Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 30.djvu/2031

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. INDEX. 2001 Tarq of 1897—Cou1:inued. Paragraph- P¤g¤- ‘ Tarijf of 1897-Continued. Pmzinph- Pov- ¤Pl(?€B‘CODt1DH6{1. sticks, pimontu wood ... . . 7 00 202 ginger root .. .. 667 201 still wines . . . 296 173 mace .. 667 201 stock, must3,;·d ____ _ ____ 1 __,,___,_ 287 173 glue,",,.,.,,,,,,,,, ,____ , 572 198 not spocmlly provndcd for- . 287 173 nursery or greenhouse .. 252 170 uutmegs .,,. , ,, ._,_,,,, ,,,. 667 201 paper,,- .- , .._,, , ,,.,.,___ 632‘ 200 pepper, stockings, hose, and half hose, black or wh1tc ... 667 201 cotton ____________ ___ 317, 313 179

rod ..,... 287 173 gtocks for shotguus .. . . . . 158 164

P11¤0¤1¤0 .·.- . . . . ... 667 201 stone gmge .. . 287 173 bni,ldiug .. . .. 117, 118 159 npgogclcisem .. . . . , . . . 122 159 burr . 116, 671 159, 201 9P1k6$· cliif .. - 671 201 cut . ... 160 164 frcestouo - - .. _ 117, us 159 yvgcught ... 163 164 {unite .. 117, 118 159 spnmts, imo . . .. . 117, 118 159 ascortmnmcut of proof of .. 290 173 monumental ,_______,_,__ 117, ug 159 distilled from grain . - . - 289 173 pumioo .,,, . ,,,.,,, 92 156 distilled, compounds of 291 173 rotten ,,,._,,____,_,_______ 67] 201 of nitrous other .. . 21 152 sand ,.,_,,,,,,,,,,,_, 117, 113 159 of turpcutiuc. . 688 202 tripoli ,...,,,,,_,,_,, _ ____ _ 67] 901 spirituous beverages ... 289-296 173-174 ware . . .. . . , 94, 95, 96 156 spirit vuruishos . . 53 154 stones, - splice-bars .. -- .. ... - 130 160 curbng 540 197* split poaso . , - . .. 250 170 Hint . - . 557 198 spongcs . ’ 82 155 rind .. . ... 119 159 manufactures of ,... . . - 82 155 gthogmphio ,...,, , _.,_ 601 199 spool thread, cotton . . 303 175 load .. . 603 199 sporting rifles - 157, 158 164 mill ... . . .. 116 159 sprats ... 258 171 precious and imitations of. - 435 192 sprigs - . . 164 164 what . . . . . - 574 198 spun silk .. . . 385 186 stops, art oducatioual 481 195 spunk - .. 668 201 stomx, or stynx . 672 201 spurs and stilts used in the stove plates - 148 163 manufacture of earthen- straw .. . ., . . . . 255 171 ware .. . . . . 669 201 braids .. . . - - .. - 409 189 stained glass- flax . .. 323 .180· articles 100 157 hats, bomnats, and hoods--- 409 189 windows .. .. .. 112 158 manufactures of ... 449 193 stamping of imported goods. . sec. 8 205 matting for iloors -..- - . 333 ‘ 180 stamps, , stretcher frames for umbrellas foreign postage or revenue- 670 201 and pamsols . .. 170 165 internal-revenue, for— strings for musical instrucigars .. soc. 10 206 ments . 453 193 liquors .. sec. 9 206 strip QMS'} .. . 128 160 standard samples of wool 352 . 182 strontm,minoml,carbonntc of. 673 201 starch .. . . . . . 285 173 oxide of .-. . ... 673 201 burned ,,,.,. . ...,. 286 173 strontiana protoxida of ... 673 201 statuary _._.,. . ..., , . 454 194 stronviauntoi .. - .. 673 201 _ for colleges, etc. . . ; 649 201 structural shapes of iron or stntuettos, chiuawsro . . . - 95 156 S100} -·--·-· · ·--·- - ·---· 125 159 gmvq 1,0];;, _____,,,,. . . ,.,... 200 167 studs .. . ... .. 414 190 stoves of wood . .. 202 168 strychnia or ntryohnine .. 83 155 stays, boiler. .. . . 152 163 stymx, ... . . . . .. ... . . 672 201 steel or iron (sca iron or snlmoewato of copper . 694 202 stool) ,_.,,,._,,,, 121-170, 193 159-165, 167 subgmuqgs, in all forms n. s. p. f 135 161 expkmvn ...------- ---- 422 191 . strip . . . . ,. 135 161 used for manure 569 198 substitutes for -.. .. 137 161 vegetable ...·-----··--· 617 199 steel trousers buttons .. 414 190 substitutesstoms, - for buttor .. 236 170 artificial . . . . . . . 425 191 for cheese. . . ... 237 170 as drugs ..-. . . 20, 548 152, 197 for coffee .. . ... 283 172 stereotype- for steel - - . 135 161 paper .,,, , ,,,,... - . 397 188 sugar- ' plums ,..,... . . ...- 166 165 boot, socd . - 656 201 storilizqd milk , ,,,, . . . . . - 239 170 box shocks .. . .. 204 168 nick lac . . . .. . ... 592 199 candy ---- --·-#- ----------- 212 168 sticky-- cane ..., . .. 210 168 for umbrellas, pamsols, and colored_ --·-.---.--··---··-- 212 168 sumhgdgg ,..,.. . . 462, 700 194, 202 confoohouory .. 212 168 for whigs, fishing rods, or draimngs .. 209 168 wal ing cane; , - . . - 700 202 glucose ... . 210 168 Mir wood . .· . . .- 700 202 grape . ...-· - -----.--------· 210 168 myrtle wood. ,.,,_,... . 700 202 maple . - . . . 210 168 orange wood ,,__, , _ ,,,. 700 202 of milk ,... . . . . 239 170 partridgo wood 700 202 saccharino .. . . ...- . 211 168 VOL xxx-126