Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 29.djvu/390

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360 FIFTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. U1:. 398. 1896. I certify that the records of this office show that the total number of males on this reservation over eighteen years of age, according to last census, was eleven hundred and thirteen, of whom thirty are scouts in the United States service and permanently absent, leaving ten hundred and eighty-three. ALBERT L. Munn, Captain Eleventh Infantry, Acting Indian Agent. SAN Cmnos Aemvcr, Amz., February 25, 1896. SAN Cannes Aomtcr, Anrz. February 25, 1896. I certify that the records of this office show ten hundred and eighty- three male adult Indians over eighteen years of age now residing on this entire reservation, and that the foregoing agreement has been duly signed by a majority thereof Pnovmcn MoU0n1w10K, United States Indian Inspector. Therefore, Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United ,,,,j_{,{°°"'°“* °°"‘ States of America in Congress assembled, That said agreement be, and ` the same hereby ia, accepted, ratified, and confirmed. S¤¤¤y¤fl><>¤¤¤¤·r· The Secretary of the Interior shall cause the said boundary line (estimated length forty-five miles), as described in article three of the agreement quoted and made a part of this Act, to be surveyed, marked, and established, by permanent and durable monuments of stone, the same to be set at each mile andhalf-mile point and at the angles formed on said line, and set, marked, and witnessed in conformity with instructions to be furnished by said Secretary of the Interior relating thereto; the compensation tobe allowed for executing said survey not to exceed the sum of forty dollars per mile, including the monuments. Avvrvrrlntion. There is hereby appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, the sum of one thousand eight hundred dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary, to carry into effect the provisions of the preceding section, said amount to be immediately protest. available: Provided, however, That from the proceeds of the sale ot R¤imb¤r~¤¤¤¤¤r· the lands ceded by said agreement there shall first be deducted an amount sufficient to reimburse the United States for the expenditure authorized by this section. rmi.; open at min- That upon the tiling in the United States local land office for the °"" °“"*' °“"'· district in which the lands surrendered by article one of the foregoing agreement are situated, of the approved plat or survey authorized by this section, the lands so surrendered shall be open to occupation, location, and purchase under the provisions of the mineral-land laws only, rmem. subject to the several articles of the foregoing agreement: Provided, No <»q··¤p¤¤¤y prinr That the terms of this section shall not be construed to authorize occu·

  • ° °’°""'g‘ pancy of said lands for mining purposes prior to the date of filing

said approved plat of survey: Provided, however, That any person who ¥j:_··»¢`~·r·¤p;7•j $··__t<i*~· in good faith prior to the passage of this Act had discovered and °°` "`” ’ `° " opened, or located, a mine of coal or other mineral, shall have a pref erence right of purchase for ninety days from and after the official filing in the local land office of the approved plat of survey provided tor by this section. B..,,J,,,,,;,, ,y_ C;,,.!,, That the Secretary of the Interior is hereby directed to issue a patent h,{’:l:l•?{“:]*:,L¤¤°· ‘”<· in fee to Benjamin J. Clardy for all the land heretofore allotted to him ' in the Territory of Oklahoma, as a citizen Pottawatomie Indian, and all restrictions as to the sale, ineumbrance, or taxation of said land is hereby removed. Approved, June 10, 1896.