Fl FTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 252. 1896. 183 however, in any case to make the aggregate annual compensation of any field deputy in excess of twenty-tive hundred dollars nor more than three-fourths of the gross fees earned by such iield deputy. The marshal, immediately after making any appointment or appointments under this section, shall report the same to the Attorney·General, stating the ihcts as distinguished from conclusions constituting the reason for such appointment, and the Attorney—General may at any time cancel any such appointment as the public interest may require. The Held depu. d Double rm to held ties herein provided for of the districts of California, Colorado, Wash- sigdglfs m °°"°`° ington, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Nevada, Oregon, Wyoming, and Idaho shall, for the services they may perform during the fiscal year eighteen hundred and ninety-seven, receive double the fees allowed by law to like officers in other States for performing similar duties, but neither of them shall he allowed to receive of such fees any sum exceeding the aggregate compensation of such officer as provided herein. Sec. 12. That the marshal, when attending court at any place other E¤£¤;¤¤¤¤¤ll<>W·><*¤> than his official residence, and when engaged in the service or attempted mm a ' service of any process, writ, or subpoena, and when otherwise necessarily absent from his official residence on official business, shall be allowed his necessary expenses for lodging and subsistence, not exceeding four dollars per day and his actual necessary traveling expenses. He shall also be allowed the actual necessary expenses in transporting prisoners, including necessary guard hire. An account of such expenses shall be made out and paid as hereinafter provided. The marshal’s official resi- R¤¤i<l·=¤¤<+- dence shall be deemed to be at one of the places of holding court in the district, and the Attorney-General shall be authorized to tix and declare the place of such official residence. Sec. 13. That whenever in this Act an officer is allowed actual l¤XP°¤¤¤¤¤¢¤¤¤*¤· expenses the account therefor shall be made out quarterly, in accordance with rules and regulations prescribed by the Attorney-General. When made out the account shall be vcriiied on oath before an officer authorized to administer oaths. The expense accounts of the marshals and their office deputies and ac5j‘g£§¤”°f°¤P6¤S° the accounts of the field deputies shall be paid by the marshals; said ' accounts and the expense accounts of the district attorneys and their assistants when made out in accordance with this Act shall be submitted to and examined by the circuit court or district court of the district, and when approved by the court shall be audited and allowed as now provided by law. Each marshal shall make such returns of the earnings and expenses of his office as shall be required under rules and regulations prescribed by the Attorney-General: Provided, That no fgfjégisntiun fm otiice or field deputy shall receive compensation as bailiii', and no iield iiiaiien. deputy shall receive fees for representing the marshal in court. Sec. 14. That the necessary office expenses of the district attorneys tugfjj "‘jj{’;1*?;‘j’mfand marshals shall be allowed when authorized by the Attorney-`` General. SEQ. 15. That the district attorney of any judicial district, when the {:**1* °l"*°¤l”°l“· facts showing the necessity therefor are certified by the district judge °° ' to the Attorney General, may, with the approval of the Attorney- General, and no longer than such approval lasts, employ necessary clerical assistance at such salary or salaries as shall be from time to time iixed by the Attorney-General. _ Sec. 16. That all salaries provided by sections six to fifteen, inclu- m_§¤=m*;*°° P¤Y¤‘>l° sive, of this Act shall be paid monthly by the Department of Justice. ` Sec. 17 . That sections six to fifteen, inclusive, of this Act shall not €<·¤*¤· be so construed as to prevent or affect the amount or taxation of costs against the unsuccessful party in civil proceedings or against defendants convicted of crimes or misdemeanors. _ _ Sec. 18. That any officer whose compensation is iixed by sections six m;’g:;*”gqgB¤g3{°;8;;· to fifteen, inclusive, of this Act who shall directly or indirectly demand, em. ' receive, or accept any fee or compensation for the performance of any official service other than is herein provided, or shall willfully fail or