FlF'l‘Y·FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 373. 1896. 3]] under section two of the Act of July seventh, eighteen hundred and V¢l·”·1¤-2* eighty-four, as fully set forth in Senate Document Numbered Two hundred and seventy-four, Fifty-fourth Congress, fir t session, there i appropriated as follows: _ CLAIMS ALLOWED BY g§i1EAA{gLniEt1§orR FOR THE TREASURY g;¤,;,;;$;*,*g_;·g For enforcement of the Chinese exclusion Act, six hundred and C¤i¤¤·¤ ¤¤¤¤¤¤i·>¤- thirty- six dollars and thirty-tive cents. _ _ For Life·Saving Service, four hundred and one dollars and sixty-one L"°S""”¤S°"'*°°· cents. INTERNAL REVENUE: For salaries and expenses of collectors of r§:{g¤¤¤· intnmal revenue, three hundred and twenty-five dollars and iitty-six' cents. Fer salaries and expenses of agents and subordinate officers of inter- A¤°¤*·-°*°- nal revenue, three hundred and eleven dollars. For refunding taxes illegally collected, four thousand nine hundred B¤f¤¤di¤gt¤x¤¤. and sixtytlnree dollars an ninety cents. CLAIMS ALLOWED BY THE hAU§)TIT0R FOR THE WAR W(§',?‘§f,;,*,?,‘},,‘_j,f‘gf ‘°" DEPART E . For pay, and so forth, of the Army, nine hundred and eighty-two 1%:***- dollars and fifty-nine cents. y` For pay of two and three year volunteers, two thousand four hun- P·r·*·>l¤¤¢¤<¤r·¤ dred and seventy-nine dollars and ninety cents. For bounty to volunteers, their widows and legal heirs, three thousand B°‘“">'· '°""**·°°¤- five hundred and thirty-two dollars and fifty-one cents. For bounty under Act of July twenty-eighth, eighteen hundred and M‘““°"“] *’°¤¤¢s- sixty-six, six hundred and sixteen dollars and sixty-six cents. For subsistence of the Army, three hundred and thirteen dollars and S“"°*°“"'°°- seventy-two cents. For incidental expenses, Quartermastens Department, twenty-eight £¤¤*·;*¤¤¤¤*'¤¤¤- dollars and seventy cents. P °`°° ' For transportation of the Army and its supplies, five thousand four T’“““¥""'“‘“°“· hundred and ninety-three dollars and thirty-two cents. For barracks and quarters, one hundred and twenty-two dollars and , B“"·¤k¤ Md <n¤•r— twenty-two cents. °"` For Medical and Hospital Department, forty-eight dollars and thirty ¤¤¤i¤¤\U¤v¤r¤¤¤¤·¤- cents. For Signal Service of the Army, one hundred and ninety-two dollars S*8¤¤·* S•*"i¤·¤· and thirtyeiglit cents. For military telegraph lines, fifteen cents. T“"’¤"*¥’*'“· For horses and other property lost in the military service, four hun- H°“°*·°°°·· °‘***'“°· dred and seventy-four dollars and eighty-tive cents. hFor pay of volunteers, Mexican war, twenty-eight dollars and ninety- ,.f‘,$§T*°““ "" “’""" t ree cents. For pay, transportation, services, and supplies of Oregon and Wash- ,ng{j,§‘§},,::f°°”r;f’*‘ ington volunteers in eighteen hundred and fifty-five and eighteen hundred and fifty-six, one hundred and seventy-three dollars and twenty-six cents. comms Annownn BY rmi AUDITOR ron conn NAVY $¤·*¤·~· ·*··°**~*··* DEPA Rrnnnr. N "’ °°""°“"’“°‘ For pay of the Navy, seven thousand six hundred and ninety-seven §j“QT· dollars and sixty-nine cents. ` For pay, miscellaneous, fifty-two dollars and thirty-three cents. M**°°“=¤°°¤¤ For mileage, Navy, Graham decision, five thousand five hundred and www ·=¤¤i¤¤¤- dirty six dollars and ninety-four cents.