698 FIFTY-FOURTH CON GRESS. Sess. II. RES. 4, 5, T, 8. 1897. companies in said District permits to temporarily occupy additional parts of streets for the purpose of accommodating tlhe traylehnlg iéubhg
3¥.Ei‘2$3‘§J£? ¥»‘5Z}1§.iZ£‘ *i°£§€1‘§;‘§F. ‘éI.£{.?,E3?;°Li.E“§.1it.2“.§§iiZia
exceed the period of fifteen days, and shall be subject to conditions prescribed by said Commissioners. Approved, January 16, 1897. ·T¤¤¤·¤‘Y 2!·1897· [No. 5.] Joint Resolution Providing for the erection of a Government building U at the Tennessee Centennial Exposition. Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States ,f,°§",‘f,‘j,‘fj‘§,,,,,'ff’“*°“' of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the Treasury bG<>v¤r¤=¤¤¤= ¥>¤i1¤- be, and he is hereby, authorized to solicit proposals and to contract for E,,,,_ p_m_ the erection of the building for the Crovernment exhibit at the Tennessee Centennial Expos1tion, authorized by the Act of Congress approved December twenty-second, eighteen hundred and ninety-si x, without public advertisement. Approved, January 2L, 1897. January 30. 1897. .5Nq. 7.] Joint Resolution To authorize the Secretary of the Interior to use Fort m B' well for an Indian training school. _ Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States
- f°¤`;g§·fQr¤in_ of America in Congress assembled, That Fort Bidwell, an abandoned
asn Iohnol. militaryheservation, in Modoc County, California, together with all the E.?‘é,‘I.“a...4.'IL".£‘% HSE By??"? ““€ }"2i’.2°i°‘€°"‘“ €E°'§°“’ {‘“““i v e r men o n cr1or e ecre ary o the Interior is hereby authorized and empowered to, use the same for the purposes of an Indian training school. . Approved, January 30, 1897. Febrnnry 3.1897- [No. 8.] Joint Resolution Extending time for compliance by Eokington and Sol- ";"*"“"""" diere’ Home Railway Company and the Belt Railway Compan with provisions of section one of an Act entitled an Act to extend the routes of said railway companies, and so forth, approved June tenth, eighteen hundred and ninety-six. Dismcmfcuhmbhl Resolved the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States Tim, Bm,,,,,,,, ,0, of America m Congress assembled, That the time granted by the Act £·;m£»i»)m¤;;L h13e1I; ;ilppi·ov3r¥JEne tenth, eighteen hundred and ninety-six, within which ., · ",,, _ e said lc ington and Soldiers’ Home Railway Company of the Dis-
Tzizi? trict of Columbia, and the Belt Railway Company, of the; District of
Columbia, shall begin to equip those portions of their respective lines which are situated within the boundary of the city of Washington with com pressedair motors, be, and it is hereby, extended to July iirst, _ eighteen hundred and ninety-seven: ,33 f*],§§f"*’l’°‘ by Sec. 2. That if said compressed-air motors shall be adopted, said companies shall completely equip their respective lines with such motive _ power on or before July first, eighteen hundred and ninety-eight. pgs; gggagggsaé Sec. 3. That if said compressed-air motive power shall not be adopted Bdsgiitzlsn power use on lor before July iirlst, eighteen hundred and ninety-seven, then said P · rai way companies s all within one year from July iirst eighteen hun- Pmmwo dred and mnety-seven, ,equip the respective lines in lthd city of _Wash- Fm, ,,,,,»,,1,,,_,_ mgton wit an underground electric system: Provided, That in case the said companies shall fail to comply with all of the requirements of this Act by the time therein tired the said companies and each of them shall forfeit and pay to the Commissioners of the District of Columbia