Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 29.djvu/448

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4,18 FIFTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 420. 1896. thousand dollars, of the appropriation of twenty-two thousand dollars, V¤1·28.1>·91¤ made in the Act approved March second, eighteen hundred and ninety- five, for constructing a permanent tower at Devils Island Light and Fog~Signal Station, Wisconsin, be applied to the construction of a nwsmng. light-keeper’s dwelling at the said Devils Island Light and Fog-Signal Station. Y°"b" B“°“* C'"' Yerba Buena Light-House and Buoy Depot, California: For reestab- ) lishing the wharf at Yerba Buena Light-House and Buoy Depot, California, thirty thousand dollars. °°°¤ BW 0*8- Coos Bay post and range lights, Oregon: For establishing post and range lights at Coos Bay, Oregon, five hundred dollars. Fm s"°'°"'· °’°g‘ Fort Stevens Light and Fog-Signal Station, mouth of Columbia River, Oregon: To discontinue the Point Adams light and to reestablish it with a fog signal at or near the outer end of the wharf at Fort Stevens, · near the mouth of the Columbia River, Oregon, eleven thousand dollars. U"“"“‘R°°'·°'°g* Umatilla Beef Light—Ship, off the Straits of Fuca, Washington: For finishing the construction of, equipping, and outfifting a steam lightship, with steam fog signal to be established at or near Umatilla Reef, at the Flattery Rocks, olf the Straits of Fuca, Washington, thirty-seven thousand dollars. oiuwnsoa- Oil houses for light stations: For establishing isolated oil houses for mma the storage of mineral oil, five thou and dollars: Provided, That no oil °°"‘ house erected hereunder shall exceed ilve hundred dollars in cost. Fin 1¤1•¤<1. N- Y» Fire Island Light-Vessel, New York: For constructing, equipping, "'"L and outiitting, complete for service, a ilrst-class steam light-vessel with steam fog signal, iorty thousand dollars; and the total cost of said cunts. steam light-vessel, with a stem fogsignal, under a contract which is hereby authorized therefor, shall not exceed eighty thousand dollars. mmm sum, N. Diamond Shoal Light-Vessel, North Carolina: For- constructing, °·· “""· equipping, and outiitting, complete for service, a lirst-class steam lightvessel, with steam fog signal, the Secretary of the Treasury is hereby authorized to use not exceeding eighty thousand dollars of the unexpended balance of the appropriation of two hundred thousand dollars v01.zs,p.s4z. made by the sundry civil appropriation Act approved March second, eighteen hundred and eighty-nine, for the establishment of a lighthouse on Outer Diamond Shoal, off Cape Hatteras, North Carolina; and the remainder of such unexpended balance of appropriation, after paying outstanding bills thereunder, if any, shall be covered into the Treasury. sem Francisco. v¤L. San Francisco Harbor Light~Vessel: For constructing, equipping, and “’“°l‘ outtlttin g, complete for service, a iirst—class steam light-vessel with steam comm. fog signal, thrty thousand dollars; and the total cost of said steam lightvessel, with a steam fog-signal, under a contract which is hereby authorized therefor, shall not exceed eighty thousand dollars. rum, more an- Tender for the Second light—house district: For constructing, equip- ‘"°"· . ping, and outflttin g, complete for service, a new steam tender for buoyage, supply, and inspection in the Second light-house district, Massachusetts, comm. thirty-seven thousand five hundred dollars; and the total cost of said steam tender, under a contract which is hereby authorized therefor, shall not exwed seventy-tive thousand dollars. reuumstvtuetsnu Tender for the Seventh and Eighth light-house districts: For con- °*¤**°** '”°”"°*°· structing, equipping, and outfifting, complete for service, a new steam tender for buoyage, supply, and inspection in the Seventh and Eighth

  • f··¤*¤·=¤ light-house distric_ts, thirty-seven thousand five hundred dollars; and

the total cost of said team tender, under a contract which is hereby authorized therefor, shall not exceed seventy-five thousand dollars. usL]E:;house smb- LIGKT-110USE ESTABLISHMENT. S¤vv1i¤· SUPPLIES or LIGHT-nousmsz For supplying fog signals,1ight·houses, and other lights with illuminating, cleaning, preservative, and such other materials as may be required for annual consumption: for books, boats, and furniture for stations, and not exceeding three hundred dollars for the purchase of technical and professional books and periodicals