Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 31.djvu/1879

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TREATY—+MEXICO. FEBRUARY 22, 1899. l$·i27 dered him, which may, if it thinks conveniente la presentacién de proper, require the production prueba instrumental de la acusaof documentary evidence of the Cl6l1·C0l1fO1‘1llBEilO preceptuado en charge conformably to the pre- el articulo VIII de este Tratado. scription of article VIII hereof. _ ARTICLE XIV AR·rioULo XIV. The expense of the arrest, deten- - Los gastos de la aprehensién, E>¤v¤¤¤¤¤· tion, and trans ortation of the per- detencion y trasporte de la person claimed shall be paid by the sona reclamada se pagaran por el government in whose name the Gobierno en cuyo nombre se haya requisition has been made. hecho el pedimento de extradicién. ARTICLE XV. ARrioULo XV. All articles found in the posses- Todos los objetos encontrados { Disposal of articles sion of the accused party and en poder del acusado ’y obtenidos p(i;suon,with mused Obtained through the commission or medio de la comision del acto of the act with which he is charged, ge que se le acusa, 6`que puedan or that may be used as evidence servir de prueba del delito por el of the crime or offense for which cual se pide su extradicién, seran his extradition is demanded, shall secuestrados 'y entregados con su be seized if the competent author- persona si 881 lo ordena la autoriity shall so order, and shall be sur- dad competente. rendered with his erson. · . The rights of third parties to Sin embargo, se respetaran los the articles so found shall never- derechos de tercero respecto de theless be respected. estos objetos. ARTICLE XVI. AR·rioULo XVI. Aperson surrendered to or deliv- La persona entregada poralguna Transit qi accused ered up by either of the contract- de las Partes Contrantes, en virtud ?§{§°§Sp§${§{*§{§{ °‘ “ ing parties by virtue of a conven- de un tratado de extradicion po1· tion of extradition with a third una tercera Naci6n y que no sea party and not being a citizen of the ciudadano del pais por donde trancountry of transit, may be con- site puede ser llevado de transito veyed in transit across the tcrri- a través del territorio de la otra tory of the other, if the convenient Parte Contratante, si e1 camino course of travel from or to the mas conveniente ara entrar al country to which he has been sur- pais al cual ha sigo entregado 6 rendered shall lie in whole or part para salir de él, esta en to o 6 en within such territory. parte dentro de dicho territorio. The contracting party deliverin La Parte Contratante, que entreup or receiving such surrendered gue 6 reciba al individuo reclamaperson shall make application for do, pediré. permiso para tal objeto such purpose to the government al Gobiernodel pais por el cual `se of the country throu h which desea el transito, presentando, en transit is desired, producing in apoyo de esta petici6n, una copia support of such application a duly debidamente autorizada del manattested copy of the warrant of damiento de entrega, expedida por surrender issued by the govern- el Gobierno que concede la extradiment granting the extradition; ci6n, después de lo cual, la correand, thereupon, the proper execu— spondiente autoridad del pais cuyo tive authority of the country whose territorio se debe atravesar, exterritory is to be so traversed may pedira un mandamiento autoriissue a warrant permitting the zando el transito de la persona entransit of the surrendered person tregada. El transito debera tertrausported. Suchtransitmust be minarse dentro de treinta dias,