Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 31.djvu/1512

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1460 FIFTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. RES. 4, 5. 1901. -1m111&YY1*r 1901- [No. -1.] Joint Resolution Authorizing the appointment of Charles A. Boutelle W as a captain on the retired list of the Navy. _ Resolved by the Senate and House of Re resentatlves of the United iiiiilliiisriiiéiiigiifgggi States of America in Congress assembled, That the President of the

  • i_I¤;gygup;E;§;$iSt¤f United States be, and he IS hereby, authorized to nominate and, by

‘and with the advice and consent of the Senate, to appoint- upon the retired list of the Navy, with the rank of captain, Charles A. Boutelle, formerly a volunteer lieutenant on the active list of the Navy. Approved, January 14, 1901. ·l"·“11*“Y22· 1901- [No. 5.] Joint Resolution Authorizing the Secretary of, War to grant permits to the executive committee on inaugural ceremonies for use of reservations or public spaces in the city of Washington on the occasion of the inauguration of the Presidentelect, on March fourth, nineteen hundred and one, and so forth. Resolved by the Senate and House of Re resentattves of the United Qfgacggfrggbjjgbfi Stlates of Amfréea gt Congress assembled, ggat the Secretary of Waii President-elect. is ere y authorize to grant permits to the committee on inaugura ,,,§,'§{f,”}ES(§‘§{,,,‘§€‘2,,§’£; ceremonies for the use of any reservations or other public spaces in ¤“*1¤°’1Z°*1- the city of 1Washing’plon fon tlgedoccasion ofhthe inaugurlation of the President-e ect, on the ourt ay of Marc , nineteen- undred an one, which, in his opinion, will inflict no serious or permanent injuries Etggéiggg {gg; of upon such reservations or public spaces or statuary thereon; and the `Commissioners of the District of Columbia may designate, for such and other purposes on the occasion aforesaid, such streets, avenues, and sidewalks in said city, of Washington as they may deem proper gpglglggih t _ and necessary: Provided, however, That all stands or platforms t at pgrvision Olj 53 `u` may be erected on the public spaces aforesaid shall be under the supervision of the said inaugural committee and in accordance with plans ’ and designs to be approved by the Architect of the Capitol, the commissioner of pulgig liuildings and grounds, and the building inspector of the District o o umbia. — l ,,,}.1§§,,,‘§,,,Q’,‘{§},‘},‘]°°°’S Sec. 2. ’I`hat the Commissioners oflthe District of Columbia are hereby authorized to permit the committee on illumination of the citizens’ maugural committee for the inaugural ceremonies, March, nineteen hundred and one, to stretch suitable overhead conductors, with sufficient supports, wherever necessary and in the nearest prac- _ ticable connection with the present supply of light, for the purpose of __{;',§§’§S§f·,,m€_ . effecting the said illumination: Prov' ed, That the said con uctors shall not be used for the conveying of electrical currents after March sixth, nineteen hundred and one, and shall, with their supports, be fully and entirely removed from the streets and avenues of the said _ city of Washington on or before March fifteenth, nineteen hundred “"’m°"“1°EW”"S‘ and one: Provided J%l7"bh€7‘, That the stretching and removing of the said wires shall be under the supervision of the Commissioners of the District of Columbia, who shall see that the provisions of this resolution are enforced, that all needful precautions are taken for the protection of the public, and that the pavement of any street, avenue, or alley disturbed is replaced in as good condition as before entering upon §g€£Xg$gfS€1°U¤**€d the work herein authorized: rovided further, That no expense or ` damage on account of or due to the stretching, operation, or removing of the said temporary overhead conductors shall be incurred by the

)Q1Q,u§,;‘1€’g'°“¤*1 United States or the District of Columbia
})01ovidedfurt}zer, That

for the puréposes of this Act the construction of additional underl _ _ ground con uits is specifically (prohibited. _ p,’;,};§§,§g§§)§gQ,_ 101 Sec. 3. That gen étlhousand ollars, or als mrluch thereoftastlmay be necessar , aya e om an mone in the reasur no o erwise appropriatdjd and from theyievenugrs of the Districtyof Columbia in