Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 32 Part 1.djvu/512

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446 FIFTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 1301. 1902. the United States Life—Saving Service, at a cost of not to exceed the sum of eight thousand dollars, the said exposition company to furnish suitable water facilities for exhibition dril s with the beach apparatus and boats used in said Life—Saving Service, and the sum of eight thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary for the erection of said building and making of said exhibit, is hereby appropriated for said urpose. mg°"°’“m°”* l’““"‘ F og the erection of a suitable Government building for said Governlddiuouslnmcuut ment exhibit at the Louisiana Purchase Exposition, in addition to the amount heretofore appro riated for said purpose, two hundred thousand dollars: said sum to Ee immediately available and to be expended V°l'm’ P` lm in accordance with the provisions of an Act entitled "An Act to provide for celebrating the one hundredth anniversa of the purchase of the Louisiana territory by the United States by hod ng an international exhibition of arts, industries, manufactures, and the products of the soil, mine, forest, and sea in the city of Saint Louis, in the State of

 ’°":”.°`_;f 8 m d_ Missouri," aplproved March third, nineteen hundred and one: Prosusm. pp P vided, That the said agpropriations herein made under the heading of

"Louisiana Purchase xp0sition" shall be in full for all and every expense relating to the co lection, installation, safe—keeping, and maintenance of the entire Government exhibit in said exposition, and for the safe return of all of said Government exhibit, and no claim against the United States shall be created or made in addition thereto, and there shall be no deficiency under said a pro riation or any part of it: e,€‘“*“ °‘ °°‘“°““°"· And further, That sections eiglili and twelve of an Act entitled "An Act to provide for celebrating the one hundredth anniversary of the purchase of the Louisiana Territory by the United States by holding an international exhibition of arts, industries, manufactures, and the products of the soil, mine, forest, and sea in the city of Saint Louis, in the State of Missouri," approved March third, nineteen hundred and one, be, and the same are hereby, amended so as to read as o ows: ]$€°fi°°3°{f°°i,_ 144], “Sec. 8. That said commission shall provide for the dedication of '*'“°“d°"· the buildings of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition, in said citv of Saint Louis, not later than the thirtieth day of April, nineteen hundred §’,(,’;`£‘*Ij;f·m6 mu and three, with appropriate ceremonies, and thereafter said exposition ” shall be opened to visitors at such time as may be designated by said company, subject to the a.pproval of said commission, not later than °l°”“‘*· the nrst day of May, nineteen hundred and four, and shall be closed at such time as the national comrnissionmay determine, sub`ect to the approwpal of said company, but not later than the first day of] December t erea ter. c(,'f,,‘j,§`§,§‘,,‘{"'°" "’ *“ Sec. 12. That the national commission hercb authorized shall P*¤vf~··•>~· cease to exist on the first day of July, nineteen hundred and five: Pro- ,,§;`f,§§,§Q,{°*° "°““'” vided, That upon the approval of this Act the Secretary of the Treasury shall cause to be coined at the mints of the United States two hundred and fifty thousand gold dollars of legal weight and fineness, to be known as the Louisiana Ex sition gold dollar, struck in commemoration of said exposition. The exact words, devices, and designs upon said gold dollars shall be determined and prescribed by the Secretary of the Treasury, and all provisions of law relative to the coinage and legal~tender quality of a l other gold coin shall be applicable to the com issued under· and in accordance with the provisions mffgggyufggg W of this Act. And in payment of so much of the five million dollars vol,. s1, p. 1444.. appropriated by said Act of March third, nineteen hundred and one, to aid in carryin forward said Louisiana Pur·chase Ex sition, the Secretary of thegfreasury shall pay said two hundred andmfifty thousand gold dollars so coined as aforesaid to the said Louisiana Purchase Exposition Company, subject to all the provisions of said Act, except that payment of said gold dollars may be made at any time upon the