FIFTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 399. 1896. 361 CHAP. 399.-An Act Making appropriations for the naval service for the fiscal year J¤¤¤ 10, 1896- ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and ninety-seven, and for other purposes. V'; Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of Ameriea in Congress assembled, That the following sums be, N¤Y¤1¤¤rvi¤¤¤1>rr<» and they are hereby, appropriated, to be paid out of any money in the P“°h°°°` Treasury not otherwise appropriated, for the naval service of the Government for the year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and ninety- seven, and for other purposes: PAY OF THE NAVY. Pay of the Navy. For the pay of officers on sea duty; officers on shore and other- duty; officers on waiting orders; officers on the retired list; clerks to commandants of yards and stations; clerks to paymasters at yards and stations; general storekeepers; receiving ships and other vessels; extra pay to men reenlistin g under honorable discharge; interest on deposits by men; pay of petty officers, seamen, landsmen, and boys, including men in the engincers’ force and for the Coast Survey Service and Fish Commission, nine thousand two hundred and fifty men and seven hundred and fifty boys, at the pay prescribed by law; and the Secretary of the Navy is hereby authorized to. enlist at any time after the passage of this Act as many additional men as in his discretion he may deem necessary, not to exceed one thousand, eight million one hundred thousand eight hundred and seventythree dollars: Provided, That the Secretary Prvvicos. of the Navy be, and he is hereby, authorized to permit officers of the 0H§1§§s*‘;§},f,§&§QYbY Navy and the Marine Corps to make allotments from their pay, under such regulations as he may prescribe, for the support of their families or relatives, for their own savings, or for other proper purposes, during such time as they may be absent at sea, on distant duty, or under other circumstances warranting such action: Provided further, That all B¤;¤¤¤t of previous officers who have been or may be appointed to any corps of the Navy ;i,iK§°§i°°m°°r'"““ or to the Marine Corps after service in a different corps of the Navy or of the Marine Corps shall have all the benefits of their previous service in the same manner as if said appointments were a reentry into the Navy or into the Marine Corps: Provided further, That such surgeons Sirrzwus. in the Navy not inline of promotion as may have been appointed to that position in accordance with a special act of Congress for meritorious services during yellow fever epidemics shall have all the benefits of their previous service in the same manner as if said appointments _ were a reentry into the Navy: And prorided further, That hereafter no Payment forbidden payment shall be made from appropriations made by Congress to any £'§§,,§f,{§,f;{‘Pl°*'“'°" officer in the Navy or Marine Corps on the active or retired list while such officer is employed, after June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and ninety-seven, by any person or company furnishing naval supplies or war material to the Government; and such employment is hereby made m}:¤·Pl°>‘·¤¤¤¤f¤r*·i¢*· unlawful after said date. ' PAY, Mrscm.r.ANrcoUs. For commissions and interest; transportation of funds; exchange; m°°°“°¤°°¤¤· mileage to officers while traveling under orders in the United States, and for actual personal expenses of officers while traveling abroad under orders, and for traveling expenses of apothecarics, yeomen, and civilian employees, and for actual and necessary traveling expenses of naval cadets while proceeding from their homes to the Naval Academy for examination and appointment as cadets; for rent and furniture of buildings and offices not in navyyards; expenses of courts-martial, prisoners and prisons, and courts of inquiry, boards of inspection, examining boards, with clerks’ and witnesses’ tees, and traveling expenses and costs; stationery and recording; expenses of purchasingpaymasters’ offices of the various cities, including clerks, furniture, fuel, stationery, and incidental expenses; newspapers and advertising; foreign postage; telegraphing, foreign and domestic; telephones; copy-