cm;. SENATE. S•¤¤··¤·=~· For compensation of officers, messengers, and others in the service ¤¤¤·v¤¤s·<·•··· of the Senate, thirteen thousand dollars. For materials for folding, three thousand dollars. roms; mmm.. To enable the Secretary of the Senate to pay to Sarah B. Colquitt, 8***** B- °°"¤'“**· widow of the Honorable Alfred H. Colquitt, deceased, late a Senator from the State of Georgia, nve thousand dollars. CONGRESSIONAL DIRECTORY. w¤r;>¤s~¤-*¤¤?•l¤i¤• For expenses of compiling, preparing, and indexing the Congres- 1'1¤i¤·¤¤¢·· sional ])irectory for the second session of the Fifty-third Congress, to be expended under the direction of the Joint Committee on Printing, one thousand two hundred dollars.