Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 31.djvu/1495

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FIFTY—SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 86%. 1901. 1443 States Government building shall be provided for the purpose of said d,§;Q§f_‘Q;"°"‘* ""““’· exhibit; and to secure a complete and harmonious arrangement of such " Government exhibit a board, to be known as the United States Government board, shall be created, independent of the commission hereinbefore provided, to be charged with the selection, purchase, vreparation, transportation, arrangement, installation, safe—i\eepin , exhibition, and return of such articles and material as the heads of Sie several Executive Departments, the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution, the Commissioner of Fish and Fisheries, the Commissioner of Labor, and the Director of the Bureau of the American Republics may, respectively, decide shall be embraced in said Government exhibit. The President may also designate additional articles for exhibition. Such board shall be composed of one person to be named by the head of each Executive Department, one by the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institut-ion, one by the Commissioner of Fish and Fisheries, one by the Commissioner of Labor, and one by the Director of the Bureau of American Republics. The President shall name one of said persons so detailed as chairman, and the board itself shall appoint its secretary, disbursing officer, and such other officers as it may deem necessary. The members of said board of management, with other officers and employees of the Government who may be detailed to assist them, including officers of the Army and Navy, shall receive no compensation in addition to their regular salaries, but they shall be allowed their actual and necessary traveling ex enses, together with a per diem in lieu of subsistence, to be iixed by the Secretary of the Treasury, while necessarily absent from their homes engaged upon the business of the board. Officers of the Army and Navy shall receive this allowance in lieu of _ the trans ortation and mileage now allowed by law. Any provision mg$§“;ln,§Q\.§é;"§§§}g of law which may prohibit the detail of persons in the employ of the w<>hibit¢~i- ` United States to other service than that which they customarily perform shall not apply to persons detailed for duty in connection with the said Louisiana Purchase Exposition. Employees of the board not other- E¤¤p1<>>‘¤<·S¤f¤<>¤rdwise emxployed by the Government shall be entitled to such compensation as the board may determine. The disbursing officer shall give bond in the sum of thirty thousand dollars for the faithful performance of his duties, said bond to be approved by the Secretary of the Treasury. The Secretary of the Treasury shall advance to said officer from time to time, under such regulations as the Secretary of the Treasury may prescribe, a sum of money from the appropriation hereafter to be made for the Government exhibit, not excee ing at any one time the penalty of his bond, to enable him to pay the expenses of exhibit as authorized by the board of management herein created. Sec. 15. That the Secretary of the Treasury is hereby authorized I§i§;§¤vi¤s Station and directed to place on exhibition, in connection with the exhibit of ex I I" his Department, upon such grounds as shall be allotted for the purpose, one of the life-saving stations authorized to be constructed on the coast of the United States by existing law, and to cause the same to be fully e uipped with all apparatus, furniture, and appliances now in use in all illife-saving stations in the United States. Sec. 16. That the Secretary of the Treasury shall cause a suitable ,,,gf"'°"‘“‘“" b““d‘ building or buildings to be erected on the site selected for the Louisiana Purchase Exposition for the Government exhibits, as provided in this Act, and he is hereb authorized and directed to contract therefor in the same manner and, under the same regulations as for other public buildings of the United States; but the contracts for said building or ——1imit¤f cost. buildings shall not exceed the sum of two hundred and fifty thousand dollars, which sum, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is hereby appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated,to defray the expense of erecting said Government building or buildings hereby authorized. The Secretary of the Treasury shall