1·-I APPENDIX—CONCURRENT RESOLUTIONS OF CONGRESS. PHYSICIANS, ETC., DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. MW 28·189°· Resolved by the House of Representatives (the Senate concurring), That physicists aps sm- the Committee on Enrolled Bills of the two Houses be authorized_ to §§{,'jj,;b§f“"‘°‘ °f correct the enrolled bill (H. R. 5731) entitled *‘An Act to regulate the Correction of w- practice of medicine and surgery, to license physicians and surgeons, "’“°d bm' and to punish persons violating the provisions thereof in the District of Columbia/’ by striking out in section three, lines one and two [first day of July, eighteen hundred and ninety-six] and inserting “ passage of this act " Also in section twelve, after the word “Co1umbia ", strike out [nor to medical students who have matriculated in any medical college in the District of Columbia prior to January eighteen hundred and ninety-six.] Passed the House of Representatives May 28, 1896. Passed the Senate May 28, 1896. STEAMBOAT INSPECTION. M¤y29, 1899. Resolved by the House ( the Senate concurring), That there be printed S.,,,,,,..m,,g 1,,. for the use of the Treasury Department, Steamboat Inspection Service,
- gg=°°*¤ °f¤**>¤·¤ '°¤· three hundred copies each of the proceedings of the Board of Super-
` Priutiugofxeportof vising Inspectors of Steam Vessels for the years eighteen hundred and B°‘"" °' °'°‘*· ninety live and eighteen hundred and ninety-six. Passed the House of Representatives April 4, 1896. Passed the Senate May 29, 1896. 1mcI1>R0oITY. Jim 5, ms. Resolved, by the House of Representatives (the Senate concurring), That
there be printed ten thousand copies each of the majority and minority
<¤>¤¤rp¢{¤i¤l¤r<>9ti¤¤- reports of the Committee on Wayrs a11d Means concerning reciprocity ,,,1Z{{,‘§§§,‘gZfo{§E$§f;T and commercial treaties, and also ten thousand copies of the hearings before the subcommittee of said Committee on Ways and Means on reciprocity and commercial treaties. Three thousand copies of said reports and hearin gs for the use of the Senate and seven thousand copies for the use of the House of Representatives. Passed the House of Representatives June 3, 1896. Passed the Senate June 5, 1896. UNION PACIFIC LAND GRANTS. June 19.1999. Resolved by the House of Representatives (the Senate concurring), That realm. to aww ger the Secretary of the Interior be, and he hereby is, authorized and §,*jgj,c°*;lji,§E;yU,j*;g;{ directed to resume work upon and to issue patents to the Union Paciiic pimy. Railway Company without delay to all lands which have been sold by said company to bona fide purchasers: Provided, That nothing herein contained shall be construed as waiving any right that the United States may have to declare a forfeiture as to the lands which have not been so sold by said company: Provided, That the words “bona iide purchasers " herein contained shall not be held to include the holders of lands secured by mortgages on such land grant. Passed the House of Representatives June 6, 1896. Passed the Senate June 10, 1896.