Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 31.djvu/924

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872 FIFTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 676. 1901. and a supervisor aplpointed by the Secretary, and under Creek laws, subject to such mo ifications as the Secretary of the Interior ma deem neceslsjmry to {nake the schools most effective and to produce tile best possi e resu ts. m§c‘§l{§°¤**°¤¤ °f All teachers Shall be examined by or under direction of said super- ' intendent and supervisor, and competent teaehers and other persons to be en ged in and about the schools with good moral character only shall it employed, but where all qualifications are equal preference shall be given to citizens in such employment. Expenses. All moneys for running the schools· shall be appropriated by the Creek national council, not exceeding the amount of) the Creek school fund, seventy-six thousand four hundred and sixty-eight dollars and forty cents; but if it fail or refuse to make the necessary appropriations the Secretary of the Interior may direct the use of a sufficient amount of the school funds to pay all expenses necessary to the eflicient conduct of the schools, strict account thereof to be rendered to him and to the principal chief. A°°°“°“’· All accounts for expenditures in running the schools shall be examined and aplproved by said superintendent and. supervisor, and also by the genera superintendent of Indian schools, in Indian Territory, before payment thereof is made. Appeal. If the superintendent and supervisor fail to agree upon an matter under their direction or control, it shall be decided by saidy general Superintendent, subject to appeal to the Secretary of the Interior; but his decision shall govern unt1 reversed by the Secretary. 1Q,‘§{f°3’,§j‘,§;§S§§é_ 4,,,, 41. The Jprovisions of section thirteen of the Act of Congress 504- approved une twenty-eighth, eighteen hundred and ninety-e1rg;ht, entitled "An Act for the protection of the people of the Indian erritory, and for other purposes," Shall not apply to or in any manner aifect the lands or other property of said tribe, or be in force in the Creek Nation, and no Act of (Jongress or treaty provision inconsistent with this agreement shall be in force in said nation, except section fourteen of said last-mentioned Act, which shall continue in force as if this agreement had not been made. etgritgagevgdiuétggii 42. No_ act, ordinance, or resolution of the national council of the by fue meuagzll. Creek Nation in any manner affecting the lands of the tribe, or of individuals after allotment, or the moneys or other propert of the tribe, or of the citizens thereof, except appropriations for tile necessary incidental and salaried expenses of the Creek government as herein limited, shall be of any va idity until approved by the President gt of the United States. When any such act, ordinance, or resolution- ‘“ shall be ssed by said council an approved by the lprincipal chief, a true andpzorrect co y thereof, duly certified, shal be immediately transmitted to the Tresident, who shall, within thirty days after received by him, approve or disapprove the same. If disapproved, it Shall be so indorse and returne to the princi?l chief; if approved, the approval shall be indorsed thereon, and it s all be published in at keast two newspapers having a bona iide circulation in the Creek 'ation. . ` itgg1¤¤¤¤i¤¤¤*¤ P*°hib· 43. The United States agrees to maintain strict laws in said nation ` against the introduction, sale, barter, or giving away of liquors or intoxicants of any kind whatsoever. Existing matics 44. This agreement Shall in no wise affect the provisions of existing “"°"°°” ‘ treaties between the United States and said tr1be except so far as inconsisligngl therewith. if h f Addiviqnal www 45. A t in S necessar to carrying into e act the rovisions o S°°"°m’ °f ¥gim°r' this agreemeng pot otherxvise herein ipecifically provid,ed for, shall be done under authority and direction o the Secretary of the Interior. D¤r¤I¤;;;<;¤;1t¤f tim! 46. The tribal government of the Creek Nation shall not continue °°v°longer than March fourth, nineteen hundred and Six, subject to such further legislation as Congress may deem proper. ‘