Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 30.djvu/2032

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2002 INDEX. . Tae-61)* of 18.97——Ccntiuued. Paragraph- Page- Tarif of 1897-C ontiuucd. P¤r=~zr¤p1¤· P#»g¤· sugar—continued. tannin .. _ .. . .. 1 151 sw ings ___,,, , ,_,,. ,,_ , _ 209 168 tannin g, articles used for 482 19:3 tauolgmttoms .. . ... 209 168 tape needles . . . .. . . . . 165 16a tinctured .. . . . . 212 168 MLP08-— sulhd of zinc, white .. 57 154 of cotton .. . . . . 320 179 sulphate- of flux . 336 180 of alumina . 4 151 tapestry- __ of ammonia _________ _ , _ ____ 5 151 brussels carpet ... . . 376 180 of baryta or burytes ... 44, 46 153 velvet carpets . 375 185 gfggppgy ____ __,_,_,, __,__, 9 152 tapioca . . 677 202 of iron __ ,___.. , .,..., - 19 152 tal', gf fimg, 3;-tihcigl _____ _ , ___ _ 46 153 coal, dyes or colors . 15 152 gf magncgig, ___________,__ _ 31 153 coal, products . 15 152 of mgrphia, _ ____, _ ____, ,,,- 43 153 of W00d .. ..-. . 678 `202 of morphine . .. . . . . . . . - 43 153 ttftaf, __ gf Pgtggh ______ _ ___________ 644 200 cream of ... 6 1:»2 of quiuia, .,,_ ., .J ,,,.. - 647 201 011160. . · ··-·-·..--· ---· 6 151 of ggda, ______ _ ____ , _ ,, _ __ _ , 80 155 pail8D1E . . . . . 6 152 of zinc ..., ,,...,...,.. 57 154 tartars ..--·---- -·- --·--·---- 6 151 gulphidq- mrturic acid . 1 151 of arsenic .. . . . 479 195 tartrate of soda or potassa. 6 151 of zinc ,__,_ , ..,, , , -.-- 58 154 15888018. . .--... ... E- 371,389 185,187 sulphite of n.ntim0n_y, crude.- 476 195 tea .. . ·-..-.. 679 202 sulpho-riciuclcic and . . . . 32 . 153 plants . . . .. 679 202 sulphur, teams of immigrants . 474 195 crude .. - ... 674 201 tcazlcs . .. _ . . . . 256 171 lac or precipitated . -. -- 674 201 teeth . ... 680 202 not otherwise provided for- 674 202 preparations for .. . 70 155 crc ., . . ... - 674 201 telegraph and trolley poles. .- 196 167 reiincd 84 155 telescopes . .. 111 158 Bowers of . . .. . - 84 155 tame plates .. . . 132, 134, 140 160, 161, 162 sublimed . - - . . . .. L - 84 155 terrasulphuret of iron . . .. 674 201 alba .. . . . . . . . . . 681 202 nulphuric acid- . . .. .. 1, 675 151, 202 japonica. .. . . ... 682 202 ~ sulphuric ether .. 21 152 textile grasses ...,... 566 198 aumac, theatrical properties . · 645 200 extract of - . 22 152 therite .. . ... . . . . 183 166 ground . . . . 85 155 thread, sun n- cotton .. . . . . . 302, 303 175 binding twine . 491 196 iiax, hemp, or ramio . - . . 330 180 cables und. cordago 329 180 silk ... -.. . 385 185 uumanuihcturcd .. . W 198 waste . . . .. 362 183 sunshadcs . - - - . .. 462 194 threads of %oId, silver, or other sticks for .. . .. 462, 700 194, 202 mom s .. . ., 179 166 supercarbonato of soda .. 73 155 threshing machines .. . . . . 460 194 surface-coated papers 398 188 thrown silk .. . . . . 385 185 suspendcrs .. . . 320, 371 179, 185 thyme, oil of - . ... 626 200 swaged steel. -. .. 135 161 tidies 339 181 . sweaters. . . . . 319 179 ties, cotton .. .. .. 129 160 sweepings of silver or gold., - 629 200 ti hts .. . · 319 179 swoctmeats .. . . . . 263 171 tiigs, swine .. ... ... 219 169 plain and ornamouted .. 88 155 sword blades . . . - . 154 163 marble paving ..., . . . . . 114 158 swords . .. -.. 154 163 onyx paving ... - . . . 114 158 T mils .. . 130 160 timber, table- hewn' . . . . ,, . . . ...,, 194 167 covers ... -- . .. . 316 179 sided . ,..., 194 167 damusk .. . . . - .. 321 179 squared ...,,,, _ , ,,,___ 194 167 knives and forks ... 155 , 164 round, fofspars, or in baudtables, slate slabs for 120 159 ing wharvcs . . .,... 194 167 tacks, cut . . . . 164 164 tin, bl k ta · ers- bam oc s i or aiu or iran or steel ... 134 160 £rnnulJt£dg?1--g ,,,,, 683 202 tin _ _ , ,,,,, , ,,,,.,,,. 132, 134 160 blac oxide of _..,____ _ _,__ 683 202 mailers'- ‘ . mggcn ...,,,,_, ,_, ____ 134 160 Chalk ..-... 13 152 ore, cassitcrite or black irons .- - . . - 148 163 oxide .. . . ...,.. 683 202 tallcw- - ... - - 279 172 plate ,,,,,,,.,_,, , _ _,____ _ 134, 149 159, 152 tamarinds .. - - . . - 676 202 plates , ,...,,,,_,,,,,,_ 132 160 tambqured articles. 312, 339, 390 178, 181, 187 manufactures of . .. 140 162 Tampico fiber, tiuctnre of opium -.-. 43 153 binding twine . . . . . 491 196 |;ins°]1yim_ ____ __ __________ __ 179 166 cables and cordage . 329 180 tipsuumanu factured ... 566 198 fm- pguhqldgm ,____,___ __ _ _ 187 153 tank bottoms .. . - - -. . 209 168 lava, for hung;-g ____ , _,____ QQ 153 ` tanned and uessed calfsking. 438 192 tirgg _,________ _ ____________ __ 171 165 tannin acid . . . . . . 1 151 bicycle, linings for . 320 179